Friendships and the hobby

Friends don't charge friends for pussy.
Friends don't charge friends for pussy. Originally Posted by Thibodeaux

You have some really good friends!
  • PT4ME
  • 08-26-2011, 11:55 PM
Friends don't charge friends for pussy. Originally Posted by Thibodeaux
Yeah, that's the tough part Thib. I agree with you and stopped fucking a friend or two. Tough call, but no grey area either. All true friends have benefits..... just some not sexual!

Don't we all advise one another that RULE #1 (ladies included) is that this is just a business.... and illusion, etc. ??

I have been lucky, I have made a few acquaintances here, and MAAAAAAYBE 3 friends. I say maybe because I have been privvy to watching the "friends" work their magic, and lol, I am sure there are several someone elses out there just like me that think they are friends also. I have decided that there is a very fine line between "friends" and "preferred clients" and at this stage in my life I am pretty sure I know the difference.

Reese, between this post and the gun thread, sounds like you cold use some "cabbage".....

Cheer up!!


Reese, between this post and the gun thread, sounds like you cold use some "cabbage".....

Cheer up!!

-PT- Originally Posted by PT4ME
I cheered up a long time ago...when I read that I am obviously not the only one with these feelings.

"Cabbage" and one of your hugs would do me well......don't forget the cornbread!
I love you and you better believe it! I've given you free Goodies before so what ya got to say now?
FishGuy13's Avatar
Wow Reese great post, and glad to know there are others out there who think just like me. On one hand to really let loose and have fun in this hobby both sides can only 'act' so much we all tend to get our hearts involved more than we ment.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 08-27-2011, 10:13 AM
I like the people I meet here. I have met a bunch and consider some friends. I enjoy shootin the shit with the them, going to dinner and just hanging out. They are the ones I can can call when I am feeling down and they know they can call me when they need. Sometimes I cant offer anymore than an ear to talk to. We all need our friends, some stay close some drift off and then we lose touch. Sometimes we just get busy and cant call. The one thing to remember is that being friends is a two way street, you cant expect one to call or e-mail. It takes effort.

To all my friends on here................thanks for being my friend
Lana Warren's Avatar
I like the people I meet here. I have met a bunch and consider some friends. I enjoy shootin the shit with the them, going to dinner and just hanging out. They are the ones I can can call when I am feeling down and they know they can call me when they need. Sometimes I cant offer anymore than an ear to talk to. We all need our friends, some stay close some drift off and then we lose touch. Sometimes we just get busy and cant call. The one thing to remember is that being friends is a two way street, you cant expect one to call or e-mail. It takes effort.

To all my friends on here................thanks for being my friend Originally Posted by motorload

You are so right! To have a friend, you must be a friend! I love you dearly, my friend!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I like the people I meet here. I have met a bunch and consider some friends. I enjoy shootin the shit with the them, going to dinner and just hanging out. They are the ones I can can call when I am feeling down and they know they can call me when they need. Sometimes I cant offer anymore than an ear to talk to. We all need our friends, some stay close some drift off and then we lose touch. Sometimes we just get busy and cant call. The one thing to remember is that being friends is a two way street, you cant expect one to call or e-mail. It takes effort.

To all my friends on here................thanks for being my friend Originally Posted by motorload
Love ya Motorload
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Friends don't charge friends for pussy. Originally Posted by Thibodeaux

....and true friends don't let their friends work for them for free either.

Great thread Reese
GDLMAN's Avatar
Reese you know I love you. You know how to contact me if you ever need me.
Bestman200600's Avatar
I have several lady friends that go above and beyond. It can hurt when one moves on that you have known for awhile.
....and true friends don't let their friends work for them for free either.

Great thread Reese Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Thank you, EA :-)

Reese you know I love you. You know how to contact me if you ever need me. Originally Posted by GDLMAN
Love you too, GDL. Thanks for being my friend.
I have many friends. They dont expect me to work for me when they need my services. I have several friends among the providers. I would never expect them to work for free when I need their services.
Add it up, the hobby is still cheaper than the RW (unless your DAMAN). My friends have done things and gone places for no charge so I really don't understand the premise. Maybe I just know a better class of provider, no check that, a better class of woman.
I think in reality most of us spend time OTC with our friends. I have been on several trips and other events with my hobby friends, sometimes to my own financial detriment, because I enjoy their time and needed the time away.

To those who don't believe that friends can be made in the hobby...I think the proof is in the pudding.