Militias square off in Kentucky

Jacuzzme's Avatar
LMAO! Being a ‘dumbass’ has nothing to do with the bullshit claim, which is undoubtedly false.

If he wanted to be self serving he’d have never ran for President. His life before taking office were WAY more enjoyable than since. He didn’t need attacked relentlessly by these jackals, but did it anyways. He was already rich, and has lost a huge amount of wealth, unlike the rest of the swamp who run for office to GET rich.
  • oeb11
  • 09-07-2020, 12:18 PM
Much like anything that points out any flaws of Trump that Republicans refuse to acknowledge is "fake news". Originally Posted by Grace Preston

As usual grace

I have posted many times'I am not a Trump fan" - for his shoot from the hip first adn think second too many times - as a part of a narcissist personality. which might in reality be a prerequisite for running for POTUS.

I would vote pence of trump.

But - To DPST 's everywhere - it is all about trump as pesona - not about the Socialist and marxist dictatorship harris plans to inflict on Her Amerika.
Wake up - it is not all about trump

Unfortunately - trump is the lesser evil of two (actually three0 nominees.

vote biden- for the last free election ever in America.;
Gotyour6's Avatar
You fkn losers. I don't have to dress up as a bad ass with big guns lol.

It's fun to fk with ignorant racist redneck wanna be badasses though Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Well make sure you tape your dick up and wear makeup.
Take whoremoans, train your voice and shave your face.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
here is the lengthy list of verified sources who have all spoken on record ..

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Tracking turnover in the Trump administration

he rate of turnover among senior level advisers to President Trump has generated a great deal of attention. Below, we offer two sets of resources to help measure and contextualize this turnover. The first set of resources tracks turnover among senior-ranking advisers in the executive office of the president (which does not include Cabinet secretaries); the second set of resources tracks turnover in the Cabinet.

They may not testify, but their account of the chaos in the circus caused by his caustic charisma proves by a preponderance of surrounding views that he is the reason we have an "armed militias clashing" thread here.

You want separatism, that's not American. Inclusion is.

Exactly. Intentionally left blank.

The Mueller report redactions, explained in 4 charts

Here, it’s pretty clear that the section titled “Russian ‘Active Measures’ Social Media Campaign” was among the most redacted. From the unredacted portions, we can tell that it’s about Mueller’s findings on Russia’s efforts to sow discord around the election using social media.

Another heavily redacted section is the one called “Russian Hacking and Dumping Operations,” which explains Mueller’s findings on Russia’s role in hacking top Democrats’ emails and releasing them to the public.

In the end . . .

the people's house always wins.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
LMAO! Being a ‘dumbass’ has nothing to do with the bullshit claim, which is undoubtedly false.

If he wanted to be self serving he’d have never ran for President. His life before taking office were WAY more enjoyable than since. He didn’t need attacked relentlessly by these jackals, but did it anyways. He was already rich, and has lost a huge amount of wealth, unlike the rest of the swamp who run for office to GET rich. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Nice try though.

Dumbass. (C-kicker, he deserved that)
  • oeb11
  • 09-07-2020, 12:32 PM
Poor 9500- how sad to waste a life in fruitless service to the Marxist, racist DPST party - which will thin its' ranks of all caucasinan males the moment harris takes office.

There will be No One to speak for 9500 when the harris/tlaib/Omar oven operators come for One.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Tracking turnover in the Trump administration

They may not testify, but their account of the chaos in the circus caused by his caustic charisma proves by a preponderance of surrounding views that he is the reason we have an "armed militias clashing" thread here.

You want separatism, that's not American. Inclusion is.

Exactly. Intentionally left blank.

The Mueller report redactions, explained in 4 charts

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

No, Lenny. i want assimilation into being American. some guy named Teddy said so.

this is exactly where we are today, because of inclusiveness .. it has given rise to divisiveness

and then there is the massive racism. of black people. their black privilege. their disrespect of the law.

white people aren't the problem. stop acting like they are.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
No, Lenny. i want assimilation into being American. some guy named Teddy said so.

this is exactly where we are today, because of inclusiveness .. it has given rise to divisiveness

and then there is the massive racism. of black people. their black privilege. their disrespect of the law.

white people aren't the problem. stop acting like they are. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
If you think this is an inclusive society, you keep showimg your ignorance.

