You get the message that your son is dead...

Family should be off-limits here.

From post #3 by WTF: Maybe as a parent you should have swayed your son into another field. Instead of blaming the President, start looking from within. That is wtf is wrong with this country....always looking for someone to blame and never taking responsibility for your own failures.

So you deny that you are blaming the parents for a son or daughter choosing to volunteer for service as if it is a failure on the parent's fault.

I do not hide behind my son. You do not know him and have no idea of his motivations or character. I have nothing but pride in my son and not because of his military service,; there is no guilt.

You disgust me even more.
Originally Posted by The2Dogs
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-13-2014, 09:42 AM
2dogs brings up his family members to try and paint me in a bad light. All I did was bring up Cindy Sheenan's son in context to JD's question. 2dogs got all butt hurt and brought up his son. If he has parenting guilt that ain't my problem. I'm just as proud of my family members who have served but I do not bring them up on a god damn hooker board to try and make another member look bad. If 2dogs wants his family left out of the discussion, do not bring them up. For sure don't bring them up and then lie about the intent of my post.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The mission was fucked in Vietnam, same as Afghanistan. Sorry, but Obama was right to be skeptical about what we're doing there and right to be pessimistic about our chances to accomplish whatever the fuck it is we are trying to accomplish. The thing he was wrong about was not to pull every single American out of that shithole the day he was sworn in.

Don't you get it yet? Afghanistan is a black hole that we can pour treasure and blood into for the next 20 years and nothing is going to change. Read your fucking history books. Ask the Russians, ask the British, we're just the latest in a long line. We should have been out of that god-forsaken place 12 months after American boots first hit the ground there. Originally Posted by timpage

Don't you get it yet?
If I found myself in command and I was more than skeptical (he didn't believe in the mission, it was all politics) then I would either change the mission to something that can be accomplished and bring aid to the population or go in front of the American people and tell them the truth. The mission cannot be accomplished therefore I am now ordering all the troops home. Or if you want to be diplomatic and politic you say the mission was accomplished (Bin Laden is in hiding and the Taliban has been defeated) and then you order the troops home. In either case you might get some kind of response from Karzi that he is willing to cooperate 100% which include banning honor killings and all those other third world things they do. The strategy would change to one of massive overkill when we find a concentration of terrorists (if we stay). That would include all facets of a military response.

Obama didn't have the guts to withdraw and then he didn't have the brains to listen to the professionals.

Some have said that this is par for the course. Not true, in 1942 FDR was facing a mid term election that his party was going to do poorly in. Operation Torch (the invasion of North Africa) was planned for later that same week. His political people said that they needed some kind of victory to turn the election around and if Torch could happen a week earlier... FDR went to his military advisors (he did think about it) and they said that the high tide and a moonless night was what the needed to save American lives. FDR chose the military advice over the political advice. The GOP got nine new senators with a greater share of the popular vote and 45 new congressional seats with a solid majority of the popular vote. That was a man with guts and integrity (even if I disagree with some other things that he did)
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-13-2014, 10:56 AM
FORwanted to join the war way before Dec 7 1941. But for political reasons, he was not able to do so. Using JD's logic FOR is responsible for all the death's at Pearl Harbor.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
WTF, you have never handed me my ass except in your dreams..
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
2dogs brings up his family members to try and paint me in a bad light. Originally Posted by WTF
No. You do that yourself whenever you post.

WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-13-2014, 10:45 PM
WTF, you have never handed me my ass except in your dreams.. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I never said there was anything wrong with any kids or their parents for joining the military either. But you tried to say I did. JD is trying to blame Obama for any further service men's death in Afghanistan , my point was that that was about as plausible as Cindy Sheenan's argument. How you connected that into me saying you are a fucked up patent because your son joined the Marines is beyond me.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-13-2014, 10:47 PM
No. You do that yourself whenever you post.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The next time I give a shit about what your fence sitting ass thinks will be the first!
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  • 12-01-2019, 05:11 AM
... he was killed in Afghanistan by enemy forces. Sent there by a president who didn't even believe in the plan of battle. Who didn't believe the goal was worthwhile or achievable. What would you think of DONALD TRUMP if that is what you found out? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The President's name in the above has been changed to Donald Trump.

How many Americans have been killed in Afganistan since Trump took office?