A question for the married hobbyists

1234NiceGuy's Avatar
Disabled handle or not, this is definitely a ThreAd. Nilla is gullible if you think CSB isn't still seeing her regulars UTR.

CSB is gullible if she thinks Nilla isn't feeding her a line of bull about how stuck he is with his sexless roommate.

If Nilla isn't careful, CSB sounds like a loose cannon about to forget her place as his P4P fantasy. When she decides to take matters in her own hands, Nilla's wife is going to take away Nilla's ability to afford CSB.

But what do I know. Originally Posted by Seabound
Seriously, I know we're not supposed to bump old threads. But she should be banned for life. This isn't some minor infraction. This is crossing the line and shows the mindset of someone who will wreck someone, if it suits her.

C'mon, mods. I don't start drama or trouble on this board. But this is very concerning to have someone like this among us.

She's obviously a loose cannon and very likely to be vindictive and seek retribution against those she thinks crossed her.
Whispers's Avatar
This is nothing new and if you think the behavior is unique to Hunter you are naive.

Hunter is one of the worse having done more harm to other providers than any of the pimps around here.....
1234NiceGuy's Avatar
This is nothing new and if you think the behavior is unique to Hunter you are naive.

Hunter is one of the worse having done more harm to other providers than any of the pimps around here..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Yeah, I didn't say it was unique to her. I am saying that this is blatantly obvious that this person actually is a threat to the community. If she comes back, what does that say about this board's ability to police itself?

I mean, I understand what this place is about. But it's OK to have some standards and cut bait with people like this. Waaaay over the line in several regards.
RandB fan's Avatar
After careful consideration:

Yeah, I didn't say it was unique to her. I am saying that this is blatantly obvious that this person actually is a threat to the community. If she comes back, what does that say about this board's ability to police itself?

Does this mean anything to you and your question?

I mean, I understand what this place is about. But it's OK to have some standards and cut bait with people like this. Waaaay over the line in several regards. Originally Posted by 1234NiceGuy
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-25-2015, 08:43 AM
Yeah, I didn't say it was unique to her. I am saying that this is blatantly obvious that this person actually is a threat to the community. If she comes back, what does that say about this board's ability to police itself?

I mean, I understand what this place is about. But it's OK to have some standards and cut bait with people like this. Waaaay over the line in several regards. Originally Posted by 1234NiceGuy
The board could police itself by realizing this is a manipulating, vengeful & evil whore & quit seeing her...but..thats not likely to happen because some guys don't care WHAT they stick their dick into...
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 12-25-2015, 11:20 AM
The board could police itself by realizing this is a manipulating, vengeful & evil whore & quit seeing her...but..thats not likely to happen because some guys don't care WHAT they stick their dick into... Originally Posted by Toyz
So true, so true...

RandB fan's Avatar
The board could police itself by realizing this is a manipulating, vengeful & evil whore & quit seeing her...but..thats not likely to happen because some guys don't care THAT they stick their dick into... Originally Posted by Toyz

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-25-2015, 12:17 PM
FIFU Originally Posted by RandB fan
Thank you Rand! BTW I have a Rib Eye Roast in the oven with a coffee brine & multi spice (including saffron) rub...looking forward to see how it turns out.
Skip_8's Avatar
The board could police itself by realizing this is a manipulating, vengeful & evil whore & quit seeing her...but..thats not likely to happen because some guys don't care WHAT they stick their dick into... Originally Posted by Toyz
Ain't that the truth...anyone know a manly looking tranny willing to do a two girls in a cup redo...just joking.
RandB fan's Avatar
mine is caramelizing nicely, changing wood to apple soon.

Thank you Rand!Rand!? BTW I have a Rib Eye Roast in the oven with a coffee brine & multi spice (including saffron) rub.Indian or Mongolian rub? ..looking forward to see how it turns out. Originally Posted by Toyz
Here is one for "those "guys

And let me preface this by saying that I am currently off the market (my rate on my showcase is proof enough) - so this is not a threAD by any means (I'm talking to you, Rockerrick, errrr, I mean, black sunshine)). Coed is about to become Claire's blog. You've been warned.

For the married hobbyists: Does your wife have a full-time job? If she does, then read no further. I'm looking for answers from the guys with wives who are either at home full-time or only work part-time.

Does your wife cook? Does she keep the house clean? Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
The reason Claire is Men Stink at Statistics. Or put another way, men think with their dicks. What else is new in history?

If you are a guy making more than USD $40K, you are in the top 1% of the global individual income earners. If you wife up a girl, then you have to ask yourself if she is in a similar category.

Let's say you don't buy into that metric (personally, I don't, it ignores PPP for starters). Okay, then let's look at just personal income in the US. People throw around "six-figure income" pretty loosely, but if a guy brings that in and sets up a SAHM arrangement, then he's in the top 6.6% of all-genders income earners. Take out the female earners in that group, and he's easily in the top 5% of all men in the US by income. Cross-reference the income data by gender, and the number of women in that income category is closer to 3.25%. So a guy that breaks that six-figure mark is in the top 3.35% of all US men.

Now break down that 3.35% into age categories, and the field thins dramatically for relatively young'ish (at most 30-45, depending upon your personal risk aversion; while not as severe as with women, conceiving with older males still carries larger risks) males in the US making that much, want to father children, and have a suitable temperament to start a family.

Look around the guys you know who have those incomes with a family at home, and ask yourself how many of them are paired up with a wife in the top 3-4% of all US women?