Jan 6th circle jerks hold of hearing until July...BECAUSE THEY AIN'T GOT SHIT!!

VitaMan's Avatar
Trump had the Russian interpreters throw away all the meeting notes with Putin.

Now he can't locate 11 of his 12 former executive assistants.
He can't locate all his previous phones. He can't find the records of the Trump Organization.

Sounds more and more like Trump colluded with himself.
... Hmmmm... Then it's just like bb1961 mentioned.


#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump had the Russian interpreters throw away all the meeting notes with Putin.

Now he can't locate 11 of his 12 former executive assistants.
He can't locate all his previous phones. He can't find the records of the Trump Organization.

Sounds more and more like Trump colluded with himself. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Russian? Putin's interpreters?

if you say so
HedonistForever's Avatar
Finally something interesting from a legal point of view. I didn't know about that Sunday meeting in the White House with the new acting AG Rosen, after Barr, reigned. After just having watched several hours of programming on Watergate, I was sitting there thinking, "now this will be right up there with John Dean's testimony". Rosen and 2 guys under him at the DOJ told Trump that if he fires Rosen and puts Clark in his place that has agreed to carry water for Trump, the entire upper management of the DOJ will resign all at once and "what will that do to your Presidency, President Trump"?

Never heard any of that before. I don't know if the DOJ will look at all this and say yes, they think they can beat Trump in a court of law but I sure think a lot of things, sound like he broke the law and I'm not talking so much about Jan. 6th but all the the things Trump asked, coerced, people to do that seem to violate federal law.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Finally something interesting from a legal point of view. I didn't know about that Sunday meeting in the White House with the new acting AG Rosen, after Barr, reigned. After just having watched several hours of programming on Watergate, I was sitting there thinking, "now this will be right up there with John Dean's testimony". Rosen and 2 guys under him at the DOJ told Trump that if he fires Rosen and puts Clark in his place that has agreed to carry water for Trump, the entire upper management of the DOJ will resign all at once and "what will that do to your Presidency, President Trump"?

Never heard any of that before. I don't know if the DOJ will look at all this and say yes, they think they can beat Trump in a court of law but I sure think a lot of things, sound like he broke the law and I'm not talking so much about Jan. 6th but all the the things Trump asked, coerced, people to do that seem to violate federal law. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

no one has done a better job weaponizing the DOJ/FBI than Obama and Biden.
HedonistForever's Avatar
no one has done a better job weaponizing the DOJ/FBI than Obama and Biden. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

True but there is no denying after that testimony that Trump absolutely tried to weaponize the DOJ.

Funny ( at least I thought so ) 90 minutes after that multi hour pow pow in the White House with all these lawyers telling Trump, he was wrong and Trump giving in by not firing Rosen, Trump called one of the 3 guys, that he had another "rabbit hole" he wanted the DOJ to investigate like somebody in the Italian Embassy was controlling by satellite, American voting machines and had the ability to change any vote. True story.

They keep saying "Trump knew he was wrong" because all these Republican lawyers were telling him he was wrong. After listening to all this testimony, I am convinced that Trump knew no such thing. He wasn't trying to get around the "truth" ( some believe ) he thought he was right and still thinks so today.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
He wasn't trying to get around the "truth" ( some believe ) he thought he was right and still thinks so today.
Why wouldn’t he? He was winning everywhere he needed until they shut everything down and threw out monitors. Suddenly at 3am biden magically overtook him in several key states with vote drops that were 99% biden. If it walks like a rat and quacks like a rat it’s usually a rat.
That is for the history books to yet decide. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Historians don't litigate they pontificate like you...
Waiting for your breaking news thread when this happens...
VitaMan's Avatar
I don't write the news.

If Trump is indicted, you will certainly be triggered and let everyone know your insightful comments.

Why not start with Jeffrey Clark. His house raided while in his pajamas.

No doubt if that happened to you, that would trigger you.

Carry on Roy Rogers.
What does that have to do with historian writing with their bias opinion. I can't wait to see their take on brandon and him being the worst thing to happen to this country. Fucking wake up there is no Trump indictment coming as bad as you woukd like it to happen.
If they had ANYTHING on Trump they would have already played their hand.
You are the one who will be in need of a crisis intervention.Now get back to you Trump obsession threads.
VitaMan's Avatar
Thank you for posting
There is no credible evidence "Italygate" occurred.
The story first appeared on Jan. 6th.
This factcheck was posted Jan. 15, 2021.

The issue continues to be the same. There was no evidence to back this claim. Just like Trump had no other information his attorneys didn't.
Trump "thinking" he was right, and still thinking that today (which I think is BS) doesn't make any difference. It was one of many, many, rabbit holes that were baseless and without evidence.
Trump "gave in" because there would have been mass resignations at the DOJ if he put Clark in as the AG. The attorneys were there to advice on the law. They would be unable to confirm or deny any of the info on "Italygate".

Fact check: Evidence disproves claims of Italian conspiracy to meddle in U.S. election (known as #ItalyGate)

False. There is no legitimate evidence that an employee of the Italian defense company Leonardo SpA interfered in the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
True but there is no denying after that testimony that Trump absolutely tried to weaponize the DOJ.

Funny ( at least I thought so ) 90 minutes after that multi hour pow pow in the White House with all these lawyers telling Trump, he was wrong and Trump giving in by not firing Rosen, Trump called one of the 3 guys, that he had another "rabbit hole" he wanted the DOJ to investigate like somebody in the Italian Embassy was controlling by satellite, American voting machines and had the ability to change any vote. True story.

They keep saying "Trump knew he was wrong" because all these Republican lawyers were telling him he was wrong. After listening to all this testimony, I am convinced that Trump knew no such thing. He wasn't trying to get around the "truth" ( some believe ) he thought he was right and still thinks so today. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
They are presenting the info in a logical manner
Prosecuting Trump isn't the point. Since you don't know,this isn't a trail. They are detailing the information they have. Just because you can't understand it or you don't believe it doesn't matter.
Let me give an example why. You just tried to include Biden's job performance in this.
I'm not going to explain how that shows how ignorant you are.
You're a Trump shill trying to deflect all of the evidence building against Trump show how he has tried to illegally change the outcome of the election.
If you want to bitch about Biden, do it in the appropriate thread.
Grow up.
What does that have to do with historian writing with their bias opinion. I can't wait to see their take on brandon and him being the worst thing to happen to this country. Fucking wake up there is no Trump indictment coming as bad as you woukd like it to happen.
If they had ANYTHING on Trump they would have already played their hand.
You are the one who will be in need of a crisis intervention.Now get back to you Trump obsession threads. Originally Posted by bb1961
Everything you brought up has been explained. If there was any degree of truth to anything you pointed out, it wouldn't be let go at the national level. There is no documented proof the repub monitors were excluded when dems weren't.

You could include a link that proves anything you claimed. But you didn't. Because you can't.
You aren't very good at identifying animals either.
Luckily your skill set only hinders you.
Why wouldn’t he? He was winning everywhere he needed until they shut everything down and threw out monitors. Suddenly at 3am biden magically overtook him in several key states with vote drops that were 99% biden. If it walks like a rat and quacks like a rat it’s usually a rat. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If you read the posts (those you aren’t ignoring l, that is) then it ALL sounds the same. Rage whining by a bunch of people who can’t really identify or express why their lives are so frustrating.

So rage whining.