Monday, January 17th, is MLK Day

VitaMan's Avatar
Here it is again.

Active Trumpites making inflammatory statements on a national holiday. A day that represents great progress in American society.

They have no shame.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually, Goldwater explained his opposition to the bill (not the concept) in a 1964 interview and in his book; as you can see from his record Goldwater believed in civil rights for all people. He did not like the idea of cluttering the laws with unnecessary rules and regulation. He believed that the current law already guaranteed the right to vote for black people. It did not require a new law, it only required that the Supreme Court confirm that the right already exists and the members of the democrat party should acknowledge this it exists. Kind of like some activist saying that because a law says that only women can be raped, then a charge of rape cannot be brought against a man for raping another man. Goldwater was of the opinion that common sense says that anyone can be raped and by another standard, anyone can rape. It's not just a male thing.
There is a lot of forced ignorance being posted on this thread. You want something so bad that you're willing to be blind to reality. That is kind of the reason I posted those little polls last year. To see who was so far gone that they argue against known facts and common sense. Some people are getting close to that line.
LexusLover's Avatar
Here it is again.

Active Trumpites making inflammatory statements on a national holiday. A day that represents great progress in American society.

They have no shame. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Is today a "national holiday"?

I recognize that a lot of Bitten/Kumola know-nothings, who actually voted for them, perceive that everyday is a "national holiday" and I see them regularly making lots of noise all day long during work days and work nights .... apparently their "bonus checks" funded by the taxpayers allow them the luxury of being loud annoyances interfering with the taxpayers work schedule.

TOMORROW is a NATIONAL HOLIDAY: January 17th ... today is the 16th! And it's Sunday!

But speaking of "ites" .... Sounds like the Bittenites are rapidly retreating from the foolishness and stupidity of 2020!
VitaMan's Avatar
Trumpites have no shame.
bambino's Avatar
Trumpites have no shame. Originally Posted by VitaMan
It’s my birthday tomorrow. You can have the day off.
They were southern conservatives (southern rednecks). Who changed from the Democratic party to the republican party. People from Al, Ms, Ga, etc didn't change because they changed which party they belong to. They are the same states that seceded from the U.S. That didn't want blacks to be freed or to be able to vote.
so Goldwater is a racist for opposing the Civil Right Act?

you sure about that?

you defending the Deomcratic party for Civil Rights is laughable. the Democrats formed the KKK and Jim Crow. they are why segregation existed for 100 years in the US.

the Democratic party is more racist than Hitler and the NAZI party. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
  • Tiny
  • 01-16-2022, 07:36 PM
It’s my birthday tomorrow. You can have the day off. Originally Posted by bambino
Happy Birthday Bambino! My gift to you is enlightenment. Just click on these links,

You never get it all. At least we know where most of bambitcho's bullshit comes from.
History SHOWS Kennedy was "initially reluctant". But after seeing the sights and hearing the reports from the "Birmingham Campaign", he changed his mind.
You talk about things you don't know shit about. You lay out bullshit you have no links for. Then you claim anyone with links
only has "sanitized" or incorrect imformation
Of course someone who is afraid of showing his sources would claim everything on the internet is bullshit. Even though Trump has tried to make that statement true, it obviously isn't. You didn't live through it or study it. Obviously Kennedy changed his mind and started to try to line up the votes needed. He was assassinated and Johnson set it up.

"Kennedy was reluctant to propose major civil rights legislation during his first term for fear of losing the support of Southern Democrats, many of whom benefited from and supported segregation policies. President Kennedy needed their support to pass his economic and foreign policy agendas, and to support his reelection."

"The City Commissioner, Eugene “Bull” Connor, ordered police to use dogs and high-pressure fire hoses on the peaceful protesters. These images were broadcast across the country. President Kennedy was shocked by what he saw and began to rethink the federal government’s role in the Civil Rights Movement."

History SHOWED that Kennedy was opposed to it, BECAUSE ...

...he was afraid he would lose the South in a midterm election.

But one would have to be knowledgeable about history through living it and/or studying it in time ... as opposed to tweaking and internet searching for the REWRITTEN and SANITIZED history of the current CommunistSocialistLiberalNazis Party "led" be a demented fool and an incredibly dumb VP who facilitate the Search engine private companies to redirect and control searches.

