The Art Of An Introduction Letter

I'm not suggesting, "How 3pm Saturday behind the bowling alley on Main? I'll be in the green Econoline Van with the engine running...hop in.."

but seriously I'm not writing you an essay as an initial contact....get over yourself Summerhill... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Lauren, ignore the man behind the curtain. I’m with you, I love getting a well thought introduction letter. Maybe it is that I’m fond of the written word that I enjoy them so much. The more I know about someone before I meet them the better our time is together. I don’t dislike the quick, “Hey, how’s it goin’?” emails either. I find that after that initial email communication starts flowing back and forth about desires, expectations and each other. I find that either way, we eventually get some sense of each other. But I really do like the introduction letter. To me it has the thrill of old fashioned letter writing and courting.
I sure as hell do not want to see a lady that is mildly interested because I met her minimum requirements and she wants the money. Originally Posted by WTF
Indeed, shocking to hear him suggest that it's not always about the money for the lady.

Actually it's the references that are a deciding factor, not minimum requirements. If I've got time, he's not terribly communicative, and the women tell me he's worth seeing - I see no harm in exploring his attraction to me, and finding out if it could turn out to be mutual.

I won't pretend I'm falling apart at the seams with excitement before a date that doesn't feel like ongoing communication before our meeting. It's like any first date. I'm curious and look forward to it, and once there I could very well be captivated.

It's up to the gentlemen to put in a little effort to create anticipation, if that's what he desires when spending time with a lady. Both parties have to put in an effort.
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  • WTF
  • 01-07-2010, 11:35 AM
Did I read this right? It's not all about the money? Did someone get a hold of WTF's keyboard? Originally Posted by discreetgent
Everyone is a comedian today!

It's about the money when its about the money! Just as it is about the chemistry when its about the chemistry. My chemistry level is just way harder to get to than some. Frankly its not fo sale! But I do realize a girls gotta eat.

Any of that make sense?
I don’t dislike the quick, “Hey, how’s it goin’?” emails either. I find that after that initial email communication starts flowing back and forth about desires, expectations and each other. I find that either way, we eventually get some sense of each other. But I really do like the introduction letter. To me it has the thrill of old fashioned letter writing and courting. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I'm really big on old fashion letter writing. I have a bit of a hobby reading the letters of historic lovers. It's really quite dazzling what the power of the written word can be. I've always said that letters I keep and the stories I write are the pictures I cannot take.

My experience is the same. If someone writes you a short two sentence email, and you respond with a small paragraph that encourages some conversation, soon there's a nice back and forth. You still manage to learn enough to look forward to the date, and understand what kind of experience he's looking for.

There is the occasional person that seems to want to be very business like, where there's absolutely no conversation. Usually the references check out as: not memorable, not particularly charming, hygienic and pays. I'd rather spend the evening reading a book. LOL
Everyone is a comedian today!

It's about the money when its about the money! Just as it is about the chemistry when its about the chemistry. My chemistry level is just way harder to get to than some. Frankly its not fo sale! But I do realize a girls gotta eat.

Any of that make sense? Originally Posted by WTF
It makes a lot of sense. But, I'd like to think it's about the fun too. There has to be chemistry to have fun even if the money got the ball rolling.
Frankly its not fo sale! But I do realize a girls gotta eat. Originally Posted by WTF
That's why women should always have an option, so they don't have to lean on dates to make ends meet.

I think when it comes down to that point, most ladies have a career. If they need money they'll turn efforts to their day job rather then see someone they feel numb towards just to make ends meet.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Napoleon's love letter to josephine

Dec. 29, 1795
I awake all filled with you. Your image and the intoxicating pleasures of last night, allow my senses no rest.
Sweet and matchless Josephine, how strangely you work upon my heart.
Are you angry with me? Are you unhappy? Are you upset?
My soul is broken with grief and my love for you forbids repose. But how can I rest any more, when I yield to the feeling that masters my inmost self, when I quaff from your lips and from your heart a scorching flame?
Yes! One night has taught me how far your portrait falls short of yourself!
You start at midday: in three hours I shall see you again.
Till then, a thousand kisses, mio dolce amor! but give me none back for they set my blood on fire.
I love that letter, it has long been one of my favorites.
My favorite moment is between Heloise and Abelard

The term "wife" may seem at once holier and more substantial, but another was always dearer to my heart, that of your mistress, or even - allow me to say it - of your concubine, your whore.

And another:
"I paid you a secret visit. You will remember the excess to which passion drove me in a corner of the refectory, for there was nowhere else we could retire to. We were unrestrained in our lewdness, despite the respect due to a place dedicated to the Blessed Virgin."
discreetgent's Avatar
Hmm, remember what happened to Abelard
Hmm, remember what happened to Abelard Originally Posted by discreetgent
All too well! One should never mess with a girl's paternal figure

Oh the weeping in the streets at the foot of his window, I probably would have been one of them
  • npita
  • 01-07-2010, 12:53 PM
I always got great results with my letter of introduction by expressing my concern for an escort's feeling of saftey and asking what she needed to feel comfortable seeing me the first time. No one ever turned me down for an appointment.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-07-2010, 01:30 PM
That's why women should always have an option, so they don't have to lean on dates to make ends meet.

I think when it comes down to that point, most ladies have a career. If they need money they'll turn efforts to their day job rather then see someone they feel numb towards just to make ends meet. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Even ladies that don't think they are making ends are making ends meet.

Unless an artist gives his paintings away, he is doing it in some part for money.

Love may make the world go round but money greases the gears.

The only time you do not worry about money is when you have plenty and then you are worried about holding onto it.
Money is right under air, water and food. Napoleon goofy love letter just shows what love will do...thank god for science and the fact that we have learned that love acts just like a drug to the brain. Throws love way down the totem pole when you figure out that fact. The counterpoint to loves demise is the elevation of respect.

If you are working another job so you can be selective in who you choose to see....then what are you working for if not MONEY.

''Freedom just another word for nothing left to lose''....Who wrote that and what does it mean?

There is more to life than money but only when you have plenty, just like food....End of rant.
  • Eliza
  • 01-07-2010, 04:17 PM
I'm curious to know if this meet-and-greet led to an actual date. I discourage ladies I mentor to engage in these kinds of meetings simply because their time is much too valuable. One's website(s) should be representative enough for any gentlemen to make a firm decision as to whether or not he wants to meet. Originally Posted by Exotic Lily
Hello Exotic Lily

No, I chose not to take him as a client. I mentioned in my post that a basic amount of chemistry or a connection is a requirement for me and there was none. He was like a very polite, very refined block of ice.

I am actually the one who requires a dinner/lunch with a potential gentleman before I choose whether or not to have him as a client. It's part of my screening process. However, I should note that I can afford to do this as my hobby is very small and the select number of men I meet will most likely become clients. I don't have websites or ads as I've been lucky enough to find gentleman IRL and through word of mouth and connections/friends. It was how I entered the business and I've had no issues so far. I still conduct standard screening using the wonderful world of technology though, in case anyone was about to chide me on safety. I know my approach may be atypical, but it works for me. I may put up a website soon though. I've seen some very beautiful ones that gave me website envy.
''Freedom just another word for nothing left to lose''....Who wrote that and what does it mean? Originally Posted by WTF
Before some yutz comes in here and says Janis Joplin, I thought I'd provide the correct answer: Kris Kristofferson.