We try to avoid cops in the hobby but what about cops who hobby?

prison guards, jailers, etc...they are different. cops....are cops...whether they are off duty or not. they still can arrest you. and bottom line....their title carries more weight in court than your word against them saying they hit it for a dollar amount.
countryplayboy's Avatar
I am sure that alot of the providers on this site have been with a memeber of law enforcement, and they never knew that guy was a cop. Cops are men like the rest of us. If a cop tells you that he is a cop, then he is either up to something or a fool. They have just as much to lose by being exposed, if not more, then every other guy on this site.
Umm, I've heard of a place where people could go where it's legal. OMG, what's the name of that place? !!! I wish I could remember!!!

OH! Oh! Oh!, I know! I think it's called Nevada or something like that. I've even heard you can get plane tickets there for cheap and they have entertainment to boot. Some say that what happens there stays there. I dunno.

Maybe he can go there. What do you think?
Nevada is NOT LEGAL.. thats like one of the main places where cops all over practice LE. I swear.. pfff No Way.. Not unless you have a sherrifs Card like A stripper or a Professional escort who works for a legit Escort service.

I once dated an LEO & dude told me in the beginning of our session that he was a resturant owner. He was a little oriental man & looked nothing like LE at all what so ever. After our session was up he then looked at me and said," I did lie to you about 1 LITTLE thing!" I Said " Whats That?" He then pulled out his badge and said " I work for SPD & I dont own no resturant!" I was like maaaaaan fuuuuuu-----k!
He didn't take me to jail he said he wanted to become a regular because he really enjoyed my company. I then told him no & would appreciate it if he wouldnt call me anymore and thank you for coming to see me. Im not going to lie, i kept it completley real with him. I Do NOT date cops. Why?

Next Story.. Lol
My really good friend (whom is a provider) had a regular who was LE and he saw her all the time! One day he came to see her and I was in the next room over & our walls were like back to back. He of course didnt know anything about me because I just dont trust cops. Anyways, my friend had a date with him that day and he came to her room. All i heard was nothing but screaming, yelling and alot of banging. He wounde up raping her that day, then after alllll that happened he set her up and busted her in a Sting. He wasn't supposed to be there before the sting operation but he decided to get his last in with her. When all the cops got there she said that he had raped her and everything and they didnt believe her. she wounde up going to jail that day and tried to do her thing upon him and NO ACTION happened for her sake but all she got was another prostituion charge, some fines and a no contact order with the hotel we were at.

Mind you, this guy was her "REGULAR" for a long time and he turned on her.
I say "F" the police because they may be humans just like us, but they're NOT POONERS. they're LE & their job is to try & get close with people to figure them out & then get all the info they can and use it against you in court.

Be Safe Ladies
Nevada is NOT LEGAL.. thats like one of the main places where cops all over practice LE. I swear.. pfff No Way.. Not unless you have a sherrifs Card like A stripper or a Professional escort who works for a legit Escort service.

I once dated an LEO & dude told me in the beginning of our session that he was a resturant owner. He was a little oriental man & looked nothing like LE at all what so ever. After our session was up he then looked at me and said," I did lie to you about 1 LITTLE thing!" I Said " Whats That?" He then pulled out his badge and said " I work for SPD & I dont own no resturant!" I was like maaaaaan fuuuuuu-----k!
He didn't take me to jail he said he wanted to become a regular because he really enjoyed my company. I then told him no & would appreciate it if he wouldnt call me anymore and thank you for coming to see me. Im not going to lie, i kept it completley real with him. I Do NOT date cops. Why?

Next Story.. Lol
My really good friend (whom is a provider) had a regular who was LE and he saw her all the time! One day he came to see her and I was in the next room over & our walls were like back to back. He of course didnt know anything about me because I just dont trust cops. Anyways, my friend had a date with him that day and he came to her room. All i heard was nothing but screaming, yelling and alot of banging. He wounde up raping her that day, then after alllll that happened he set her up and busted her in a Sting. He wasn't supposed to be there before the sting operation but he decided to get his last in with her. When all the cops got there she said that he had raped her and everything and they didnt believe her. she wounde up going to jail that day and tried to do her thing upon him and NO ACTION happened for her sake but all she got was another prostituion charge, some fines and a no contact order with the hotel we were at.

Mind you, this guy was her "REGULAR" for a long time and he turned on her.
I say "F" the police because they may be humans just like us, but they're NOT POONERS. they're LE & their job is to try & get close with people to figure them out & then get all the info they can and use it against you in court.

Be Safe Ladies Originally Posted by Ms.Fancy
Ms. Fancy, I agree 100% with you. BTW I'm sorry about what happened to your friend. I would never meet with a cop, I don't care if they are "human" just like the rest of us. There are good humans and bad ones to boot. I swear, there is nothing but problems with a lady who decides to meet a cop. Best to just stay away from them and their power hungry freebie seeking ways IMO.

Ms. Fancy, thanks for sharing your experience.....
Your Welcome. I Just Seen this thread and was like oooh noo .. i hope these girls are smarter then that.. Some girls think its ok or think that they really have it in with the cops.. But it really doesn't work like that. Pffff I've been doing this for 3 years and Idk who all have been cops because there job is to lie too so they could say anything and look like a normal pooner but If a girl really dates a cop when he announces his job desription I dont think that girl should be a provider, to me its just like being around a snitch. Someone who is cool with cops is cool with telling and letting cops get comfortable and close to them over some money. pfff No way especially when they're job is to go undercover and put thereselves in positions to where they have to do drugs, or have to get in with some type of illegal sources for money. Pfff think about it ladies.. For Real.. Most places its a Misd. but some places Its a Felony.. Is it worth it to get close to cops when all they really trying to do is figure you out?

for some money. hahahahah Nooo Way.. But I guess that just falls under girls who think and ones who dont give a damn!