Its 7:30 so

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  • Doove
  • 06-27-2020, 08:35 PM
Doove the concept of masculinity itself is evidently both fascinating and foreign to you.

I think this is where your identification with the democrat party comes from. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Well, if the concept of "masculinity" involves sitting behind a keyboard insulting females and guys who don't get off on insulting females, then i guess you have a point.

As if all this is not enough, the stautue of the slave groveling at the feet of Abraham Lincoln is still standing.

Tough weekend for Doove so far. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Not as tough a weekend as it has been for the families of the soldiers killed in Afghanistan, after finding out the Commander-in-Chief has been sitting on his hands and sucking up to Comrade Putin even after finding out Putin put bounties on the heads of those soldiers.

But i suppose if you don't lose any sleep (or golf time) over the deaths of 125,000 Americans, what's a few dead soldiers amongst friends?
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  • Doove
  • 06-27-2020, 08:49 PM
And i can't wait to find out which phony patriots in here are more outraged over broken statues than they are over dead soldiers who had bounties put on their heads by Trump's bestie.

JB? Let's start with you.

I'd include NBT, but the Putin/Trump connection here probably qualifies as "masculine" in his mind.
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Doove settling in seamlessly to his role as board ambassador to the gay, black, retard, transgender, and oppressed overweight whore communities.
outraged . Originally Posted by Doove

read post 1

quote "outrage"
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  • Doove
  • 06-28-2020, 05:23 AM
Doove settling in seamlessly to his role as board ambassador to the gay, black, retard, transgender, and oppressed overweight whore communities. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
You seem to have a problem with people acting towards you in the same way that you act towards people.

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  • Doove
  • 06-28-2020, 05:23 AM

read post 1

quote "outrage" Originally Posted by JONBALLS
You seem not to have understood the question.
And thanks for making my point.
Next Best Thing's Avatar

read post 1

quote "outrage" Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Shut up racist!!!
You seem not to have understood the question. Originally Posted by Doove
spend your day pondering it
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  • Doove
  • 06-28-2020, 05:39 AM
spend your day pondering it Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Pondering...........your lack of outrage over Trump allowing Putin to put a bounty on the heads of American soldiers?
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And i can't wait to find out which phony patriots in here are more outraged over broken statues than they are over dead soldiers who had bounties put on their heads by Trump's bestie.

JB? Let's start with you.

I'd include NBT, but the Putin/Trump connection here probably qualifies as "masculine" in his mind. Originally Posted by Doove
I'm just here for the love : )
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I'm just here for the love : ) Originally Posted by lilylivered
I thought this was rent a fuck site. Not
well then.. any fuck on first date sluts here that are not busy pulling down statues of dead men ?

btw, is Abe still standing ? that os the tropic
Doove's World of endless disagreeing debate
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Make sure however that you don't say anything derogatory about Matilda's Law or the bridge he named after his dead father.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Make sure however that you don't say anything derogatory about Matilda's Law or the bridge he named after his dead father. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
U rather the bridge be renamed back to former name

I hope Abe still standing

or did I miss if ya or nope
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  • Doove
  • 06-28-2020, 04:56 PM