Making a Living

Decide in advance what your services are going to be like. Limited GFE, GFE, PSE, or some other kind of service (some ladies only do CBJs while others do BBBJs--an issues for a lot of guys). So, decide in advance what you are comfortable with. Make it known in your ads, and price services accordingly. Even SMT is priced for that kind of service. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

I respectfully disagree with this for 2 reasons. No lady will connect with every gentleman in the same way so its moot. Just because I enjoy something does not necessarily mean I will enjoy it with you...or everyone. Secondly and probably more importantly, listing services is a liability issue. Never, ever list services on your website or on an ad. It makes it way too easy for you to become a target of big brother who is always watching..make it as hard as you can.

WTF is right Originally Posted by Becky
I knew no good would come of appointing SR Only a moderator. It has disturbed the space time continuum and led to statements like this.
Never, ever list services on your website or on an ad. Originally Posted by Camille
But Camille, then how will Chuckie know what he is buying?
I respectfully disagree with this for 2 reasons. No lady will connect with every gentleman in the same way so its moot. Just because I enjoy something does not necessarily mean I will enjoy it with you...or everyone. Secondly and probably more importantly, listing services is a liability issue. Never, ever list services on your website or on an ad. It makes it way too easy for you to become a target of big brother who is always watching..make it as hard as you can.

Camille Originally Posted by Camille
And YMMV strikes again. IMHO, YMMV is just an excuse for giving below-par service (blame the hobbyist, not the provider).

I agree with the listing of services issue--that it creates liability. However, this liability hasn't prevented ladies from doing so. Some ladies have a clear policy against it, while some ladies are very detailed about what they offer. I guess my point was: IF you do list them be clear about them. Some hobbyists have deal breakers and get pissed when they find out about them after the session starts.
But Camille, then how will Chuckie know what he is buying? Originally Posted by pjorourke
"Let the buyer beware." You never know what you're getting. I think most hobbyists are so easily satisfied that as long as they get laid, they had a wonderful time. There's more to a wonderful time than getting laid.
Rudyard K's Avatar
I think most hobbyists are so easily satisfied that as long as they get laid, they had a wonderful time. There's more to a wonderful time than getting laid. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Maybe I'd fall into this category. I'm sure I've had a bad time before, but frankly?!...I can't remember it. That does not mean every session was "over the top, hoot and hollar, toe curling" great. But on the whole?...I had a good time.

It's hard to enjoy a dance, if you're always worried about the music being too loud, or the lights being too bright, or the dance floor being too crowded, or they're not playing your favorite song. Grab your gal's hand...fight your way to the center of the dance floor...spin her around...and dance. You've already bought the ticket to the dance...enjoy it!!
"Let the buyer beware." You never know what you're getting. I think most hobbyists are so easily satisfied that as long as they get laid, they had a wonderful time. There's more to a wonderful time than getting laid. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Which might be why you have so many bad experiences. Learn to go with the flow boy. These women aren't windup dolls -- they are people (although if you want the former, I hear they sell them). Try relating to them as such and you might have a better time. And every now and then, you'll get your toes curled.

Like RK, I think I can count my "bad" experiences on one hand -- and that is in over 15 some years.
And YMMV strikes again. IMHO, YMMV is just an excuse for giving below-par service (blame the hobbyist, not the provider). Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Disagree again. That's why you have reveiws. If the lady doesnt have reviews and a set menu is important to you then don't see her. Simple. The men that put a heavy emphasis on menu items are usually the same men that question the validity of information on a woman's site period(age, education, photos etc) so why would they believe the menu anyway? You know as well as I do CT that men of this ilk pay more attention to what a reviewer will say about a woman than what a woman will say about herself. Get what you need from reviews if you need the info that badly, it 'aint rocket science

But Camille, then how will Chuckie know what he is buying? Originally Posted by pjorourke

"Let the buyer beware. I think most hobbyists are so easily satisfied that as long as they get laid, they had a wonderful time. There's more to a wonderful time than getting laid. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Oh Charles, life can be so much more enjoyable when you are easy to amuse Not just with escorts, but with just about anything else as well. If you are having fun with it almost anything that you set out to do will be worth the effort.

