Democrats plan civil war

Jacuzzme's Avatar
No military person in his/her right mind would obey or respect the bone spur in chief. They laugh n make fun of him too.
You don’t have the slightest clue what you’re talking about. Enlisted men LOVE President Trump and it’s about 50/50 with officers.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
if theres to be a civil war, what kind would it be?

organized mess - america 1861 - 1865
hot mess - Yugoslavia 1993-2000 Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

meh... my question is not being answered.
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  • 09-08-2020, 11:47 PM
when these kind of things come up, the cynic in me always suspects the methodology of having purposeful illogic, as in the statement may be true but misleading Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

There are 8 states that contribute more to the federal purse than they get back from the federal government.

New York
New Jersey

Two more states are at a dead even split.. and those are California and Washington

Every other state-- receives more from the government than they pay in. 6 of the above 8-- are "DPST Maxist" states. The worst offenders in regards to receiving more than they get? All of them are Red states, with the exception of New Mexico (Mississippi, Kentucky, West Virginia, Montana, South Carolina, Indiana, New Mexico)

Yeah-- you may hate how they govern.. but the fact of the matter is-- they contribute more than they get. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
This most likely is from a hit piece prepared by the Rockefeller Institute of Government, funded by and for the benefit of the Division of the Budget of the State of New York:

Basically the state of New York is trying to show it's getting screwed by the federal government. The people who wrote the report are biased. They're getting paid to show New York got screwed.

If you dig deeper into the report (page 10), you will see that federal spending is not the culprit. Total federal expenditures in New York are $11,530 per person, compared to an average of $11,631 per person in the whole United States. The reason New York and New Yorkers pay $1125 per person more to the Feds than they receive is because individual income taxes in New York are $7670 per person, compared to $5075 average for the USA.

Put another way, New York has a lot of rich mother fuckers who make a lot of money. And the income tax system in the U.S.A. is the most progressive in the developed world. The top 1% pay 37% of the income tax. In terms of income per person, New York is number 8 in the USA. In fact, on your list of 8 states which pay more to the feds than they take in, and two that break even, all except Nebraska are among the top 15 states in terms of per capita income.

So, if the federal government would devote 37% of its resources and spending to the top 1%, the same percentage it takes from them in income tax, this problem would disappear. The rich Northeasterners would get back the money they paid in. I suspect these people are predominantly Republicans btw.

No matter, the northeastern states on your list also have high state income taxes, so their wealthier residents are leaving for more friendly places like Texas and Florida. And the rich people will disappear from the blue states on your list and those states will pay less to the federal government. Everything will even out. The two red states on your list of eight, Utah and Nebraska, and the one purple state, Colorado, don't have high state income taxes. Utah's and Colorado's populations are growing and Nebraska is stable.
  • Tiny
  • 09-09-2020, 12:32 AM
There’s some irony here. Democrats who promote a strongly redistributive tax policy are also aghast at how some blue states pay more to the federal government than they get back. And it’s their redistributive policies that created this mismatch in the first place!

That’s not directed at you Grace. You’re pretty even handed and you’re not strongly partisan
Grace Preston's Avatar
While your mentioned source was one of the sources I used-- I'm a pretty firm believer in multiple sources, particularly when we're talking economics and economic policy. I feel the reason they're high contributors is more simplistic-- a higher percentage of wealth overall. Despite rhetoric which would make one feel otherwise-- most of the mentioned states are highly desired places to live, overall-- and have a higher cost of living than anywhere else in the US. With a higher COL-- comes people of higher incomes, that can easily afford the associated costs.

I mean-- simple logic. Where do you think there is more overall wealth? Connecticut or Mississippi? New York or New Mexico? Colorado or West Virginia? (I'm using states I've actually set foot in.).

Beyond any of this-- the bigger picture is that its never a great idea to attempt to entirely eliminate one party from the table in a two party system. Autocracy is not healthy-- and if people want to see the worst of their own party-- that's the way to do it.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Dim-wits and selective memories ,,
Cali 13% income tax
47 of the top most violent cities DEM, 41 cities below Poverty levels DEMs Highest tax s ssssssss
Point being deflection and bad memory is all most of them have , facts NEVER on there side