PSA: Get your naughty bits checked

Glad to hear everything is ok. Keep your head and strength up!
Glad to hear everything is ok. Keep your head and strength up! Originally Posted by Quagmire007
+1. Hang in there. Pun intended.
69Goat's Avatar
I hope everything goes well for you. God bless.
Well, looks everything still works. Thanks Angel! Originally Posted by BigGuy13
My pleasure! (Literally....someone has been practicing!)
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
No doubt your encourgaing post helped just as much,if not more than
his doctors advice,SAangel.

Good to hear your doing well BigGuy13
Guest010619's Avatar
Tell your doctor an Angel helped you.
BigGuy13's Avatar
Chemo plus two weeks, and all is well. As they mentioned, days 3-6 sucked the worst. Flu like symptoms, aches, nausea, very weak. That lasted the weekend, but took a while to get my strength back. Not a 100% yet, but close. Looking forward to going back to work, going a little stir crazy. Still a couple weeks away from being able to play, just in case any chemo still in my fluids.

All in all, it wasn't as bad as I expected. We've all seen chemo in shows and movies. Either that's a worst case scenario they show, or mine was a very mild dose. As long as it drops the chance of it coming back, I am good...

Get checked!
HUMP!'s Avatar
  • HUMP!
  • 02-01-2017, 10:58 AM
Glad things are looking up for you, BG.
Way to hang in there.