King Hussein is pissed

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You realize he used to be a real fighter pilot, not some lame ass community organizer?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You realize he used to be a real fighter pilot, not some lame ass community organizer? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
President Obama never lost his status as a community organizer. President Bush (the dimmer) never logged enough hours in the air to keep his.

What's your point, Short Time?

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
President Obama never lost his status as a community organizer. President Bush (the dimmer) never logged enough hours in the air to keep his.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are correct. Ironically, you have never lost your status as a brain dead faggot!!
You have never lost your status as the most hated man in this forum, and a disgrace to the diaspora!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Adios MOFO!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nobody hates AssupLiar. His mental handicaps make him a sad, yet very funny participant. Pity, yes. Hate, no.
lustylad's Avatar
....when the Taliban were in power- Iran was the biggest supporter to the Northern Alliance in overthrowing the Taliban. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
No dumbass, you are making stuff up again! Is this some kind of compulsion you have? Are you too lazy or too stupid to learn the real facts? You were already asked politely not to post on this topic (Afghan history) without knowing what you are talking about, yet you did it again... Look up Operation Enduring Freedom. The Taliban were pushed out of power in Afghanistan in late 2001. The US (in the immediate aftermath of 9/11) was the biggest supporter of the Northern Alliance at the time. Iran had nothing to do with it. If you care about credibility, you will retract your erroneous statement, apologize and refrain from all future comments on Afghanistan.

As for the rest of your post, you should ask Obama to appoint you as his ambassador for nuclear proliferation. You could encourage the spread of nuclear weapons far and wide and make the world safer for everyone.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
No dumbass, you are making stuff up again! Is this some kind of compulsion you have? Are you too lazy or too stupid to learn the real facts? You were already asked politely not to post on this topic (Afghan history) without knowing what you are talking about, yet you did it again... Look up Operation Enduring Freedom. The Taliban were pushed out of power in Afghanistan in late 2001. The US (in the immediate aftermath of 9/11) was the biggest supporter of the Northern Alliance at the time. Iran had nothing to do with it. If you care about credibility, you will retract your erroneous statement, apologize and refrain from all future comments on Afghanistan.

As for the rest of your post, you should ask Obama to appoint you as his ambassador for nuclear proliferation. You could encourage the spread of nuclear weapons far and wide and make the world safer for everyone. Originally Posted by lustylad
You dumb stupid fuck- the northern alliance were constantly battling the Taliban- the Taliban when they were in power controlled about 90 percent of Afghanistan the remainder was controlled by the Norther alliance backed by General Massoud. Here's an article that proves my point and proves that you are dick sucking POS no nothing asshole:

Anti-Taliban resistance under Massoud
Ahmad Shah Massoud and Abdul Rashid Dostum, former enemies, created the United Front (Northern Alliance) against the Taliban that were preparing offensives against the remaining areas under the control of Massoud and those under the control of Dostum. The United Front included beside the dominantly Tajik forces of Massoud and the Uzbek forces of Dostum, Hazara troops led by Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq and Pashtun forces under the leadership of commanders such as Abdul Haq and Haji Abdul Qadir. Notable politicians and diplomats of the United Front included Abdul Rahim Ghafoorzai, Abdullah Abdullah and Masood Khalili. From the Taliban conquest of Kabul in September 1996 until November 2001 the United Front controlled roughly 30% of Afghanistan's population in provinces such as Badakhshan, Kapisa, Takhar and parts of Parwan, Kunar, Nuristan, Laghman, Samangan, Kunduz, Ghōr and Bamyan.

After longstanding battles especially for the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif, Abdul Rashid Dostum and his Junbish forces were defeated by the Taliban and their allies in 1998. Dostum subsequently went into exile. Ahmad Shah Massoud remained the only major anti-Taliban leader inside Afghanistan who was able to defend vast parts of his territory against the Taliban.

In the areas under his control Massoud set up democratic institutions and signed the Women's Rights Declaration.[112] In the area of Massoud, women and girls did not have to wear the Afghan burqa. They were allowed to work and to go to school. In at least two known instances, Massoud personally intervened against cases of forced marriage.[36]

It is our conviction and we believe that both men and women are created by the Almighty. Both have equal rights. Women can pursue an education, women can pursue a career, and women can play a role in society – just like men.[36]

—Ahmad Shah Massoud, 2001
Massoud is adamant that in Afghanistan women have suffered oppression for generations. He says that 'the cultural environment of the country suffocates women. But the Taliban exacerbate this with oppression.' His most ambitious project is to shatter this cultural prejudice and so give more space, freedom and equality to women – they would have the same rights as men.[36]

—Pepe Escobar, Massoud: From Warrior to Statesman

Here's a site that clearly state's that Iran was one of the Northern Alliance supporters: and here's a excerpt:

