Same complaint; different day...

LazurusLong's Avatar

Given your ongoing impression that most hobby rules don't apply to you (Hope you haven't forgotten that little theft issue at the social over in Addison a couple years ago or so where you stole some property from the establishment and said it was no big deal. thank goodness the damn thing was returned before the Addison police got involved and really fucked things up), following board rules about where to post didn't really surprise me too much.

I mean, things dealing with socials are one of the most sacred and you shit all over them so what's a little over-posting and forum bending to someone such as yourself?

Before someone blathers on that the hobby breaks laws, go for it. individuals take risks one on one by engaging in sessions. Almost having the police called to an establishment that has video surveillance running to show who stole the shit is above and beyond the misdemeanor crap we engage in willingly. That almost placed a lot of folks in serious trouble because you obviously felt the rules didn't apply.

But the topic was brought up by a potential client and you took it upon yourself to rip anyone who expressed an opinion that wasn't in line with yours. Which is directly against the site directions as copied and pasted from the thread one of the owners of this site, St Chris, stickied.

Good luck with that.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
LL, you are more than misinforming others about this subject. In the future it would behoove you to twist any scenario to fit your own dislike of me personally by stating I am a thief. After what was thought by many (including male Mods who participated in said prank and other male guests who were cheering this fiasco on, shall we name those names? I'm sure they'd all love to give their accounts and explain their participation since you were so thoughtful to bring the subject up. Let's ask them, shall we?) to be a prank that got out of hand, know that I, in fact, was one of the individuals who helped straighten this issue out by ensuring that the person who did in fact remove property from the premises, returned it and yes, that was an issue and not an easy task as she really didn't want to do the right thing, but know through much counseling on my part and others, she eventually did so.

Now, in the future, when you are told a story or think you are in the know, be sure you get all the facts straight and provide whatever actual evidence it is that you think you have before trying to throw someone under the bus. It makes you seem like you have a personal agenda to hurt my biz, which you still have yet to succeed at, and like somewhat of a wounded hateful twerp, who not only doesn't have a clue that of which he speaks, but who is grasping at straws to try and besmirch my character by throwing out nasty lies. You've proven the kind of person you would like others to view you as, as have I.

, frankly you are starting to bore me, and I view you as a wanna be thief of my biz, which I still will never let the likes of you dictate, so if there is anything else at this time you'd like to throw out there for shits and giggles, please do so. If not, simply take a step back, shake yourself off and go about being who you are and I will do the same.


Given your ongoing impression that most hobby rules don't apply to you (Hope you haven't forgotten that little theft issue at the social over in Addison a couple years ago or so where you stole some property from the establishment and said it was no big deal. thank goodness the damn thing was returned before the Addison police got involved and really fucked things up), following board rules about where to post didn't really surprise me too much.

I mean, things dealing with socials are one of the most sacred and you shit all over them so what's a little over-posting and forum bending to someone such as yourself?

Before someone blathers on that the hobby breaks laws, go for it. individuals take risks one on one by engaging in sessions. Almost having the police called to an establishment that has video surveillance running to show who stole the shit is above and beyond the misdemeanor crap we engage in willingly. That almost placed a lot of folks in serious trouble because you obviously felt the rules didn't apply.

But the topic was brought up by a potential client and you took it upon yourself to rip anyone who expressed an opinion that wasn't in line with yours. Which is directly against the site directions as copied and pasted from the thread one of the owners of this site, St Chris, stickied.

Good luck with that. Originally Posted by LazurusLong

I see what happens when I try and take a few day off. This is WAY off the original post, and more than done.

LL / Max - you both have gone WAY too far. I will discuss the appropriate infractions and will be accessing points.

There are others here that will be included in that if deemed necessary.

And, to make it Crystal Clear - No discussion of anything from this thread, implied or blatant will be tolerated. Do not repost it, do not discuss it, do not make a joke about it.

I am truly troubled at what I am seeing here. Many personal attacks, and dirty laundry airing that never should have happened.