Value: What is it?

No I do not treat my clients bad at all, they love them some Lisa.

You can come over only if you are cooking. I don't know how to cook steak.

Make up sex is hot!

Now Lisa, Your just toying with me.
I did not say you were lonely. I said

If you respond so negitiavily to someone who really wants to help and is concerned, even if they may do it poorly, then you will find it very lonely.

People will not want to talk to you much if all you do is trash them. Clearly you do not do that to your clients. But, you do tend to respond harshly on the boards. You will not get respones you may want or need if people feel you are going to jump their cases if they respond. (Won't stop me, BTW)

PS, I hear Make Up sex is the best. Maybe I should come over Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Thanks for the thoughtfull post.

Once again I have to point out I never said that dropping you price is the right answer. It may be part of the problem but I think that is more of an issue for new providers who don't have a full understanding of the market, etc yet. I happen to agree with everyone, even Lisa, that price is not the only issue. I think there are better ways to improve your value without lowering your price in most cases. Even the best business people can get trapped into doing the same thing becasue it always worked before. I am suggesting people think outside the box a little. If your busines is slow, what can you do to improve your chances of being successfull?

And yes, I do understand what your saying about people in the business. Maybe I made my post too generic? People are possibiliy reading too much into a very generlized discussion? Hmm, could be

I think maybe you don't see that there are different kinds of people in the business. While there are many, I'll break it down to two just for the sake of answering your question. Those girls you were talking about who ncns, bait and switch, rob people--that's one kind. I don't know why you thought that they were "business people" because it's obvious to everyone that they aren't running a business. They're usually just trying to scrape by for a habit. They're not trying to build their portfolios or expand their marketing strategies. So no, you can't help with those things. Saying "hey, you'd make more money if you showed up to appointments" is pretty ridiculous. I think they know that. They don't care.

The other kind of lady is a business person who thinks about price point, advertising, brand recognition, and customer service. She has a savings account and takes nice vacations. But considering the personal cost of being in this business, sometimes our bottom line is really whether or not it's worth it to us emotionally. That is something you'll have a hard time putting on a graph.

The market is down. I don't live in a barn. I know very well how the economy is doing and that people are trying to save money. So should I lower my rates, see several people a day and risk my health and safety ten times more than usual? Well of course not. I'd much rather quit. Would you suck cock for $40K a year? Jesus I hope not. So next time the men around here want to complain about how women run their businesses, keep the two types of ladies separated--we aren't all train wrecks. And when you think we should lower our rates, realize that many of us would quit rather than live that way. And if we quit, the demand for the ladies still left goes way up and of course so do their rates. Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
i think i'll just shoot myself.

bubba... you started this thread around noon today and you're still at it. did you get outdoors today and enjoy this great weather? or are you on some sort of crusade?

I cook a mean stake. Baked potoato, salad, freesh steamed veges, some good wine, maybe some nice desert? Strawberrys and fresh wipped cream?

No I do not treat my clients bad at all, they love them some Lisa.

You can come over only if you are cooking. I don't know how to cook steak.

Make up sex is hot! Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
i think i'll just shoot myself. Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco

Can I get some ammo for you?
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
Can I get some ammo for you? Originally Posted by Bubba3452
sure. you can but me some shots of Makers Mark sometime. but i'm fixing to head out for a mountain bike ride in this glorious weather. i'm sure when i get back you'll still be here!

enjoy your verbal jousting...

sure. you can but me some shots of Makers Mark sometime. but i'm fixing to head out for a mountain bike ride in this glorious weather. i'm sure when i get back you'll still be here!

enjoy your verbal jousting...

JPdM Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
The wonders of modern technology. You can take it anywhere, even outside on a boat.
Thanks for the thoughtfull post.

Once again I have to point out I never said that dropping you price is the right answer. It may be part of the problem but I think that is more of an issue for new providers who don't have a full understanding of the market, etc yet. I happen to agree with everyone, even Lisa, that price is not the only issue. I think there are better ways to improve your value without lowering your price in most cases. Even the best business people can get trapped into doing the same thing becasue it always worked before. I am suggesting people think outside the box a little. If your busines is slow, what can you do to improve your chances of being successful?

And yes, I do understand what your saying about people in the business. Maybe I made my post too generic? People are possibiliy reading too much into a very generlized discussion? Hmm, could be Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Well then in that case, thanks for the advice and your generous offer to educate us, but the ladies who do care about their business ask themselves everyday what they could do to be more successful. Every. Single. Day.

Did you maybe have some ideas that we hadn't thought of?
Chevalier's Avatar
The discussion of "value" focused on what I think of as taking care of business -- dependability, no NC/NS, respond to inquiries, consistency of service, nice surroundings, etc., etc.

