Can a Teawipe Tell Me How Ted Cruz Voted?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-27-2013, 12:52 PM
you post the chronology of cloture votes

that ended group filibusters in the senate ..

what kind of un educated person are you ?

apparently, the kind that has to educate you about group filibusters
Despite what you see on C-SPAN2, or what you read on Twitter, Ted Cruz is not filibustering Obamacare. The Republican senator from Texas is speaking on the Senate floor for what is expected to be a very long time—asked by reporters when he'd stop, he replied, "We shall see"—but it's not a filibuster in the sense of actually stopping the upper chamber's proceedings.

Instead, Cruz's stand is purely symbolic.
In a real talking filibuster, as famously portrayed in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, a senator occupies the Senate floor indefinitely so as to block the chamber from taking up any other business. In Cruz's case, Senate rules limit his time, and he'll have to cede the floor by Wednesday morning at the latest. That's a long time, but the Senate will have to wait whether Cruz speaks or not. As Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday morning, "I want to make sure everyone understands: There is no filibuster today."
Democrats already have the 60 votes needed to initiate cloture and break an actual Republican filibuster, so the rest of the timing is essentially on "autopilot," as Reid said, because on Monday he initiated the complicated series of procedural moves to cut off debate..

no filibuster, whirlie my man, you and JD are idiots

The End Originally Posted by CJ7
Damn it....
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-27-2013, 01:15 PM
Damn it.... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

that's exactly where my copy paste came from, thanks
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Note "your" definition of a filibuster. "...any dilatory or obstructive tactics used to prevent a measure from being brought to a vote". An unsucessful filibuster results in a bill being brought to a vote but it is still a filibuster. Most filibusters, if not all, are unsucessful. They raise the profile of the debate and bring attention to the concerns of the minority party. Cruz was successful at this. Stop sucking Harry Reid's dick and think for yourself.

Robert Byrd talked about his dog Billy in 1964.

A filibuster refers to any dilatory or obstructive tactics used to prevent a measure from being brought to a vote ..

no matter how long Cruz yammered about green eggs and ham he could not stop the Senate vote ... no filibuster. Reid was right and you, JD are an idiot.

not only did Cruz fail to block the vote, he voted , and voted AYE to move the measure back to the House so he could vote on it again. Originally Posted by CJ7
that's exactly where my copy paste came from, thanks Originally Posted by CJ7
you are welcome, you plagiarizing cockered plume-plucked codpiece!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-28-2013, 12:39 AM
you are welcome, you plagiarizing cockered plume-plucked codpiece! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

I'll ask you again, are you so stupid I have to add a c/p disclaimer to every article I find and post on this board?

if you are, raise your hand.
I'll ask you again, are you so stupid I have to add a c/p disclaimer to every article I find and post on this board?

if you are, raise your hand. Originally Posted by CJ7
Plagiarizing mewling flap-mouthed puttocks get no pass...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-28-2013, 12:51 AM
Plagiarizing mewling flap-mouthed puttocks get no pass... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

you gonna raise your hand or not?
you gonna raise your hand or not? Originally Posted by CJ7
No... You gorbellied tardy-gaited hedge-pig!