Thousands take to the streets to demand chickenshit Twitler release his tax returns

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  • WTF
  • 04-17-2017, 05:26 PM

The Democrats have a "charge" in search of a crime, much like the whole "Russia hacked our election" crap.

The law is on President Trump's side. He knows it. That is why he can tell them to fuck off. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie do not equate legal with just.

Slavery was legal at one time. The President and VP should be held to the same standards as their cabinet picks if not more so.

I would like to know if our leaders are beholden to any one person or country. If you do not then that standard should apply to both parties.

You're the one who has been accused many times on this board of being a pig...or PoPo!

Yes , small people worry about political influnce via things like the Clinton Foundation. Sorry to hear you no longer care about things like that anymore. Originally Posted by WTF
I'd beat you paid her and crawled under her chair. Let her take a dump on you, a few times...

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Jackie do not equate legal with just.

Slavery was legal at one time. The President and VP should be held to the same standards as their cabinet picks if not more so.

I would like to know if our leaders are beholden to any one person or country. If you do not then that standard should apply to both parties.

. Originally Posted by WTF
i'd like to know if you are beholden to profits made off the backs of illegals building your slum lord houses. what say you?? ass monkey?

you gonna release your employment records? bahhaha didn't think so .. what u hiding boy?

employing illegals is itself .. wait for it .. .illegal. a federal crime if i'm not mistaken.

there is no legal rule Trump has to release his taxes. nor any of his cabinet picks .. but the demtards want to change that ...

i'd say .. be very careful of what you ask for libtards .. how many libtards are hiding shit from their taxes?

why don't you hear about the Clinton Foundation anymore? they had to end it when the crazy seance bitch got defeated by the Lord Emperor bahhaaa

i wonder how much slush money they had to give back after they lost? all of it????

The Madcow released part of just one of Trump's tax returns and it showed he paid more in one year in taxes than most .. including you .. will make in your lifetime. are you worth 35 million dollars???


and prove you didn't violate federal law by hiring illegals to build your crappy ass houses.

ever been sued for bad workmanship on your houses? bahhaaaaa

them illegals might have used more nails framing those houses if you weren't so cheap bahhaa
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  • WTF
  • 04-17-2017, 07:08 PM
Never sued, never sold a house under 700k.

Haven't made 35 mil yet...but I have a few more years!

None of which addressed why anyone would not want the president to fall under a law his cabinet nominees do?

I want all to btw...not just Trump.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Never sued, never sold a house under 700k.

Haven't made 35 mil yet...but I have a few more years!

None of which addressed why anyone would not want the president to fall under a law his cabinet nominees do?

I want all to btw...not just Trump.
. Originally Posted by WTF
most don't idiot. the demtards want to change that. however ...

Most members of Congress keep their tax returns secret

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi thinks Mitt Romney should release his tax returns, but won't provide hers. AP

Read more here:

what a hypocrite bitch. btw what is 35 million .. in pesos?

so you "might" earn 1.8 million US on those pesos. worm.

live another 150 years and you might get to 35 million US. the same Trump paid in one year in taxes .. bahhaaaaa

keep bitching about the Lord Emperor's taxes and you will meet his storm troopers ..

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You do know that there is no law or requirement for him or any other person who is or runs for President to reveal his taxes?

Just because other candidates in the past have doesn't mean he has to..

He choose not to AND GOT ELECTED ANYWAY!


Talking about ignorant... Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Is he President?

Boy some of these ignorant remarks ...

Every President should show their taxes.

. Originally Posted by WTF
Tax returns aren't public record and aren't accessible by the public at large. So Trump doesn't really have a lawful obligation to publically submit his tax records. For presidents to submit their Tax Records has always been nothing but a tradition. So why worry about it, it doesn't matter.

DarthMaul's Avatar
Go find so ignorant whore to pick on LL....I'll fuck you up , you jack with me. . Originally Posted by WTF
That sounds like you are making a physical threat?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-17-2017, 11:18 PM
That sounds like you are making a physical threat? Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Is LL scared I'll beat his ass?

Tell him not to post was related to verbal jousting here in this forum.

I do not know LL personally....kinda hard to physically beat a person ass you only know by LexusLover on a hooker board!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yet we've heard JL repeatedly threaten people with physical violence.

CHIt, the dupoichebag stood me up twice in Dallas. TWICE! And there were people waiting for the big bare-fisted ass kicking!

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Is LL scared I'll beat his ass?

Tell him not to post was related to verbal jousting here in this forum.