Hey SR (super mod) you up yet wake up wake up wake up........
Disagree again. That's why you have reveiws. If the lady doesnt have reviews and a set menu is important to you then don't see her. Simple. The men that put a heavy emphasis on menu items are usually the same men that question the validity of information on a woman's site period(age, education, photos etc) so why would they believe the menu anyway? You know as well as I do CT that men of this ilk pay more attention to what a reviewer will say about a woman than what a woman will say about herself. Get what you need from reviews if you need the info that badly, it 'aint rocket science

C Originally Posted by Camille
When I first started in the hobby I read reviews. No more. There are a bunch of problems with reviews.

First of all, they are exaggerated. Normally, because the hobbyist gets into cock-measuring on this board. Also, because he doesn't really want to report that he did a lot of research and got taken.

Second, he's bragging at his ability to get the lady to cum. So, he lies about his AND her Os (hers, may of course, be fake; just part of the fantasy).

Third, a good portion of the ladies here report that the reviews are in error. Either they never saw the guy, or, when reading the review, she didn't recognize the session (it's like she wasn't even there).

Fourth, not everyone is reviewed. A lot of ladies don't want to be reviewed (C, you may well be one of them...IDK), or they just plain aren't reviewed. Back in the days when I did research, I can't tell you the numbers of times I searched for a review on a particular lady, only to find none.

So, in the final analysis, reviews are not credible. So why waste the time? And that brings us back to YMMV, and my previous post.
Where the hell is SR when I need a rewrite Originally Posted by Becky
SR Only went to bed on east coast time and suffering from a cold. It really puts a damper on a sex drive.

I knew no good would come of appointing SR Only a moderator. It has disturbed the space time continuum and led to statements like this. Originally Posted by pjorourke
My work is done.

Hey SR (super mod) you up yet? wake up, wake up, wake up,........ Originally Posted by Becky
Sleepy head is up but has to run off in a minute.
When I first started in the hobby I read reviews. No more. There are a bunch of problems with reviews.

First of all, they are exaggerated. Normally, because the hobbyist gets into cock-measuring on this board. Also, because he doesn't really want to report that he did a lot of research and got taken.

Second, he's bragging at his ability to get the lady to cum. So, he lies about his AND her Os (hers, may of course, be fake; just part of the fantasy).

Third, a good portion of the ladies here report that the reviews are in error. Either they never saw the guy, or, when reading the review, she didn't recognize the session (it's like she wasn't even there).

Fourth, not everyone is reviewed. A lot of ladies don't want to be reviewed (C, you may well be one of them...IDK), or they just plain aren't reviewed. Back in the days when I did research, I can't tell you the numbers of times I searched for a review on a particular lady, only to find none.

So, in the final analysis, reviews are not credible. So why waste the time? And that brings us back to YMMV, and my previous post. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
It brings us back to the glass in your world being constantly half empty. You need some love CT and you can't buy that anywhere.

It brings us back to the glass in your world being constantly half empty. You need some love CT and you can't buy that anywhere.

x Originally Posted by Camille
And if you could by love, only the rich would be loved.

What you call "half empty" I call realism. Most providers complain about reviews. You should be happy I don't read the. Most providers say up front that YMMV. I admit that YMMV, but I take a different tack, and say it's an excuse for giving sub-par service.

Now, I think one of the factors that would change the level of service is if the lady thought she could "hook" a regular. But if she knows it's a one shot deal, there is little motivation to give superior service. Especially if she has a no-review policy or is seeing a guy who doesn't do reviews.

Then there are the physical issues. If nothing else, a large part of this world is based on physical attraction. You can enter the session with your hygiene being AAA+++ (like I do), but if you're short and carry a few extra pounds (like me), then the physical attraction doesn't exist. And it shows. Is that YMMV or consistency? I think it's consistency.
Then there are the physical issues. If nothing else, a large part of this world is based on physical attraction. You can enter the session with your hygiene being AAA+++ (like I do), but if you're short and carry a few extra pounds (like me), then the physical attraction doesn't exist. And it shows. Is that YMMV or consistency? I think it's consistency. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I think its attitude. I know a number of short and/or overweight guys that do very well with the ladies.