What makes you so special ?

The majority of hookers dont make even close to what an attorney or doctor makes.

The dude at Sears or any car salesman can close deals and make $300 a pop but they don't make doctor or attorney money.

No way the vast majority of ATX hookers are averaging 15 to 20 appointments every week at $250 to $300 each. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
300 an hour is in the realm of doctors and lawyers.
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300 an hour is in the realm of doctors and lawyers. Originally Posted by Coolbeans10
Correct but they do it all day long. Hookers don't.
Correct but they do it all day long. Hookers don't. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Actually there are lots of professionals in both fields who work for themselves and set their own hours. And there are many hookers who are high volume and make comparable money.

Isn't there an AMP somewhere you should be staking out lol
The majority of hookers don't make even close to what an attorney or doctor makes.

The dude at Sears or any car salesman can close deals and make $300 a pop but they don't make doctor or attorney money.

No way the vast majority of ATX hookers are averaging 15 to 20 appointments every week at $250 to $300 each. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
I never thought I'd see the day but... I agree... with treetop? Unless she looks like the girls on TV, has a teflon vagina, LOVES sex in a disconnected fashion, and has the hungry work ethic of an entrepreneur a girl isn't going to make what a successful doctor makes. (Maybe before they pay of student loans...?) There's also overhead to consider. If she's not sacrificing anonymity by hosting at her home she's paying something like 80-120 a night for rooms.

That said the way Kimmy is going about this is a bad idea. In this kind of business it's incredibly easy to wrap up how much you're selling for up with your own self worth and esteem. So I totally understand where she's coming from because low balling is preceived as telling her she's not as much value.

On the flip side guys have seen a sharp spike in price for either the same service or in some cases declining service. It can get a little frustrating because while our self esteem isn't tied up in the transaction it's very easy to end up feeling taken advantage of.

I would think the happy medium would be to, when you find a girl who works for you or vice versa, see each other more often at a reduced rate. I've had providers who wanted to see me more. In that instance I was going to see them at the same price but more spaced out to keep my appetite fed. The girl instead offered a reduced price on the agreement that I would see her more often. She ended up making more money from me as a client every month but I got more for what I was spending. This wouldn't work if she found it arduous to actually see clients in general or me in particular but I likely wouldn't have seen her more than once if that was the case anyhow.
Agree with Killeen that a longer ongoing situation with reduced price is a best spot.

And I agree with him with the problem of being so wrapped-up in self esteem that a potential client (with who knows how many future visits) just doesnt make the first plunge with no give.

And, I read here earlier, anyone who works for themself has to realize that 1 hr. at 75% of your going rate pulls in more than 0 hrs at the full rate. And, if the bargain for exchange is essentially *right now*, then the value of that non-productive time to the self-employed is destroyed together.

Think of hotel rooms; any productive value to an unused hotel room is destroyed each day. Much better for the hotel to let you the room at a late time for 70 per cent than get nothing for it being unlet for the evening.
  • sydmo
  • 04-04-2018, 05:00 PM
But I think the rudeness she’s referring to is when she’s told her worth as in “you’re charging too much” “you’re only work x” that’s pretty rude.
I don’t mind when gents are on a budget, i am flexible as well. My rates are what they are because of the types of sessions I’m best at.
So if you’re not looking for all that or are just at the end of budget but need a relaxing session, communicate that with me and I’ll be receptive! COMMUNICATION IS KEY! We’re humans. Originally Posted by CubanAva
Forgive me, I didn't realize it took years of hard work in institutions of higher learning to become a hooker. Originally Posted by Coolbeans10
Not totally necessary, but having a PhD can make you a better hooker. Agree or disagree?
300 an hour is in the realm of doctors and lawyers. Originally Posted by Coolbeans10
Good corporate lawyers make 2-3 times that...
Forgive me, I didn't realize it took years of hard work in institutions of higher learning to become a hooker. Originally Posted by Coolbeans10
I said nothing about qualifications to become a basic hooker. That takes nothing. I’m talking about real successs. I was referring to providers who put effort into their services, appearance, endurance and stamina, business plan, etc. and maybe that includes having advanced degrees (maybe not in sex work but in a field that adds to their skill set and ability to network/build relationships/connect with clients).

You’re right, advanced degrees aren’t necessary, but an investment of time and money to continue to be educated about sex and sexuality, people skills, the human body, financial planning, mental and emotional health, physical strength and fitness, etc. are all important in this business. In my opinion.
^^^ my sentiments exactly. Well said.