The Northern Alliance fought a defensive war against the Taliban government. They received support from Iran, Russia, Turkey, India, Tajikistan and others,[2] while the Taliban were backed by al-Qaeda. The Northern Alliance was mostly made up of ethnic Tajiks, but later included Uzbeks, Hazaras, and Pashtuns.[3] The Taliban government was dominated by Pashtuns with other groups being the minority.
Your constant, broken-record droning about President Obama ought to be consolidated into a single thread. Or another new forum. How does "The Crying Towel" sound to you? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That might be the best suggestion yet!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nobody hates AssupLiar. His mental handicaps make him a sad, yet very funny participant. Pity, yes. Hate, no. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Really? Do you pity me, sucka?
lustylad's Avatar
You dumb stupid fuck- the northern alliance were constantly battling the Taliban....

Here's a site that clearly state's that Iran was one of the Northern Alliance supporters: and here's a excerpt:

The Northern Alliance fought a defensive war against the Taliban government. They received support from Iran, Russia, Turkey, India, Tajikistan and others,[2] while the Taliban were backed by al-Qaeda. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Listen, jizzface – I am the guy who gave you that wiki link so you could learn something about the true history of Afghanistan. Go back and re-read your original gross misstatement – you said “Iran was the biggest supporter to the Northern Alliance in overthrowing the Taliban.” That means Iran was the big mover and shaker behind the taliban's ouster in late 2001, right? Fucking wrong! The taliban were kicked out of Kabul and other key Afghan cities (Mazar-e-Sharif, Kunduz, Kandahar) when the US sent in 400+ special ops guys in Oct.-Dec. 2001 to coordinate with the Northern Alliance in lighting up taliban targets and raining down smart bombs on them. The Iranians did nothing except stay the fuck out the way while we helped the Northern Alliance liberate the country and your taliban buddies fled like cockroaches to Pakistan.

That's the true history of the overthrow of the taliban in 2001 and who made it happen. As for your history of being a "dick-sucking POS know-nothing asshole" - that history is well-documented, elaborately proven and re-proven, and still being written!

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Listen, jizzface – I am the guy who gave you that wiki link so you could learn something about the true history of Afghanistan. Go back and re-read your original gross misstatement – you said “Iran was the biggest supporter to the Northern Alliance in overthrowing the Taliban.” That means Iran was the big mover and shaker behind the taliban's ouster in late 2001, right? Fucking wrong! The taliban were kicked out of Kabul and other key Afghan cities (Mazar-e-Sharif, Kunduz, Kandahar) when the US sent in 400+ special ops guys in Oct.-Dec. 2001 to coordinate with the Northern Alliance in lighting up taliban targets and raining down smart bombs on them. The Iranians did nothing except stay the fuck out the way while we helped the Northern Alliance liberate the country and your taliban buddies fled like cockroaches to Pakistan.

That's the true history of the overthrow of the taliban in 2001 and who made it happen. As for your history of being a "dick-sucking POS know-nothing asshole" - that history is well-documented, elaborately proven and re-proven, and still being written!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
They were the biggest supporters you dumb ass- the U.S didn't come on the scene until 2001- General Massoud's with the large support of Iran were gaining and defending territory way before 2001 w/o an ounce of aid or support from the U.S. The Northern alliance were in complete control of many of the Western areas of Afghanistan- the Taliban never had 100 percent control of Afghanistan Dick face!!!! Also, in case you didn't know there are still parts of Afghanistan in 2015 that are controlled by the Taliban.
lustylad's Avatar
They were the biggest supporters you dumb ass- the U.S didn't come on the scene until 2001- General Massoud's with the large support of Iran were gaining and defending territory way before 2001 w/o an ounce of aid or support from the U.S. The Northern alliance were in complete control of many of the Western areas of Afghanistan- the Taliban never had 100 percent control of Afghanistan Dick face!!!! Also, in case you didn't know there are still parts of Afghanistan in 2015 that are controlled by the Taliban. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Give it up, WimpyUnendowed. You look stupider with every post you make. If you want to walk back your original statement (that Iran was "the biggest supporter to the Northern Alliance in overthrowing the taliban") and merely say Iran was a supporter prior to 2001, then just do it and apologize for misleading everyone.

Btw, I never said anything about how much of Afghanistan was/is controlled by the taliban, but it is a safe bet I know a lot more than you do.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Give it up, WimpyUnendowed. Originally Posted by lustylad

This is why you'll spend your entire career at the AA, Junior.

LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
or ....

We know who you pick!
lustylad's Avatar

This is why you'll spend your entire career at the AA, Junior.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Is that you AssUp? Fuckit man, I've been looking all over for you.... go fetch me another pina colada! And don't forget the pineapple this time, cabana boy!
