So Madam Hooktard Nicollette is Pissed. Breaking News..

TryWeakly's Avatar
How can I "move past" trolling when there isn't any trolling ?

(akin to one political party accusing the other political party of "collusion"). ....
LexusLover's Avatar

Now where is that "line" ... ??? You're threatening me, right? Originally Posted by LexusLover
How can I "move past" trolling when there isn't any trolling ?

(akin to one political party accusing the other political party of "collusion"). .... Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Or .... crossing a line that doesn't exist?

(Didn't we just finish 8 years of that shit? Fake Lines?)
TryWeakly's Avatar
^^LL, at some point, your continued pursuit of this topic-and your continued restatement of your perspective on it-is going to cross the line.

.... Originally Posted by pxmcc

At some point, you will realize how much of a fucktard you are by STARTING THE TOPIC in the first place, amiga.

these come to mind .... for some reason..

"you make your bed, you lay in it"

"don't cry over spilled milk"
  • pxmcc
  • 12-24-2017, 07:56 PM
^^TW, you're good with me. it's LL who's bouncing up and down on a rickety bridge..
  • pxmcc
  • 12-24-2017, 07:59 PM
Are you trying to deflect from your "line crossing"?

And whose line are you addressing? Yours?

You're beginning to believe your own bullshit! That's not good!

You're the dumbass that was bragging about how well you knew Nicolette AND DIDN'T EVEN KNOW SHE WAS A VERIFIED PROVIDER!!!

And you'r the dumbass who announced you were a "Law Professor" to support your legal opinion on what?! HERE IT IS:

I can understand why you strain the truth to discredit anyone pointing out what a loser you are....not to mention Mr. Exaggeration!!!!

When you toss out your credentials they become an issue. When you brag about your personal knowledge of a provider, your REALITY BECOMES AN ISSUE. Your response: Attack the Critic!

Sound familiar, Mr. Main Stream Media!!!!

Now where is that "line" ... ??? You're threatening me, right? Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL, you're a smart man. you understand exactly what I'm saying. Just don't say i didn't warn you. Sure you can mow down Cendell M and Curvy Katie cause ur all that; why don't you mow me down while you're at it, and see what that gets you, friend. oh ya, and while you're at it, keep on trollin. i prefer a corn-fed dossier for my memorandum of law...
LexusLover's Avatar
LL, you're a smart man. you understand exactly what I'm saying. Just don't say i didn't warn you. Sure you can mow down Cendell M and Curvy Katie cause ur all that; why don't you mow me down while you're at it, and see what that gets you, friend. oh ya, and while you're at it, keep on trollin. i prefer a corn-fed dossier for my memorandum of law... Originally Posted by pxmcc
You defectively over-estimate yourself, but that's the internet.

But thanks for the "heads up" on your proclivity to create a "dossier" on other hobbyists who take issue with your bullshit ... that explains some of the inquiries you've made and your "offers" of assistance with "providers" you appear to pimp!

Since CM and CK are not "my type" (looks and personality) you go ahead an enjoy them with your reduced rate you get for WKing for them to protect them from the "evil" LL who they have repeatedly "assaulted" on here without provocation directed at them from me!

If you think your lame efforts "cuts me off" from any quality "pussy," you have deluded yourself beyond repair. You and WTF make a great team ...!!! Just sorry at "cock blocking"!

I just love it when you pipsqueaks threaten me!

(FYI: You do realize there are posters on here who know me and have met me personally, even back in the ASPD days, don't you, and there is not one provider I've met who doesn't know who and I am and what I do for a living! They vet, and unlike you I'm honest with them.)

BTW: You talk too much. It's going to get providers busted.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Narcissist or gaslighter?
LexusLover's Avatar
Or .... crossing a line that doesn't exist?

(Didn't we just finish 8 years of that shit? Fake Lines?) Originally Posted by LexusLover
The crazy North Korean has made clown man produce several fake lines. According to Trumbo's rhetoric his N Korean counterpart should have been bombed by now.
LexusLover's Avatar
The crazy North Korean has made clown man produce several fake lines. According to Trumbo's rhetoric his N Korean counterpart should have been bombed by now. Originally Posted by ilikefun
I've been watching for "lines" pretty close and have not seen them as lines, although there has been rhetoric regarding efforts to increase sanctions, which have been consistently increased to compel an adjustment of behavior. In my opinion that's follow up.

"We" don't know what substantive discussions have occurred with the Chinese, Russians, and South Koreans along with the other countries in the region before, during, and after Trumps' visit.

There is also a lot of difference between 8 years and 11 months. The recent "exercises" can very well be "mapping" activities and "probing" of electronic responses from NK to identify locations and potential response times with GPS readings to assure GPS guided munitions are "on target" and "effective" to quiet the source and the transmission of information to a "command center"!

"We" also do not know the depth and value of the "intelligence" information accumulated over the past 8 years (or even 24 years) while past administrations were doing nothing more than kicking the can down the road for the "next" one.

If Trump had jumped in with a shooting war without trying to amicably resolve the matter with sanctions, rhetoric, and regional political pressure then you'd be critical of him also. Unfortunately the "peace-niks" in this country have 20-20 hindsight.

Example: Gore's 1996 Aircraft Safety Report to the President as it relates to the "cost" of retrofitting commercial passenger airliners from "Government grants" in comparison to the first "check" written by Bush immediately post-911 and the economic costs to the country in the first 4-6 months, even putting aside the carnage and long-term expenditures.

Back to PX's ignorant, narcissistic, self-delusional thread topic.
Nice try. Poont is every time Trumbo gave the North Koreans an ultimatum the Koreans said fuck you Dumnbo and launched a rocket.
TryWeakly's Avatar
YO, OP......

is Nicollete The Hooktard still pissed or what ?
LexusLover's Avatar
Nice try. Poont is every time Trumbo gave the North Koreans an ultimatum the Koreans said fuck you Dumnbo and launched a rocket. Originally Posted by ilikefun
That's your talking point, I understand.

What was Trump's alleged "ultimatum"?

Please try to find an exact quote, and not one from MSNBC et al!

Or out of your ass!

I don't believe you will find one that says:

"If you fire another rocket we will bomb your ass!"

(or "your country" ... or your _____________ (fill blank))

In fact I suspect that one morning you'll wake up and it will be on the news that NK just got hammered severely and there is an assessment in progress to determine if a 2nd strike will be necessary and/or appropriate. Then the next evening Trump will explain to you in general terms what action our fine military took in conjunction with the fine militaries of SK and Japan! Hopefully, there won't be a #2 strike.

Everyone can get pissed at U.S. at the U.N. and you and your friends can whine about how stupid and unnecessary to do it without your permission....and life will go on while you all try to figure out another way to set aside his win over your candidate....when you all can't impeach him for not doing what you want him to do.

LexusLover's Avatar
YO, OP......

is Nicollete The Hooktard still pissed or what ? Originally Posted by TryWeakly
She's probably got too much class to remain pissed.

Beside she probably believes he really is a "law professor"!
TryWeakly's Avatar
OH ! She must be what they call "UpScale" then..... got it.

Some fucktards probably got "UpSell" and "UpScale" confused..... depending on the level of "twang" there may be no "tang" .....