Johnson was able to get it through on Kennedy's death, trading funding for a Tennessee watering project, and tweaking the statute to allow enforcement litigation to be conducted in state courts as well as Federal courts, which was a teaser for the South. I suppose he was trying to "make good" for his wife, whose family were slave owners. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I don't need to list the un-America actions and complete and almost total decay of the republican party. You are a "super spreader" of bullshit. You are caught lying on a regular basis.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is federal law. States determine their own civil rights laws. They didn't receive additional "powers" from the law.
Water projects in Tennessee? You mean the TVA created in 1933?
In Aug of 1959 President Eisenhower made TVA self-financing.
And someone "making good" for owning slaves? To the former Confederate states? Johnson "make good"? Right.
You push the "Big Lie", little lies, and every lie in between.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
They were southern conservatives (southern rednecks). Who changed from the Democratic party to the republican party. People from Al, Ms, Ga, etc didn't change because they changed which party they belong to. They are the same states that seceded from the U.S. That didn't want blacks to be freed or to be able to vote. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

well. the old dixiecrats became republicans/mass exodus to republican voters. why do you and ava8 keep posting this nonsense? first, as far as dixiecrat party politicians all you can cite i Strom Thurmond after that you got nothing. there was no mass political move by dixiecrats to the republican party. didn't happen.

now for good o'l billy bob redneck hard core racist you still can't find any mass exodus from the Democrats to Republicans from the late 60's on when their beloved racist Democrats suddenly went civil rights on them. remember why these racists were Democrats to begin with. in the 70's going forward there has been a rise in the Republican party in the south but gradual over decades, no mass switch.

and to this day in the bulk of southern states registered Democrats still outnumber Republicans so yet again this bullshit dixiecrat mass exodus noise is just that. noise. and of course the left's repeated claim that somehow the Republicans became the party of racism by .. get this ... poaching their own hard core racists! bahaaa brilliant! that would be an admission of guilt if you claimed that under oath. bahahaaaa

the republican party was not and is not today full of southern redneck hard core racists. the democrats were full of racists post Civil War up to the civil rights era but by the 70's the number of hard core racists was small and dying off. all the residual racial animosity today is directly the fault of the democratic party with 100 years of Jim Crow and segregation. without the racist democratic party the civil rights movement wouldn't have been needed. that is a fact.
We have deluded ourselves into believing the myth that capitalism grew and prospered out of the Protestant ethic of hard work and sacrifice. The fact is that capitalism was built on the exploitation and suffering of black slaves and continues to thrive on the exploitation of the poor—both black and white, here and abroad. If Negroes and poor whites do not participate in the free flow of wealth within our economy, they will forever be poor, giving their energies, their talents and their limited funds to the consumer market but reaping few benefits and services in return. The way to end poverty is to end the exploitation of the poor, ensure them a fair share of the government services and the nation’s resources.
winn dixie's Avatar
We have deluded ourselves into believing the myth that capitalism grew and prospered out of the Protestant ethic of hard work and sacrifice. The fact is that capitalism was built on the exploitation and suffering of black slaves and continues to thrive on the exploitation of the poor—both black and white, here and abroad. If Negroes and poor whites do not participate in the free flow of wealth within our economy, they will forever be poor, giving their energies, their talents and their limited funds to the consumer market but reaping few benefits and services in return. The way to end poverty is to end the exploitation of the poor, ensure them a fair share of the government services and the nation’s resources. Originally Posted by N6_in_the_village
You ok? The poor exploit the system. They use the most services. And its a cycle in generations!
LexusLover's Avatar
[QUOTE=VerySkeptical;1062712616][History SHOWS Kennedy was "initially reluctant". But after seeing the sights and hearing the reports from the "Birmingham Campaign", he changed his mind[/QUOTE

You must be referring to your Middle School "American History"!

Johnson got it passed on Kennedy's grave.

And you can spend the rest of today listening to the CommunistSocialistLiberal Pablum about what Reverend King "thought" too .... along with some snippets that supports their bullshit .... you know, like "Russian Collusion" and January 6th Insurrection" ....

......"Smithville"? How's the zoo doing?
LexusLover's Avatar
The way to end poverty is to end the exploitation of the poor, ensure them a fair share of the government services and the nation’s resources. Originally Posted by N6_in_the_village
In other words: Communism.

The way I prevented my "poverty" was by learning from an educational opportunity and getting a job to apply that education while maintaining a sufficiently high enough loyalty and productivity in my work to sustain the work aka "work ethic" while avoiding criminal records and failed substance tests.

You won't ever learn this but "the government" doesn't HAVE "services" and "the government" doesn't have "resources" to distribute to people. The taxpayers (employed and working people) fund "services" and "resources" and THEY belong to THEM ... THE TAXPAYERS.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Martin Luther King Jr. Day...the holiday signed into law by republican president Ronald Reagan. There's never a petard around when you need one.
adav8s28's Avatar
You know that the democrats will try to get some traction on Monday. They will lie and blame everyone except the democrat party of the 60s. It was the democrat party who beat the Freedom marchers, it was the democrat party who put the dogs on the Freedom marchers, it was the democrat party who used water hoses on Americans wanting voting rights guaranteed, and it was the democrat party who tried to stop the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
It was Senator Strom Thurman who used the filibuster against LBJ's 1964 Civil Rights Act. Strom Thurman was a Republican.

You do know that Democrats and Dixiecrats are two different things. John F. Kennedy and "Bull" Connor were not in the same party. For political purposes you try to lump the dixiecrats with the democrats. Their political beliefs were totally different.