Money, not skin color, is the root of all evil. This prez exemplifies that verse.

Why didn't Teddy do anything about it? Do you know what segregation means? Ignorance!

The black-white wealth gap is unchanged after half a century

Given the lingering legacy of slavery on the racial wealth gap, the monetary value we know that was placed on enslaved Blacks, the fact that other groups have received reparations, and the fact that Blacks were originally awarded reparations only to have them rescinded provide overwhelming evidence that it is time to pay reparations to the descendants of enslaved Blacks.

Tangent: I went to Trumptard land and saw the monumental mountain monument to racism.

Was Abraham Lincoln a ‘white supremacist’?

It has been suggested, therefore, that Lincoln’s move to free slaves was motivated by a desire to encourage slaves in secessionist states to abandon their owners, thereby weakening the slave dependent economies.

More than 155 years after the end of the US Civil War, the legacy of white supremacy and who America’s founding fathers are, and their views on black Americans, is approaching a reckoning.

Quick notes: I saw a shirt that reads JOE AND THE HO. Funny, but disgusting. I like funny and disgusting. Another one was "I'm sorry my patriotism offends you. Your lack of a spine offends me more." Or something to that effect, on the last sentence.

Keystone South Dakota is biker country. I wondered if they, and all the veiled fascists in the area, would show some spine and patriotism if I wore my Bernie 2020 sweater, on a warm Labor Day weekend, and just sneer. As opposed to the typical, or stereotypical, biker response.

Not exactly like Albuquerque Hot Air balloon fest. I don't want to stay there.

Tommy J looks like he has a HUGE nose from the second closest view. It is an international exhibition of great art. The surrounding area is provincial.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
A wealth gap exists, but has nothing to do with whitey. Until black people change their culture they’ll always lag behind. ‘White supremacy’ and ‘systemic racism’ are so far down the list of problems within the black community they’re unrecognizable. They were doing well, even beating whites in some metrics, until daddy government saved them. Now many are perpetually poor because they married a welfare check.
  • oeb11
  • 09-07-2020, 02:17 PM
And when they come for 9500- there will be no One to speak for 9500!!!!
Deluded Liberal with no clue as to Reality.

You may as well sign over your home and assets ( if any) to OBLM and Antifa now.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you think this is an inclusive society, you keep showimg your ignorance.

Money, not skin color, is the root of all evil. This prez exemplifies that verse.

Why didn't Teddy do anything about it? Do you know what segregation means? Ignorance!

The black-white wealth gap is unchanged after half a century

Tangent: I went to Trumptard land and saw the monumental mountain monument to racism.

Was Abraham Lincoln a ‘white supremacist’?

Quick notes: I saw a shirt that reads JOE AND THE HO. Funny, but disgusting. I like funny and disgusting. Another one was "I'm sorry my patriotism offends you. Your lack of a spine offends me more." Or something to that effect, on the last sentence.

Keystone South Dakota is biker country. I wondered if they, and all the veiled fascists in the area, would show some spine and patriotism if I wore my Bernie 2020 sweater, on a warm Labor Day weekend, and just sneer. As opposed to the typical, or stereotypical, biker response.

Not exactly like Albuquerque Hot Air balloon fest. I don't want to stay there.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Uh no, little Lenny. i said inclusiveness is bullshit. and it is, just like equality. how many times do i have to tell you that no one is really equal and never will be. the rule of law is applied equally and people are equal under the law. yes i just said that. i can hear yer howls across the internet.

are you as smart as Einstein? No? then you aren't equal to Einstein and no matter how many books you read and degrees you earn Einstein was still smarter.

as you as fast as Usain Bolt? No?? then you ain't equal.

are you as rich as Billy Gates? No? then you ain't equal.

what you want is impossible. and stupid. by your logic you would remove 99% of Einstein's brain to make him as dumb as you, 99% of Bolt's legs to make him as slow as you and take away 99% of Gates's money to make him as poor as you are.

so what would this result in? not the grand utopia you claim, but a society of dumb, slow, poor people.

