The Great Negotiator Fails Again

themystic's Avatar
Yeah, maybe CB should have batted as an adult in his son's little league. Not fair to discriminate against him just because he was older, bigger, stronger. We all know you favor letting male trannys compete against women in sports. So why not adults versus kiddies?

Point well taken. Originally Posted by lustylad
Lots of coaches in Little leauge wernt good enough athelethes in thier own lives. They try to live vicariously through thier kids. R-Scum are scardy cats. Scared of trannies to? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

BOO...............BOOOO>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>Scardy Cats
lustylad's Avatar
Lots of coaches in Little leauge (sic) wernt (sic) good enough athelethes (sic) in thier (sic) own lives. They try to live vicariously through thier (sic) kids. R-Scum are scardy (sic) cats. Scared of trannies to (sic)? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

BOO...............BOOOO>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>Scardy (sic) Cats Originally Posted by themystic

Congrats on spelling "vicariously" correctly. The rest of your post is mangled, just like your thinking. Better not miss your next spelling/grammar tutorial session with yssup.

Btw - it's cowardly for you to trash CB when he's not here to defend himself. Funny how you seem to be a lot more respectful when he is online.

I like you CB. Thats a good story about your Kid Originally Posted by themystic
themystic's Avatar
Congrats on spelling "vicariously" correctly. The rest of your post is mangled, just like your thinking. Better not miss your next spelling/grammar tutorial session with yssup.

Btw it's cowardly for you to trash CB when he's not here to defend himself. Funny how you seem to be a lot more respectful when he is online. Originally Posted by lustylad
Maybe you should PM him since youre the bodyguard for the R-Scum on here so he can take up for himself
lustylad's Avatar
Maybe you should stop being a phony who kisses his ass to his face, then turns around and trashes him behind his back!!

Eh, Brutus?

Eh, Judas?
themystic's Avatar
Maybe you should stop being a phony who kisses his ass to his face, then turns around and trashes him behind his back!! Eh, Judas? Originally Posted by lustylad
Maybe you should let CB fight his own battles. Thats the problem with you R-Scum. You raised a bunch of Snowflakes because your insistence on fighting everyone but your own battles. Maybe you should go to Co Dependents Anonymous
lustylad's Avatar
Maybe you should let CB fight his own battles. Thats the problem with you R-Scum. You raised a bunch of Snowflakes because your insistence on fighting everyone but your own battles. Maybe you should go to Co Dependents Anonymous Originally Posted by themystic
Maybe you should stay away from little league games and baseball games altogether. Last time it didn't end well for your buddy Hodge.

Lusty, you da man! ****swoon****

Maybe you should stop being a phony who kisses his ass to his face, then turns around and trashes him behind his back!!

Eh, Brutus?

Eh, Judas? Originally Posted by lustylad
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Mystic has never understood the concept of negotiation much less being able to spell it. The negotiation is not over until both parties say it is. Reagan walked away and Gorbachev capitulated. I bet Mystic always pays the sticker price on a used car.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
themystic's Avatar
Mystic has never understood the concept of negotiation much less being able to spell it. The negotiation is not over until both parties say it is. Reagan walked away and Gorbachev capitulated. I bet Mystic always pays the sticker price on a used car. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I don't buy used cars Barley. Maybe someday you will be able to buy new vehicles. And please for once do you mind buying American
themystic's Avatar
Maybe you should stay away from little league games and baseball games altogether. Last time it didn't end well for your buddy Hodge.

Originally Posted by lustylad
Its official. Lusty try at least 6 meetings before you decide. Good luck. Be well
lustylad's Avatar
Its official. Lusty try at least 6 meetings before you decide. Good luck. Be well Originally Posted by themystic
What the fuck is co-dependency? If you get run over by the proverbial milk truck tomorrow I'll be perfectly fine! How long have you been in recovery?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Yes, trump walked away. Whether or not he is doing any good is not so clear. NK was rebuilding the test site even as they spoke.
His defense of kim not knowing that student was in captivity makes him look like a chump.
As far as making progress in the denuclearization area, he lost ground.

North Korea rebuilds rocket launch site, in ominous signal about attitude to talks

TOKYO — North Korea has begun rebuilding a satellite rocket launchpad and engine test site, in an ominous sign about its attitude toward negotiations on denuclearization.
The rebuilding work at the Sohae Satellite Launching Station began sometime between Feb. 16 and March 2, according to satellite imagery, meaning it started either just before or immediately after the breakdown of a summit meeting between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Hanoi on Feb. 28.

The site, also known as Tongchang-ri, is billed as a space launch center. North Korea had said it was being dismantled and had promised to allow in international inspectors to verify that process, in a move widely cited as a sign of its good faith."

It looks a little early to call this a game. Talk is good when it's real. And NK is saying the same thing they've said to everybody. They're going to do what they want.

The door is still open on this, mystic. You know it, I know it, and so does Trump and Kim. Rome wasn't built in a're smart enuff to know what that means, right?

Now had Trump walked away with a signed deal (ie: Kim agrees to completely de-nuke 100% starting TODAY) that wouldn't be enuff for you, would it? You'd poopoo it and claim it's all a mirage and that Kim has no intentions of making good on said deal.

It's amazing....unless it's all a ruse on your part (and I don't think it is) the hate you spew for this man runs so deep; it doesn't seem to matter what he accomplishes for the citizens of this great nation.....for you and others nothing will ever be good enough. Considering what we think we know of you, kinda tough to deny that, isn't it?

Here's the bottom line: at least we're seeing the ball move forward per NoKo, Kim, and (hopefully / inevitably) peace in that part of the world. Dialogue, albeit no signed agreement(s) coming from said dialogue this time around, is better than what we ever saw from Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc....

Quick story, if I may....

I coached my son's Little League team many years ago and that experience remains one of my fondest memories that he and I shared while he was a youth. Fast forward, he's a businessman today and is already far more successful than I was at his age. The reason I make mention of this is he (still) reminds me of a cliche' I repeated often to him and his teammates during practice and games: "No one ever in the history of baseball ever got a sitting in the dugout". He's told me he's used that simple adage in his business often enough to know it's an absolute.

It's "safe" to stay on the sidelines and never, ever try. However if you want to be in the game and help your team win, ya gotta go up to the plate and take a few hacks at it. Take advantage of opportunities when they're presented to us.

As any fan knows, no one bats a thousand. There's gonna be slumps and setbacks along the way. But if you stay focused and don't let the fear of failure eat at you from within, you'll usually end up getting what you want in the long run.

For Trump, Kim, and the rest of the world, we're only in the second inning of this game. Too early to call this one.....lotsa ball left to play before this one's determined. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
themystic's Avatar
What the fuck is co-dependency? If you get run over by the proverbial milk truck tomorrow I'll be perfectly fine! How long have you been in recovery? Originally Posted by lustylad
its when you dont let grown men like CB and Moscow Ellen fight their own battles. Thats why your kids vote for socialists. you coddled them lusty. they are snowflakes
lustylad's Avatar
its when you dont let grown men like CB and Moscow Ellen fight their own battles. Thats why your kids vote for socialists. you coddled them lusty. they are snowflakes Originally Posted by themystic
Ellen lives in Austin. She's never been to Moscow. Why do you fight girls? Real men don't. You probably eat quiche too. You must be on the wrong board. Try to find a website or forum that treats "co-dependency for wimps".