More There There

If MY "children" were known terrorists (foreign or domestic) intent on killing innocent Americans,your damn right I would "still think their cause is just."

Next question? Originally Posted by bigtex
OVER AND OUT Veteran BigTex! And on Memorial Day! Carry On!

I think we have another contender for Stupidest Comment Ever. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And lamest "recovery" and "retorts." I'm surprised BigKotex didn't pepper the post with Smilicons!

Hmm, I wonder what Old Dingus' reaction will be knowing that he is now being referred to as a "dullard." Don't worry OD, you were intelligent enough to comprehend the true meaning of my statement. Obviously, Turdfly and Hanoi James were not! Originally Posted by bigtex
Nothing against Old Dingus! He may eventually tire of figuring out your "true meaning" and come to the widely held conclusion you are full of shit!
Nothing against Old Dingus! He may eventually tire of figuring out your "true meaning" and come to the widely held conclusion you are full of shit! Originally Posted by gnadfly
As I said OD is intellegent enough to read and comprehend the printed word. You obviously are not!

But I bet you can add 2+2. Well, perhaps not!

As for the actual comment, had Turdfly taken the time to actually read Hanoi James' question that prompted my response, he might have understood why I responded like I did.

Hanoi James asked me the following question:

If they were droning YOUR children, would you still think their cause is just? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
My response was very straight forward and to the point. :

If MY "children" were known terrorists (foreign or domestic) intent on killing innocent Americans,your damn right I would "still think their cause is just."

Next question? Originally Posted by bigtex
I was clearly referencing America's cause, not my children's. The fact that they are my children does not mean that I would support their illegal, terrorist activities. Bottom line. if my children are known terrorists and intentionally kill innocent Americans, they must suffer the consequences for their illegal actions, without my support! I might love them but I will NOT support terrorist activities.

Fortunately, I have a couple of outstanding (adult) offspring and I do not have to concern myself that they might be terrorists.

As for my actual response, I probably would not have phrased it that way but I was using the same, exact words used by Hanoi James.The funny part, Hanoi James agreed with the Turdfly even though he knew I was answering the question he had previously asked. It is pretty apparent that they are both a couple of idiots!

I realized that asking an illiterate Turdfly to comprehend something more complicated than 2+2 is probably asking too much of his limited capabilities! Fucking Idiot!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
BiSex, would your answer be different if your kids were NOT terrorists? Would you still feel the same?

BiSex, would your answer be different if your kids were NOT terrorists? Would you still feel the same?
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If a suspect is a known (foreign or domestic) terrorist, intent on killing innocent Americans, send in the Drones.

We can dig up their remains when the dust settles! Originally Posted by bigtex

And Hanoi James asks another stupid question. My whole point all along is that it does not matter if they are my offspring, your offspring or anyone elses offspring. If they are known terrorists (foreign or domestic) and they are intent on killing innocent American citizens, send in the Drones. We will dig out their remains when the dust settles.

I really do not know how to be any more clear than that. It is not my fault that you have a feeble mind with limited comprehension skills.

We seem to have gone full circle in this argument. I made the same identical analogy (see quote directly above) prior to Turdfly getting his frilly panties in a wad. I stand by my previous statement, you are both a couple of Fucking Idiots!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You avoided the question, BiSex. What if your child wasn't a terrorist, and was killed by a drone? Would your answer be any different?

Would your answer be any different? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Earth to Hanoi James. My answer is the same as previously stated.

You and your asshole buddy Turdfly are Fucking Idiots!

There, you feel better now? I know I do!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So even if your children weren't terrorists, if they were killed in a drone strike, you'd be ok with that.

You are a sick motherfucker, you know that, BiSex?
So even if your children weren't terrorists, if they were killed in a drone strike, you'd be ok with that. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You said it, dude. Not me. Either that, or you dodged the question again.
You said it, dude. Not me. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Hanoi James, if you can't provide the link, don't attribute your sick, twisted, hypothetical statements to me.

Did I remember to tell you that you and your asshole buddy Turdfly are Fucking Idiots?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You said it, dude. Not me. Either that, or you dodged the question again. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
what a fucking hypocrite. You have dodged more questions than Richard Nixon ...BEFORE HE WAS IMPEACHED (it never happened, though you repeatedly lie about it!)

consider a long vacation, Unaliar. You're going down like a sweet muffin!
Hanoi James, if you can't provide the link, don't attribute your sick, twisted, hypothetical statements to me.

Did I remember to tell you that you and your asshole buddy Turdfly are Fucking Idiots? Originally Posted by bigtex
The idiot is the person who wrote:

If MY "children" were known terrorists (foreign or domestic) intent on killing innocent Americans,your damn right I would "still think their cause is just."

Next question?
Originally Posted by bigtex

Link? There You Have It!

BigTex: Cougar High grad and Democrat! Anyone else what to claim him?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, BiSex. If your children were NOT terrorists, foreign or domestic, would your answer be the same? It sounds like it would be, so here is your chance to clear up any confusion.

Remember, the question is: If your children were NOT terrorists, foreign or domestic, would your answer be the same?
You avoided the question, BiSex. What if your child wasn't a terrorist, and was killed by a drone? Would your answer be any different?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

cog + photoshop = idiot
So, BiSex. If your children were NOT terrorists, foreign or domestic, would your answer be the same? It sounds like it would be, so here is your chance to clear up any confusion.

Remember, the question is: If your children were NOT terrorists, foreign or domestic, would your answer be the same? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You want my anwer? My response is: Hanoi James was officially classified as a Fucking Idiot, for all practical purposes he became a Fucking Idiot in perpetuity. And he took Turdyfly with him!

Satisfied now?