  • oeb11
  • 09-07-2020, 02:21 PM
A wealth gap exists, but has nothing to do with whitey. Until black people change their culture they’ll always lag behind. ‘White supremacy’ and ‘systemic racism’ are so far down the list of problems within the black community they’re unrecognizable. They were doing well, even beating whites in some metrics, until daddy government saved them. Now many are perpetually poor because they married a welfare check. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

White supremacy and 'systemic racism' are only DPST talking points to keep their blacks on their own Plantation of Racism - a Plantation system the Democrats have used to control blacks for decades and decades.

the real Racism is the DPST party and its leaders - biden is a documented racist - and used his party and position to further the Democrat control of and keeping of black peoples on the DPST Plantation as welfare Vote slaves.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
A wealth gap exists, but has nothing to do with whitey. Until black people change their culture they’ll always lag behind. ‘White supremacy’ and ‘systemic racism’ are so far down the list of problems within the black community they’re unrecognizable. They were doing well, even beating whites in some metrics, until daddy government saved them. Now many are perpetually poor because they married a welfare check. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Why did the government intervene to save "them" if "they" were "even beating whites in some metrics"?


Uh no, little Lenny. i said inclusiveness is bullshit. and it is, just like equality. how many times do i have to tell you that no one is really equal and never will be. the rule of law is applied equally and people are equal under the law. yes i just said that. i can hear yer howls across the internet.

are you as smart as Einstein? No? then you aren't equal to Einstein and no matter how many books you read and degrees you earn Einstein was still smarter.

as you as fast as Usain Bolt? No?? then you ain't equal.

are you as rich as Billy Gates? No? then you ain't equal.

what you want is impossible. and stupid. by your logic you would remove 99% of Einstein's brain to make him as dumb as you, 99% of Bolt's legs to make him as slow as you and take away 99% of Gates's money to make him as poor as you are.

so what would this result in? not the grand utopia you claim, but a society of dumb, slow, poor people.

BAHHAHAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
if yous say so

just remember that even Nazis have the right to free speech on a whore board in Trump's America. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Well I don't need to keep explaining your way of thinking to anyone here. Anymore. You see yourself as exclusive and superior. Especially with the "corrections" to Ho Rider's posts.

The closer to the deadline, your fears will keep spewing out. The law has to be applied equally. Until then, keep dumb alive. The Secret Service WILL remove his ass by force.

Little, little . . .

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Well I don't need to keep explaining your way of thinking to anyone here. Anymore. You see yourself as exclusive and superior. Especially with the "corrections" to Ho Rider's posts.

The closer to the deadline, your fears will keep spewing out. The law has to be applied equally. Until then, keep dumb alive. The Secret Service WILL remove his ass by force.

little, little . . .

shit. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

don't bet on it

Top US general tells Congress the military won't play a role in the 2020 election

Washington (CNN)America's most senior general, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, told members of Congress that the military will not play a role in November's election and won't help settle any disputes if the results are contested.

"The Constitution and laws of the US and the states establish procedures for carrying out elections, and for resolving disputes over the outcome of elections ... I do not see the US military as part of this process," Milley said in a letter released on Friday responding to questions from two members of the House Armed Services Committee.

"In the event of a dispute over some aspect of the elections, by law U.S. courts and the U.S. Congress are required to resolve any disputes, not the U.S. Military," Milley added.

"I believe deeply in the principle of an apolitical U.S. military," Milley wrote.
  • oeb11
  • 09-07-2020, 05:27 PM
There is an organization the DPST party will set their sights on.

they will subvert the leadership of the military to DPST marxist totalitarianism - and the US will be without Freedom.

they are already at work on how to accomplish their military subversion - assuming they sweep the elctions and pack the SC.

Prepare for POTUS harris - who knows the model of Stalin, mao, Kim, and Maduro.
9500 will gloat in temporary victory of his /hers/its' Marxism - until they come for him and his home and assets.

Squeal like a stuck pig - louder - 9500!