Who is worse, the Saudi's or Iranians?

How many Iranians were connected to 9/11?

How many Iranians we we Training who then turned around and killed our military personnel in Florida?

Yet Trump defends the bastards against Iran. He should arm Iran and unleash them on the Saudi's.

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world...ues/ar-BBZ5fXo Originally Posted by WTF
LOL...Did anyone even look at the bullshit linked article. Very little to do with what underlying question of the post appears to be.

And the statement in the OP should be corrected to.

Yet Trump(like every administration in the last 40 or so years) defends the bastards(as our allies) against Iran.
But TDS runs deep in some.
who is worse, the Iranians or the Saudis, eh?

the Iranians hate us and tell us so,

the Saudis hate us but don't tell us so, the reason I suspect is they need us in support of their regime

the Iranians currently are more of a threat to peace and co-existence as a state

but its not just those two countries

anywhere across the world, where muslim countries abut civilization, there is confrontation and clash.

as winston churchill said, "How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!
  • oeb11
  • 01-20-2020, 08:41 AM
And yet the fat lying bastards dream team consists of Dershowitz who has represented Epstein, Starr who impeached a president for copping a blow job, and Pam Bundi who refused to prosecute trump university in Florida.

Then there’s Sekelow who Parnas has alleged was in the know about the shakedown. But the hypocrisy lies to left....yeah sure. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Thank you j666 - deflection, denial, offtopic BS
just the usual.

Enjoy the Impeachment proceedings - the joy won't last long.

you can get a new Avatar- "Impeachment 2021"!!!
Ethnically they are different. Plus they belong to two distinct and competing Muslim sects - Shia and Sunni. If you don't understand that, you can't understand anything about the Middle East. Look up the Battle of Karbala. Originally Posted by lustylad
If you want to understand why the Muslims hate the Jews and vice versa...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_of_Banu_Qurayza
LexusLover's Avatar
Not long before the 67 War I was living with Iranians and training them: urban and rural. They couldn't tell me why they hated Jews. There was a German physicist there also. He was personally offended by their lack of hygiene and other living standards. I suggested they all had something in common so they should get along together: They hated Jews.

I recommended they ought not to underestimate the military prowess of the Israelis. As for other issues I spent a lot of evenings sitting around in a circle, drinking strong tea, and listening to a lot of bravado. There were questions, because they did not understand Western culture/standards and most particularly the Western "tolerance" for females ... although they had other misconceptions about the West.

The introduction of international TV, cell phones, and other messaging as well as more contact with Westerners from other than European countries, has changed all that. Although those guys evaporated when the 67 shooting started .... I assume most were shot in the back while running ....

... they did learn a valuable lesson about those Israelis. So did some of the other Arab countries in the area. Iran should have, but they've had the cover of the U.S. Presidents/Congress for YEARS by virtue of holding the Israelis on a short leash.

Those days are gone for a few, but the Stupidity in the House and LameStreamMedia has convinced them that all they have to do is wait until Trump is kicked out of office. And if you knuckleheads think that makes us "safer" then you would rather be "Red than Dead"!

As a matter of policy addressing the Arab Warriors by PeaceNic Western standards and judging their responses by our own ... only emboldens them and endangers us .... taking their second in command and most feared in exchange for a dead contractor sends a good message to tamp down the chest beating ..... that was the way it was 50 years ago ... not much has changed.

I noticed no one called THE "natural resource" .... WATER!

The History of the Nile is instructive.

HedonistForever's Avatar
The answer to the question is simple and as old as time itself.

"The enemy of my enemy".

Who was worse, Hitler or Stalin? It could be argued that both were monsters neither should ever have our support but at a precise time in history, we both had the same enemy. Today, Iran is our enemy and for the time being SA is an ally even though some of their citizens perpetrated an attack on our soil. I'll remind you that Iran, through it's proxy Hezbollah killed over 400 Marines in Lebanon and more recently killed hundreds if not thousands of US soldiers in Iraq. SA, one incident as horrendous as it was can't compare to the numerous acts of aggression from Iran.

So there is your answer
  • oeb11
  • 01-20-2020, 12:57 PM
The enemy of my enemy is my friend is an ancient proverb which suggests that two opposing parties can or should work together against a common enemy. The earliest known expression of this concept is found in a Sanskrit treatise on statecraft, the Arthashastra, which dates to around the 4th century BC, while the first recorded use of the current English version came in 1884
In his Arthashastra: Book VI, "The Source of Sovereign States", Kautilya writes:[3]
The king who is situated anywhere immediately on the circumference of the conqueror's territory is termed the enemy.
The king who is likewise situated close to the enemy, but separated from the conqueror only by the enemy, is termed the friend (of the conqueror).
— Kautilya, Arthasastra
HoeHummer's Avatar
Wiki that, young lady?
LexusLover's Avatar
The answer to the question is simple and as old as time itself.

"The enemy of my enemy".

Originally Posted by HedonistForever
That's a philosophical response to a practical circumstance of survival. Musings don't sustain, and those who dwell on them are not concerned about surviving on a parched land where little grows and not enough to pass around to keep all sustained.

Philosophers are unconcerned with survival. Only sounds of their voices. There have been plenty of wars fought based upon an imposition of one's political/social/philsophy over another one's, but those are just platitudes.

If one doesn't understand the fundamental reason for a conflict, then a resolution of the conflict in manner that lasts will be illusive at best and more likely completely absent.
Sextans's Avatar
Democrats beat both of them
LexusLover's Avatar
Wiki that, young lady? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
I'm sorry you were ignored for so long. Keep trying for attention.

You won't get what you seek, but perhaps you will be calmed by the effort.

Clarksville was symbolic of your personal failure to accept reality.

You're really still in the Austin area ... it's sad you pretend otherwise.
LexusLover's Avatar

Who was worse, Hitler or Stalin? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
It doesn't matter.

We were allied with China against Japan. Now Japan against China. Hi Chi Minh was our ally against Japan, then against us in SE Asia.
Germany, France, England, Italy, .... the list is endless.

Little of it has to do with philosophy or social mores or political methodology or goals. It has to more to do with natural resources and strategic positioning of control to exercise power and/or influence over another nation attempting to acquire or market natural resources or the products derived from their natural resources.

Trump understands that .... When he makes this country independent from the "Global Community" then those countries desiring to control us no longer have that leverage.

Keep jabbering platitudes and philosophies. It's a waste of time.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Can we fix this thread by adding:
Or the Dims

But here's my thought:
The Saudis want to play ball.
The Iranians don't.
  • oeb11
  • 01-20-2020, 03:57 PM
Concisely put, UC.
LexusLover's Avatar
Can we fix this thread by adding:
Or the Dims

But here's my thought:
The Saudis want to play ball.
The Iranians don't. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
The streets of Iran seem to speak loudly in favor of "BALL"!

We have all probably met more Persians than Saudis, and our introductions and activities have most likely been more favorable.

Not to refine the conversation too much, but my sense is for the most part the People of Iran want to get along with the West ... it was certainly that way when the Shah was around and U.S. businesses flourished in Iran. More so than the Saudis .... who came here as little rich snotty nosed immature brats who abused females here like they did back home. That's what infiltrated the campuses at least.