I have a feeling this is going to be 'fun'

lizardking's Avatar
RetUrded one eye hippie man....... Originally Posted by angelinadream

It's difficult to answer because, from an English usage standpoint, it's nonsense. One does not "refrain to" anything, one "refrains from" doing that which he seeks to avoid. The results of the poll are inherently unreliable. Proper questions would be:

"Should the ladies refrain from posting in any fora other than the ads and 'ladies only' areas?"


"Should the ladies be limited to posting only in the ads and 'ladies only' areas?"

Personally, my answer is "no". Why? Because 98% of the ridiculous, funny shit comes from pissed-off providers and the dick-heads who constantly join issue with them. If you like looking at train wrecks, you certainly want the trains to run, even though they're a horrible inconvenience when they hold up traffic.

Now, I'm going to be incommunicado for a while. I'm buying two bottles of Night Train and going down to the bus station to get some pussy.
Funny I thought most of the funniest shit came from dudes who got taken by valet and hotel staff and ones that silly hooktards NC/NS, and of course those waxed balls cats... Oh and let's not forget those that have the homeless fetish. Those are my favorite threads! But again I digress. BAD DAPHNE! back on topic.....
Oh, and another reason...you don't get to decide who or what is posted in a thread you start...
Oh, and another reason...you don't get to decide who or what is posted in a thread you start... Originally Posted by Wakeup
nope, but violations and rule breaks CAN BE RTMed and removed. Most of the time, it works. If it doesn't get taken right away, no one's on duty. Just didn't want any ill will perceived by anyone viewing, and also didn't want to get off track. This might go somewhere, I don't want it dying prematurely. BTW, you're not supposed to put private links in public forum. Why complain about somebody looking if you don't keep it back there?
lizardking's Avatar
Funny I thought most of the funniest shit came from dudes who got taken by valet and hotel staff and ones that silly hooktards NC/NS, and of course those waxed balls cats... Oh and let's not forget those that have the homeless fetish. Originally Posted by luxury daphne
Oh yeah. I forgot. That, too!
I have to say, I'm finding this whole butt-hurt "you men don't want us posting at all" attitude hysterical!

First of all, the overwhelming majority of hobbyists here don't post at all. Secondly, of the ones that do post, a very, very small (very vocal) percentage are aggressive and combative. And thirdly, if you bothered paying attention, you would notice that the aggressive ones aren't "anti-woman", they're "anti-stupid".

The irony is I believe the majority of the providers on here couldn't care less about all this either. It's only a small (very vocal) percentage who are pissed and its all because every hobbyist isn't tripping over themselves to fawn sycophantically over their every post with... "I'm under so-n-so" and other such bullshit.

Jesus people, grow the fuck up and stop trying to make your personal issues with specific individuals a board-wide drama...
I'm not pissed....?? where do you get that from? not even slightly miffed. I'm not one of those people because even if no one wanted me to post guess what? I still would. Why? Because I can do that. I don't get all emotionally involved in very many issues here, it was just a question. A question for the guys as opposed to the ladies actually, not for any hidden agenda. But thanks ender for your opinion, no matter how umm, misplaced it was.
Wayward's Avatar

Oh someone cares, and this is their chance to actually say something instead of opening their DSLs when a thread comes up that they dislike and they say *providers should be restricted to posting ads*. So if they don't care now, they shouldn't care when that time comes again.

[tippy top secret post content] For the mods, this is how you cat herd. Now this is a national poll and LD still thincks that is was her idea[/end tippy top secret post content]

Are we going to put a clock on it, say Tuesday afternoon? My numbers really were for Houston co-ed but I'll enjoy the outcome in the interest of Science.
I have to say, I'm finding this whole butt-hurt "you men don't want us posting at all" attitude hysterical!

First of all, the overwhelming majority of hobbyists here don't post at all. Secondly, of the ones that do post, a very, very small (very vocal) percentage are aggressive and combative. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
In the interest of science, there is a more logical explanation to the phenomena than the one you gave...

I have to say, I'm finding this whole butt-hurt "you men don't want us posting at all" attitude hysterical!

First of all, the overwhelming majority of hobbyists here don't post at all. Secondly, of the ones that do post, a very, very small (very vocal) percentage are aggressive and combative. And thirdly, if you bothered paying attention, you would notice that the aggressive ones aren't "anti-woman", they're "anti-stupid".

The irony is I believe the majority of the providers on here couldn't care less about all this either. It's only a small (very vocal) percentage who are pissed and its all because every hobbyist isn't tripping over themselves to fawn sycophantically over their every post with... "I'm under so-n-so" and other such bullshit.

Jesus people, grow the fuck up and stop trying to make your personal issues with specific individuals a board-wide drama... Originally Posted by enderwiggin

Amen!!! I say let them post. It is the content that causes the fire, which will be dealt with by the mods. I must admit, I enjoy when people lose it, but that is just a side benefit wherein the true purpose is still intact.
In the interest of science, there is a more logical explanation to the phenomena than the one you gave...

Originally Posted by luxury daphne
Thanks for posting that for the 900th time.

My theory is actually simpler than that. A small vocal minority is fucking it up for everyone else. Guess which group you, this poll and this thread are part of?
I don't know.. enlighten me. Especially when I didn't post this thread to attack anyone, and before you started it was pretty cordial. Perhaps I should've told a homeless girl story, would that have gotten your dick hard??... perhaps later. I have pics for it too to add to your reading experience.

As much as it bothered the other ladies, me, not so much. Just find it weird what you value as an okay thread and what you don't. alright. Good thing none of our individual opinions matter for shit, because it's not about you, and it's definitely not about me.

oh yea, you're welcome for the pic. Sad but true
Hmm, let me put thinking cap on.

Answer 'no'.

Ok that means:

No I do not feel that the female population should refrain to only posting in the ad

Let me try to understand a bit - get rid of some double negatives...

Yes, I do feel that the female population be allowed to post outside of the ad section

Try again.

Yes, I do feel that the female population be allowed to post in coed.

Now, given that the board has been dumbed down, and some post after some drinks, and stupidity can be found everywhere, do all those who answered 'no' realise they actually mean 'yes' or vice versa?

Accent the positive, eradicate the negative.

I have a tee shirt with the words:

'Every day I think people can't get any stupider.

Every day I am proven horribly wrong'

Maybe this is a turning point, and eccie males have rare capability to deconstruct negatives, and the only thing this shows is that the board is not as dumb as some think.

I must be so bored - waiting for my date to get dressed and ready. Yawn.

ps my answer is no, but I must say I scroll through most threads very fast.
Wayward's Avatar
What is kind of cool if we can get back to the Science and that this thread is all about me by the way, look how the poll percentages have stayed so constant. Herds of cats are like schools of fish only not as tasty.

My guess of a 90/10 split is still looking good, any SHMB or really any message board is going to have 10% bad bois and girls. It is the nature of things, it is really funny how all the save the drama posse always are up on the latest drama threads. I don't blame them, but delight in making fun of that fact.
What? this is the weekend.. I'm holding out til Monday.

I'm sure the regular "oh, the drama but let me instigate" crew will be in full swing by then, and have some new material. I wait with baited breath.