You Know.. We All Have Rules???

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Lol yes I do. Just waiting to taste some of that cooking for myself one day
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 09-18-2010, 05:52 AM
Lol yes I do. Just waiting to taste some of that cooking for myself one day Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I already have and it's wonderful.
thebodyguard_69's Avatar
Ignore any thread you deem not worth responding too. Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Word! I think that's the best advice given...hence why I'm in ninja mode most of the time lol
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I personally follow the Man Laws ....
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Thanks Reese Im glad you liked it! I forget the Spaghetti EA my bad I owe you,btw Im cooking Pepper Steak and Yellow Rice with Black Beans tonight mmmm
Eccie Addict's Avatar
No problem Mila but I appreciate you letting me know what you're making tonight without inviting me lol
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Word! I think that's the best advice given...hence why I'm in ninja mode most of the time lol Originally Posted by thebodyguard_69
The big problem I have is ...... when you have someone on your ignore button and then someone goes and quotes that person, thus forcing me to read the post of the person I have on ignore.

Whats a weak girl like me to-do?
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Thanks Reese Im glad you liked it! I forget the Spaghetti EA my bad I owe you,btw Im cooking Pepper Steak and Yellow Rice with Black Beans tonight mmmm Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
Spaghetti? Mila you are way to advanced to be cooking spaghetti. Hell, that’s like making a PB&J sandwich to you.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Brooke I will take what I can get ok lol
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Hmmm yeah this site is for informatiom exchange.
There are some hobbyist who are selfish and do not write reviews but when it comes to starting crap well they have no problem there.
I may be an asshole at times but I will help a fellow hobbyist out with info.
There some here who only cause trouble but getting to write or do a recon is like pulling teeth.
SELFISH is what you are taking from the givers then complaining
about everyone else not exchanging info.
Don't bitch unless you have contributed one view.
Carry the message not the mess.
What if every hobbyist didn't contribute a review.
Where would eccie be and where would we get quality talent and not get ripped off. Originally Posted by carkido45
Great thread, DarthMaul.

Another thing to consider is that there are some who tend to go out of their way to bait others into a joust only to find that they themselves-those who took the bait, are now in the cross-hairs of the powers that be.

Like THE OASPDBB, for example. He used to Bait me constantly. Then one time, I went a little too far with my online bits~lap of a reply that I got caught, and my hand slapped. It's cool because I probably deserved it..not sure and don't really care. I earned it and I accepted the punishment-no biggie...but I thinck that I called him a fuckstain, or something..I dunno.. can't really remember right now..? it's not important..

Anyway, my point being, you can't allow yourself to get hooked by these Baiters. Some are masters. That's where the term MasterBaiters came from...(I thinck??). THE OASPDBB, can you verify this?

But, it's cool because believe-it-or-not, some good actually came from that. Yes, it was because of THE OASPDBB that I decided to start posting some of my reviews again. And because he is my hero and because I wanted to be like him; an asshole who posted reviews, I dedicated each and every one of my reviews to him...and not ONCE has that asshole thanked me for my effort to be less selfish. I'm cool with that asshole's ungratefulness too, actually; because I know that he's fapped while reading my reviews; not to mention that at this very moment, he's thincking about my dick (no seriously, ask him if you doubt my claim), so it's also kind of funny too-- I suppose that's reward enough...unless he's fapping to the thoughts of my dick...he IS a MasterBaiter after all, ya know..... Heh! And of course this is just a goof as I was merely illustrating how easy it is to get drawn into the shit-storm because you were baited. So just be careful about whom this person is and then watch what you say, how you say it, and don't allow yourself to get hooked--that's what they're hoping you'll do. Don't give them the satisfaction.

Bottom line: Mods, you guys have enough crap on your plates and you damned sure don't need anymore. I get it. I'll try not to add to your burden. Not exactly sure that I'll be successful, but I'll certainly try.

Congratulations Babysnowdoll on your delivery of this new bundle of Joy!
Can we call you 'Baby-Momma' now?

Mila baby, can you fix a Chicken Pot-Pie? I luvs, luvs, LUVS me some Chicken Pot Pie. Yumz! Just thought that
you'd like to know.. besides, ain't nothin' sexier than a beautiful woman bringing me a HOT Chicken Pot Pie...okay, that's a lie but I still luvs me some Chicken pot Pie.


onehitwonder's Avatar
Yo..are youse talkin' to me?
DarthMaul's Avatar
Dear John

My fellow mod just posted his idea of what adults are and how they should act. I agree with his whole post wholeheartily.

It is difficult enough that the 30 or 40 moderators that cover this board of 45000 plus have enough to do and then when all we ask is to have some responsibility towards sharing information then theres a post like this.
I really could care less who started what who said this or "He said she said" crap. All of us are adults grow a set BE RESPECTFUL.
I feel alot of times that I work at a daycare center always having to remind you guys day in and day out the same thing over and over and it doesnt sink in. I only wish each and everyone of you could mod for three months and have to hear this from the other end and do it with a smile

When you tell someone to shut the fuck up regardless of it being needed or else doing it PUBLICLY is automatic.

Angelina dont revel over this its not about anything but the word.
Whenever anyone tells anyone else in this manner in public to stfu its a no brainer

Have a nice weekend everyone.. Originally Posted by St.Mateo
Thanks for having my back St. Mateo! You know Mod For A Month could be interesting!?
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Thanks for having my back St. Mateo! You know Mod For A Month could be interesting!? Originally Posted by DarthMaul

Yeah, but you gotta be careful who you give such power to.......

For example: Board activity would decrease to a crawl if Wakup or DeerHunter were ever put as mods.... BANS FOR EVERYONE They don't like..... which is EVERYONE!

Bottom line..... Keep out of the Shit-Slinging business.... because you stay in it long enough, you'll end up stepping all in it!

Terminator69's Avatar
Wow I agree with you and I count myself on the selfish guys who dont write reviews just because of the criticism or bad reviews of a review.

You have help me and answer some of my questions whenever I asked for your help, and for that I have to say thank you very much.

Just like that I am on my way to write my first review, on the strip club section and will write some more soon, I am not good at writing and describing in detail a session but I will do my best from now on.

About all the drama and BS looks like we have more youngster joining the board wich is not bad but also not good, lets all be adults and enjoy LIFE IT IS BEAUTIFUL

Hmmm yeah this site is for informatiom exchange.
There are some hobbyist who are selfish and do not write reviews but when it comes to starting crap well they have no problem there.
I may be an asshole at times but I will help a fellow hobbyist out with info.
There some here who only cause trouble but getting to write or do a recon is like pulling teeth.
SELFISH is what you are taking from the givers then complaining
about everyone else not exchanging info.
Don't bitch unless you have contributed one view.
Carry the message not the mess.
What if every hobbyist didn't contribute a review.
Where would eccie be and where would we get quality talent and not get ripped off. Originally Posted by carkido45
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
If I had any information of value to contribute... I would ...