I do not know LL personally....kinda hard to physically beat a person ass you only know by LexusLover on a hooker board! Originally Posted by WTF
When's the last time you ever beat someone's ass?
LexusLover's Avatar
Is LL scared I'll beat his ass? Originally Posted by WTF
I suppose if you actually believed I were LE you wouldn't want to threaten seriously bodily injury to a "public servant," now would you? Particularly, when the "public servant" can ID you by your posting on this "hooker board"!

As the old saying goes: Don't write a check you can't cash!

But since you are a home builder you know about "hot checks," right?
Yet we've heard JL repeatedly threaten people with physical violence.

CHIt, the dupoichebag stood me up twice in Dallas. TWICE! And there were people waiting for the big bare-fisted ass kicking!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Quit Blaming everyone but your 0zombie politicians. READ A BOOK!

LexusLover's Avatar
That sounds like you are making a physical threat? Originally Posted by DarthMaul
He was.
Yet we've heard JL repeatedly threaten people with physical violence.

CHIt, the dupoichebag stood me up twice in Dallas. TWICE! And there were people waiting for the big bare-fisted ass kicking!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Or just read a article, Jerry Mander the Shit Eating 0zombie!

BOMBSHELL Report: Entire Western World Helped Obama WIRETAP Trump


If you are wondering why our national media has pretty much dropped the whole Trump-Is-A-Russian-Manchurian-Candidate thing, it is because the naked truth about the Obama administration's chilling spying -- something the media has covered up for months -- is finally coming to light. Last week, both The Washington Post and The New York Times quietly reported that the Obama administration had "wiretapped" (their word, not mine) a Trump staffer.

The Trump-hating Guardian then dropped another bombshell, the news that pretty much every Western intelligence agency in the world was aiding and abetting the Obama administration's unbelievable and unprecedented (Nixon only wanted to do this) abuse of power against a political opponent:

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.

Another source suggested the Dutch and the French spy agency, the General Directorate for External Security or DGSE, were contributors.

Q: So what exactly is this "sigint"?

A: It perfectly meets the modern definition of -- you ready for it? -- wiretapping!

Signals intelligence (SIGINT) is intelligence-gathering by interception of signals, whether communications between people (communications intelligence—abbreviated to COMINT) or from electronic signals not directly used in communication (electronic intelligence—abbreviated to ELINT). Signals intelligence is a subset of intelligence collection management.

This next bit from the Guardian report is important because it appears to vindicate Fox News commentator Judge Napolitano, who was widely-ridiculed in the political media, and then suspended by Fox News, for reporting something very close to this back in March:

Britain’s spy agencies played a crucial role in alerting their counterparts in Washington to contacts between members of Donald Trump’s campaign team and Russian intelligence operatives, the Guardian has been told.

GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

No one better summed up what was going on here better than PowerLine's John Hinderaker:

The blindingly obvious point that the Guardian tries to obscure is that the combined assets of all of these agencies failed to find any evidence of collaboration between the Trump campaign and Russia. We know this, because the Democrats have pulled out all the stops. Both before the election, and especially after the election, they have leaked furiously to try to discredit President Trump. If there were any evidence of collusion between Trump (or even obscure, minor “advisers” like Carter Page) and Russia, there would have been nothing else in the Washington Post or the New York Times for the past five months. But they have nothing.

In other words, the whole world was spying on Trump, not just the Obama administration, and even with all of these resources the Democrats and their media got exactly squat. There is no evidence of any wrongdoing between Team Trump and Russia. There is, however, a growing pile of evidence that Team Barry needs to be investigated by Congress and the Justice Department.

Hinderaker's second point is that everyone in the world was so sure Hillary Clinton was going to beat Trump that all of these countries believed it was safe to "curry favor with the new administration" by spying on her opponent, by offering her intelligence-oppo during the campaign that was then leaked to a MSM that was 100% complicit in this illegal behavior -- because leaking intelligence is a felony.

If this is not scary enough, try to imagine what Hillary's administration and the MSM would be doing to Donald Trump right now if he did not have the power of the presidency to defend himself. As it is, the media have been lying, smearing, and slandering him without any evidence.

The only weapon Trump has had to fight back with is his access to truth about Obama's spying, access he would not have had had he not won the presidency.

We have already seen the terrifying lengths Hillary and Obama will go to as a means to cover up their lies, we have already seen the violence our media (especially CNN) is willing to gin up in order to protect a Narrative. There is no doubt in my mind that with the help of their media pals, had Hillary won the presidency, Trump would right now be in federal prison for a crime he did not commit.