I suspect the primary problem with discussions like this is that there are relatively few ladies who do a poor job of "taking care of business" because they don't understand that things like this are important. And those are the only ones who would really benefit from an educational post. The ones who don't take care of business because they don't give a shit . . . won't listen. The ones who understand the importance and give a shit do take care of business . . . and may be offended at a perception that they're being lumped together (in the minds of many) with those providing poor service.

It's not a gender specific thing either. I've seen a similar reaction for years, for example, when ladies offer "educational posts" about client hygiene. The few guys who show up with poor hygiene probably already know it, don't give a shit, and could care less about the post. Other guys get offended at a post directed to "clients" because it sounds to them -- even though not intended as such -- like an attack on us.

In both cases, a relatively small group of those who don't conform to appropriate standards prompt a post. (At least, I've always assumed that a few bad actors -- whether it's providers not taking care of business or clients with bad hygiene -- cause a perception that the problem is more wide-spread than it really is.) And the post is stated in general terms, contributing to that perception that the poster is complaining about a large portion of the population.

It's a natural reaction and common problem, for both sides of the aisle.
Well then in that case, thanks for the advice and your generous offer to educate us, but the ladies who do care about their business ask themselves everyday what they could do to be more successful. Every. Single. Day.

Did you maybe have some ideas that we hadn't thought of? Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
I can offer ideas from my perspective that I feel would make me more inclined to book an appointment. I can also tell you things that make me less inclined. Without actualy exchaning ideas, who knows? Maybe.

I also try to think of how to make my business better all the time. Sometimes though, good ideas come from unexpected sources or as a result of simply talking about it. Brainstorming sessions can be very productive sometimes. I try to learn from my customers all the time.

And, yes I caught your sarcasim. If all providers were doing everything right, knew it all, and never made mistakes or over looked anything, we would not be having this discussion and providers would not be posting about how bad things are.
I have to admit-- part of your signature line brought a smile to my face Chevalier:

Opinionated Curmudgeon.
Good points. Whats the saying? "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" I see now that prehaps I should have better defined who I trying to help. By making it too general, some may have taken offense when none was intended. I still stand by what I have said and I think many who got upset did not make an effort to read the whole thing or try to understand it. But, printed word cannot always convey intent, so if you already do the things I suggested, then feel free to just ignore my post. Or, better yet, expand upon things so the few who may actualy want to learn can do so.

The discussion of "value" focused on what I think of as taking care of business -- dependability, no NC/NS, respond to inquiries, consistency of service, nice surroundings, etc., etc.

I suspect the primary problem with discussions like this is that there are relatively few ladies who do a poor job of "taking care of business" because they don't understand that things like this are important. And those are the only ones who would really benefit from an educational post. The ones who don't take care of business because they don't give a shit . . . won't listen. The ones who understand the importance and give a shit do take care of business . . . and may be offended at a perception that they're being lumped together (in the minds of many) with those providing poor service.

It's not a gender specific thing either. I've seen a similar reaction for years, for example, when ladies offer "educational posts" about client hygiene. The few guys who show up with poor hygiene probably already know it, don't give a shit, and could care less about the post. Other guys get offended at a post directed to "clients" because it sounds to them -- even though not intended as such -- like an attack on us.

In both cases, a relatively small group of those who don't conform to appropriate standards prompt a post. (At least, I've always assumed that a few bad actors -- whether it's providers not taking care of business or clients with bad hygiene -- cause a perception that the problem is more wide-spread than it really is.) And the post is stated in general terms, contributing to that perception that the poster is complaining about a large portion of the population.

It's a natural reaction and common problem, for both sides of the aisle. Originally Posted by Chevalier
You could always add a post now saying "this is only directed at those ladies who don't bother to take care of business and dont use their brains to consider sound business practices, the ones who may or may not have any expensive hobby of their own, and maybe don't bathe as often as they should."

And then wait for the sound of crickets

I really do see what you mean, but those girls couldn't care less than they already do. The goal for them is quick and easy money and in fact, they hate this job waaaaayyyy too much to ever put anything into it.

The real pros think about it all the time, not to mention constantly talk about and compare ideas in the ladies powder room. But sure, ideas can come from all kinds of sources, and when I asked if you had any we hadn't thought of, it was an invitation for you to share your business wisdom with us.
allofamber's Avatar
This is great advice ladies. If you would just lower your prices from $200 down to $199, you will be turning them away at the door! I have seen this work! I held off on seeing Carrie Hillcrest until she ran her $599.99 special last year. When I saw that "5" I finally got off my ass.

I am not sure why you ladies are upset. When a 19 year-old provider told me I was running my law firm all wrong, I listened to her. I figured that her experience running a business and getting acquainted with the legal system and an attorney made her an expert in my area. Originally Posted by BigEddie

OMG that's one of the best responses EVER!! LMAO...
Now, now....let's give him a chance. He's got some ideas for us that are about to turn our businesses around in the bad economy! Everyone pull up a chair and listen. Shhhhhhh.....