Men, Do You Have Confidence In Yourself?

oldmarine's Avatar
Yes they are seing me for the money and telling me what I want to hear.But that doesnt concern me at all. I flat out feel great when I leave a session. And my ego is stroked a litle bit. Originally Posted by Horsemancummeth
You hit the nail on the head Horseman. I had that experience earlier today and I smile every time I think about it.
  • anita
  • 10-07-2010, 01:30 AM
Size of package,weigh or the looks do not matter to me as sometime I find 'normal' looking men more interesting than 'handsome' or 'hung' ones. Beside, there is more than one way to please.
I have confidence in my every day life, work, friendships and relationship building.

Unfortunately, how my work/whatever day goes effects my performance in 'that' activity. Do I know what I'm doing? Yes. Do I always perform up to par? No.
  • npita
  • 10-07-2010, 04:14 AM
You see, he was embarrassed about 2 things..........#1 issue was he thinks he is too small.....4.5"-5"! I reassured him that it's not a problem for most ladies and I would hope ANY lady would be sympathetic to his feelings! Originally Posted by Lana Warren
That's actually rather interesting. I had exactly the opposite feeling the first time I saw a provider. The way I saw it, no matter what I had, how good looking or homely I was, etc., a provider will have seen it all, so I felt absolutely no pressure at all about being the biggest/smallest, best/worst looking, best/worst lover, whatever because realistically, I wasn't going to be any of those things. I went in with the attitude that I was going to enjoy a few hours with someone and that if treated her the way I'd treat a date, overall, I'd be a desirable client and I'd be welcome to come back. That's pretty much how it worked out. That attitude carried over to dating which turned out to improve my dating life.

I think the first step to self-confidence is to realize that no what you have, how hot you are or how good you are in bed, someone is going to be better in one or more of those categories and there's nothing you can do about the size of your dick or how good looking you are. Once you accept that, you can focus on making the visit fun and forget about pressure to turn in a performance bcd.
Chevalier's Avatar
But there is always that nagging question, "Is she being so nice/understanding/accepting only because I'm paying?" I just don't know how to get past that. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
But of course it's not really a yes-no, polar question. Certainly there are some ladies who are nice/understanding/accepting only because I'm paying, but in most cases, it's partly because of the $$$ and partly because of me. Most ladies react, positively or negatively, to the client's personality, behavior, respect, etc. (Surprisingly, some even react positively to an opinionated curmudgeon.) That might mean 99% $$$/1% me; it might mean 80%/20%; hell, it might be almost anywhere. I suspect there may have been a few ladies I've seen over the years for whom it even approached 50%/50%.

But since I'll never know for sure (and even 80%/20% is pretty damned good when you think about it), I no longer let that nagging question bother me. I try to be a reasonably likeable person (based on factors I can most easily control) and then spend my time with ladies for whom it is most plausible that their reaction is 80% $$$/20% me, or better. My ego and capacity for self-deception does the rest.

(NB: The above obviously is a gross over-simplification. There are many more factors that would affect the ladies' behavior than just the $$$ and me.)