If you’ve gotten used to insulting others in Coed...

If they banned all the lady bashing rule breakers I would not have very many posts at all. Hell, I might even start writing reviews lol.
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  • BLM69
  • 08-16-2018, 02:44 PM
If they banned all the lady bashing rule breakers I would not have very many posts at all. Hell, I might even start writing reviews lol. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
I'll start holding my breath now for your game changing reviews to be posted up, we all can't wait!

Where are these lady bashers you speak of in every thread and every other post? I'm beginning to believe it's a fairy tale of yours, who are these ladies that are being bashed? Please fill us in
Stalk me much big little man (lady brasher)? Maybe someday you will have a life too and appreciate ladies lol n smfh. Until then stalk away dude. It was another great day in my hood
Oh zhit...I forgot to keep on topic like the blm did AGAIN...just hope I didn't bash him to much smfh n lol again. He be right back bashing me 24/7 and I really don't give a flying fk if I get pointed omg. Or ban town. Just let the m sucking loser roll on. (I didn't say mod this time lol.) Bye bye. I'm sure I will be just fine n that fucking ladling bashing loser will post his fat ass off. I've tried for a minute or 2 lol. Ban me mods and protect the fkn lady brasher. You mods are REAL men right? and don't respect ladies on here.
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  • BLM69
  • 08-16-2018, 07:18 PM
I knew it was your fairy tale TS, thanks for the confirmation