Let's Be adult Provider's Lady's

dearhunter's Avatar
what happened to the kinder gentler tb2??

it lasted longer than I thought it would already Originally Posted by notanewbie

He will make me look kind and gentle.
You're right Nota. I need to stay out of Co-Ed. It's just hard to read all the crap in Co-Ed and not stir it around every so often. I feel most here will be much happier if I don't show my ass here. Consider it done.
notanewbie's Avatar
the ladies like you tb2, really...one told me once .

you are a voice of reason the VAST majority of the time so please continue posting for the kids sake.
Jenna Wild's Avatar
I skimmed over this thread when I first read it and now it appears to be a threAD w/ a plug.

If you wonder what makes people look at a providers thread as an ad, the below quote is a great example.

Who are these 7 remaining members your offering a $50 dollar discount too? Are they to make up for the 8 members you missed out on because other providers would not get back to you?
8 Houston providers not getting back with you over the short period of a week seems a bit steep. In the whole 3 years I’ve been on the board I have never had 8 Houston providers not respond and that’s in 3 years. Let along 1 week. I think Houston providers are some of the easiest to communicate with.

I also think you should mention the provider (in the ladies area) so we can:

1. Steer clear of asking them for references and wasting our time w/ them

2. To see if there is a pattern of them not returning reference requests

Lastly … if you are looking to offer a $50 dollar discount to 8 Eccie members to make up for what you missed last week, you can add that to your signature. No need to bribe ‘em in to aggreeing with you. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
At some point A WOMEN has to stand up for her self!!! I for one am sick of your smart ass remarks! You know for fact i have called you and what did you say when i asked ?????????? I do not haft to offer specials like you! I still have plenty of thread on the tires hunny ! I am not trying to be a part of your little click so i think everyone has a clue now who is the dam flake.
Just like my topic in the ladies room asking for help, what did you and alexxis turn it in to a Fucki* mid town happy hour at this point i do not give a dam anymore You are a shady ass Person .* Mods delete my account i will no longer use eccie* So brooke wont feel as offended when new providers join Hell her prices are as low as they get!
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
..... Lastly … if you are looking to offer a $50 dollar discount to 8 Eccie members to make up for what you missed last week, you can add that to your signature. No need to bribe ‘em in to aggreeing with you. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
There's no such thing as brand loyalty that a discount won't cure...
carkido45's Avatar
I think this is a VERY bad thread to have in public view. Very bad.

We are talking about tricks of our trade that should be being discussed in the private ladies areas.

Who is to say that LE is not reading this thread and picking up new ways to “pass” or “manipulate” our screening? Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Exactly there are ways to go around screening but I'm not about to put it out in open
brooke 4 president.
carkido45's Avatar
At some point A WOMEN has to stand up for her self!!! I for one am sick of your smart ass remarks! You know for fact i have called you and what did you say when i asked ?????????? I do not haft to offer specials like you! I still have plenty of thread on the tires hunny ! I am not trying to be a part of your little click so i think everyone has a clue now who is the dam flake.
Just like my topic in the ladies room asking for help, what did you and alexxis turn it in to a Fucki* mid town happy hour at this point i do not give a dam anymore You are a shady ass Person .* Mods delete my account i will no longer use eccie* So brooke wont feel as offended when new providers join Hell her prices are as low as they get! Originally Posted by alyssa32
Baby girl don't let anyone run you off.
Yes there is clique of members here who think they run this place but to heck with them. I call them the Ole Limpies Gang ....you know who you are. Lol.
Popcorn please.
Jenna Wild's Avatar
Exactly there are ways to go around screening but I'm not about to put it out in open Originally Posted by carkido45
I did not ask for any screening help in this thread i did that in the ladies room . I just posted this thread so the new members that see new provider as well as valued members can see how dam shady Brooke and her click are!
Jenna Wild's Avatar
I did not ask for any screening help in this thread i did that in the ladies room . I just posted this thread so the new members that see new provider as well as valued members can see how dam shady Brooke and her click are! Originally Posted by alyssa32
Let me Clarify that! I did appreciate it though!
Guest091710's Avatar
i for one don't think anything is a secret and LE has been chasing as long as the day is long, and nothing new has developed on either side. They are not fools and know all about screening, all they have to do is call or write to set up an appointment and ANYONE of the ladies will tell them what they will need to pass screening.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I did not ask for any screening help in this thread i did that in the ladies room . I just posted this thread so the new members that see new provider as well as valued members can see how dam shady Brooke and her click are! Originally Posted by alyssa32
Lets start with this one. Brooke and her click. LOL! Until yesterday I had not met one lady from the board. Not one.

You asked for help and Lexi chimed in. I said I would be happy to get together with the 2 of you and asked you to send me a PM. I never heard another word from you. Not a one.

Then a few days later Lexi started a girls get together thread.

These were to be 2 totally different meetings.

You asked for help, I offered and you never took me up on my offer. That's your problem. I'm not going to chase you.
Guest091710's Avatar
Alyssa i sent You my cell number if i can help in any way including the buddy system pls feel free to call or text me. God knows we should all love one another and try to keep this hobby safe. i apologize if i came of bitch like in previous replies, i found the one story a little hard to believe. But hey i had a man pull a gun on me at a Popeys drive through for asking him to move his car so i could leave. stranger things have happened. Lets try to be Sister like and just do the right thing.
I think this is a VERY bad thread to have in public view. Very bad.

We are talking about tricks of our trade that should be being discussed in the private ladies areas.

Who is to say that LE is not reading this thread and picking up new ways to “pass” or “manipulate” our screening? Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
I agree..
Guest091710's Avatar
I agree.. Originally Posted by hollyofhouston
who is to say a fake provider has not had 2 fake clients vouch for her and is also in the girls room? Nothing is fool proof. And all they have to do is write and inquire about an appointment and anyone seeking new clients will tell them what they need to be screened. Hell its even in so many ads and web pages, there is no secret there.