No Asians allowed

Chung Tran's Avatar
How many Asian men have you sampled?
Maybe you should set up a showcase Originally Posted by Prince Akeem Of Zamunda
between this post, and about 3 others today, I haven't laughed so much in one day ever before on this Board.
PeterBota's Avatar
Shepherd u started this. Elaborate ur shit. 8701 ur nemesis is ready for you he cleared ICE. FBI DPD. DOJ
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 08-05-2018, 02:59 AM
How many Asian men have you sampled?
Maybe you should set up a showcase Originally Posted by Prince Akeem Of Zamunda
Not enough to have a man Gay a an avatar obviously

Obviously a cry for help
  • vadc
  • 08-05-2018, 09:17 AM
They will be missing out “Crazy Rich Asians”
Chung Tran's Avatar
Not enough to have a man Gay a an avatar obviously

Obviously a cry for help Originally Posted by 8701
Some Asians are more racist towards blacks than whites are. I'm white. Had a Asian manager when i used to work at Radio Shack long time ago when i was going to college. She would always ask me to follow them around the store. Sometimes when i saw a AA walk in, i would go into the back room asap to act like i was gonna look for something cuss i knew she gonna ask me to follow them around.

What happened to that Asian guy that was ripping providers off in Dallas? He still in effect?
That woman is stupid and all drama. She was suppose to retire in July. Guess what. It never happened. It's funny how she will see blacks but not Asians. Blacks stink the most compared to every other race out there. Science has proven that.
I thought it was Indians they take shits in the beaches and wipe their ass with their hands.

That woman is stupid and all drama. She was suppose to retire in July. Guess what. It never happened. It's funny how she will see blacks but not Asians. Blacks stink the most compared to every other race out there. Science has proven that. Originally Posted by allusionfusionillusion
What a loser and a moron!. You created this account yesterday for the sole purpose of spewing hate, insults, and to remind us all that stupidity and bigotry is alive and well on this site. By the way why didn’t you just post under the handle you normally use on here?.
CG2014's Avatar
Also depends on the definition of Asian.

Asian is not limited to Korean, Chinese, Vietnames, Japanese, Thailand, Singapore, etc.

Australians can also be considered Asian depending on which part of the world interprets it.

Iranians are considered Asian.

Here's a map of modern Asia with Asia divided into 5 regions:

Western, Central, Southern, Eastern, Southeastern.

You can see Australia is under Southeastern Asian.

Therefore anyone from Australia can be considered Asian and guess what, there are a lot of white folks in Australia.

So the lady who posted the ad saying No Asian Allowed doesn't see white folks either, then?

Not making fun of Asians or being racist but I also bet that same lady who won't see Asians also thinks Asians are all yellow skinned with slanted eyes.

That would be absolutely wrong!!

So she only sees White people?

What exactly is White?

Everyone has gone through so many mixes in their ancestry especially back in Europe 1000 of years ago long before America was discovered, who is truly 100% White?

I see why they closed that thread. She seems very ill informed on her geography. Not that it was a strong subject for me in school but there's several regions of Asian men. I don't know why she shot herself in the foot posting that though.

And there's many Asian men who love bigger women.
CG2014's Avatar
I see why they closed that thread. Originally Posted by tntangie

You are 6 2?

Is that you in the Wonder Woman's outfit?
Chung Tran's Avatar
most Asians are more racist towards blacks than whites are. Originally Posted by JalapenoPopper
fixed it for you.

I guess it is not as well-known, since Asians aren't the "power" group in America.. but believe me, in Asia itself, blacks are not viewed positively at all. no outright hatred shown, usually, but they will say shit all day long behind your back.
Actually, it's the opposite. That's why they were surprised when he ate it and liked it.

CHUNG TRAN!!! He's like Mikey he will eat anything. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
Shep3.0's Avatar
Ok I was filled in why some of the Houston eccie ladies do not see asian men. There seems to be few or handful of asians there that cause problems for ladies and keep creating new handles.

So some of the girls said fuck it. They are passing our screening and ripping us off. IMO it sounds like dfw.golfer/htking guy.