Cash in my pocket and lust in my heart

DNinja69's Avatar
You’re acting like I’m the one that screwed you over, I was just giving my opinion not all providers do that you just have to do work to find the good ones. You’re taking it out on me because I speak my mind it’s not my fault.

A fuckwaffle is a term of endearment but if it hurt your feelings I apologize

Anyway hope things get better for you! Originally Posted by Cendell M
Nah this ain't about you and I didn't direct anything of my personal experiences at you not even a little bit. My feels are just fine sweetheart and I am enjoying myself more than I would care to share on this forum!

I didn't take anything out on you we all got a warning since the thread went into -claws out- mode but nobody heard any complaints from me.

As for winn dixie your input is noted and filed in the appropriate folder. Ms Cendell is quite capable of defending herself and should she again bring out the claws I would imagine the response will be similar.

I hope everyone has had a good weekend. Time for this fella to head out for a couple drinks and see if either the lust in my heart or cash in my pocket finds some action
winn dixie's Avatar
Please remain on topic.

I feel the op approached a chick in the wrong manner. Especially boasting about money. Red flags everywhere
You’re late to the party tiny, which means you’re now in last place Originally Posted by Cendell M
"Game, set, match."

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my temper the most.
pyramider's Avatar

A fuckwaffle is a term of endearment but if it hurt your feelings I apologize
Originally Posted by Cendell M
No it is not. I created it as a replacement for fucktard because a nice lady on twitter asked me not to use the term because asshats in high school called her that ... I asked about alternates and settled on fuckwaffle.
Cendell M's Avatar
Well there you go the creator has spoken I take back my apology lol
Cendell M's Avatar
Nah this ain't about you and I didn't direct anything of my personal experiences at you not even a little bit. My feels are just fine sweetheart and I am enjoying myself more than I would care to share on this forum!

I didn't take anything out on you we all got a warning since the thread went into -claws out- mode but nobody heard any complaints from me.

As for winn dixie your input is noted and filed in the appropriate folder. Ms Cendell is quite capable of defending herself and should she again bring out the claws I would imagine the response will be similar.

I hope everyone has had a good weekend. Time for this fella to head out for a couple drinks and see if either the lust in my heart or cash in my pocket finds some action Originally Posted by DNinja69
pyramider's Avatar
He will strike out faster than the Astros' worst hitter.
Cendell M's Avatar
He will strike out faster than the Astros' worst hitter. Originally Posted by pyramider
DNinja69's Avatar
Their worst hitter would embarrass us both without much effort.
I would discuss my weekend in more detail but that could be seen
as an effort to 'derail the thread' which is as I understand a
violation of the rules.

Had my conquest been of the hobby variety it would have been a
much more expensive outing. It was a good time with the promise
of a repeat this weekend. Still plenty of cash in my wallet and
even more lust in my heart that last post lol
CryptKicker's Avatar
Great! So you scored at the local 7-11! Good job!