e.com Issues Strike Again !

Cpalmson's Avatar
I got the same edit message that ANONONE received. Damn shame this is happening.
Satyrrical's Avatar
Looks like they have removed all review text now. For my purposes, this makes the site useless. I will stick to this one and 411.
Cpalmson's Avatar
TER is now the only truly national option for decent reviews on providers. There are wonderful regional boards like ECCIE, but TER is the best for getting info across the nation. No, I'm not "pimping" TER-- just stating a factually based opinion. I think ECCIE is probably THE best board all around, and it would be awesome if it could go national. Sometimes I just wished I lived in Texas.
Blackhawk101's Avatar
TER is now the only truly national option for decent reviews on providers. There are wonderful regional boards like ECCIE, but TER is the best for getting info across the nation. No, I'm not "pimping" TER-- just stating a factually based opinion. I think ECCIE is probably THE best board all around, and it would be awesome if it could go national. Sometimes I just wished I lived in Texas. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
I wish I had know about this board when I was working in TX for 3 mos. I was ripped off more than once in Houston amd Dallas.
I recently joined Provider's Voice, and so far they've been very helpful and informative. They advised us to use gift cards, not prepaid cards. I didn't realize, until this week, that there is a difference. BTW, I used the Vanilla Visa card, the other day, on e.com. It's true that you can make up the info. A representative at Provider's Voice also showed me how to disguise my IP address. Another thing I didn't know was possible. All helpful info, and worth the membership fee. I agree that e.com is on their way out. Sad, really.