What Biden done for the good of the country

You don't understand the complexity of border security. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... What's so complex about CLOSING the BORDER??
Please explain.

Allowing millions of people to illegally cross the border
is BAD for the country!

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 05-24-2024, 10:11 PM
Come on now Tiny. What's old Joe going to for us that have already paid off our mortgage. Kids didn't have any student loans so can't get a piece of that pie so I guess I am getting screwed all around since Biden has not done anything that benefits me. Originally Posted by golferguy55
Sounds like sour grapes to me golferguy! This is Modern Monetary Theory 101. The government can borrow as much money as it wants and it won't ever go bankrupt. So why should any of us have to pay back loans? Just shift the debt to the government and we can all live in high cotton! Joe Biden had the right idea with student debt, he's just not taking it far enough!

  • Tiny
  • 05-24-2024, 10:19 PM
The reason the MAGA cult members can't think of Biden administration accomplishments is they are brainwashed. They are very easy to locate. Here is one. Notice the bipartisan praise.

In an Executive Order on Port Security, the White House announced on February 21st that it is taking steps to secure the nation's ports and supply chains.

The Biden Administration's actions include:
*A $20 billion dollar investment in U.S. crane production in partnership with PACECO Corp., a subsidiary of Mitsui E&S Co., Ltd of Japan that is based in the U.S.
*Requiring crane operators to address Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) system vulnerabilities
*Mandatory reporting of maritime cyber incidents/threats

"You need to have confidence in the manufacturer and fundamentally, we don't have confidence in the Chinese manufacturers to do the right thing," said Herbert Lin, a Stanford Fellow with expertise in cybersecurity and national security.

Lin says the big concern is China could embed malicious code or spyware in the cranes' operating software, that could be nearly impossible to detect, allowing China to disrupt U.S. supply chains or gather data.

"They're now computer controlled," Lin said. "The concern, of course, is who is going to provide the programming for all those computers. Obviously, it's the manufacturers and the manufacturers are Chinese," Lin said.

In a rare show of bipartisan agreement, a Republican House Homeland Security Subcommittee praised the executive order as "the right move by the administration." Originally Posted by VitaMan
Hell yeah! Our government should pay for more corporate welfare for the Japanese. It's only right. We bombed them to smithereens at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

And who knows what the Chinese were going to do with those cranes. Probably convert them into robots that will take over America so they won't have to shed a drop of blood when they mount a land invasion. Thank you Joe Biden, for protecting us from the Godless Chinese Communist Hordes!
Sounds like sour grapes to me golferguy! This is Modern Monetary Theory 101. The government can borrow as much money as it wants and it won't ever go bankrupt. So why should any of us have to pay back loans? Just shift the debt to the government and we can all live in high cotton! Joe Biden had the right idea with student debt, he's just not taking it far enough!

https://www.politico.com/story/2019/...budget-1143084 Originally Posted by Tiny

Hell maybe it is sour grapes but that old POS Biden has not done anything that benefits me as a tax paying citizen. I guess what irks me is how he is trying to buy the vote of those who qualify for student loan forgiveness.

I can say that both of mine and my late wife's kids are glad to have not been burdened my student loans and both went to top notch universities and one onto law school and the other to medical school. Cost the late wife and I a significant amount of $ but $ well spent.
Budman's Avatar
That's funny. It took you this long to come up with something positive he has done and this is the best you got. It's time for ya'll to admit that Biden is a total failure.
  • Tiny
  • 05-25-2024, 07:06 AM
Hell maybe it is sour grapes but that old POS Biden has not done anything that benefits me as a tax paying citizen. I guess what irks me is how he is trying to buy the vote of those who qualify for student loan forgiveness.

I can say that both of mine and my late wife's kids are glad to have not been burdened my student loans and both went to top notch universities and one onto law school and the other to medical school. Cost the late wife and I a significant amount of $ but $ well spent. Originally Posted by golferguy55
If the worst that’s happened is that he hasn’t done anything to benefit you, you should be thankful. He’s taken away 20% of my income, and if Congress would have gone along with him, he would have taken another 20%. I have friends and family who work in oil and gas. His long term plan is to take away their jobs.

And the student loan thing is exactly what you say it is — buying votes. If not for your sacrifices your kids would have massive student loans. And one’s a doctor and one’s a lawyer. It’s welfare for the college educated, welfare for the rich. How’s that fair to someone like you or someone who’s been busting his ass in the workforce since high school?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
They can't even come up with anything that Trump did that was bad for the USA. Originally Posted by Budman

How about trying to destroy faith in our voting system with his consistent lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him. Without one iota of proof. Isolationism. How about his campaign promises that he failed to fulfill -- indict Hillary, remove/replace Obamacare with a wonderful, new plan. Get an infrastucture bill passed. Grow the economy by 4% a year. Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Trump was a disaster for 4 years and I hate to think what 4 more years would be like with him elected with no worries about being reelected in 2028.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
If the worst that’s happened is that he hasn’t done anything to benefit you, you should be thankful. He’s taken away 20% of my income, and if Congress would have gone along with him, he would have taken another 20%. I have friends and family who work in oil and gas. His long term plan is to take away their jobs.

And the student loan thing is exactly what you say it is — buying votes. If not for your sacrifices your kids would have massive student loans. And one’s a doctor and one’s a lawyer. It’s welfare for the college educated, welfare for the rich. How’s that fair to someone like you or someone who’s been busting his ass in the workforce since high school? Originally Posted by Tiny
I too do not support Biden's student loan forgiveness plan but the number of votes he will gain from that action is minimal.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That's funny. It took you this long to come up with something positive he has done and this is the best you got. It's time for ya'll to admit that Biden is a total failure. Originally Posted by Budman
What Has Biden Accomplished? Look at These 10 Metrics, Not the Polls

Biden has outperformed Trump on a number of fronts, from inequality and green spending to stocks and crime. But not all.

"If presidential elections hinge on “the economy, stupid,” then winning a second term should be a cakewalk for Biden given the robust labor market, strengthening household finances, and improving confidence among consumers and businesses."

The economy is doing great. Job growth. Wages increasing. Low unemployment.

"Job growth in Biden's first three years is faster than any of his four predecessors'"

"Biden has the strongest record of any recent president on increasing manufacturing jobs"


I don't think Biden is anything close to being a great, or even good, POTUS but I do agree with the ranking of Trump by historians, placing him in the botton 3 or 4 of the 44 men who have held the office.


offshoredrilling's Avatar

How about trying to destroy faith in our voting system with his consistent lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him. Without one iota of proof. Isolationism. How about his campaign promises that he failed to fulfill -- indict Hillary, remove/replace Obamacare with a wonderful, new plan. Get an infrastucture bill passed. Grow the economy by 4% a year. Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Trump was a disaster for 4 years and I hate to think what 4 more years would be like with him elected with no worries about being reelected in 2028. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Biden IMHO
VitaMan's Avatar
Hell yeah! Our government should pay for more corporate welfare for the Japanese. It's only right. We bombed them to smithereens at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

And who knows what the Chinese were going to do with those cranes. Probably convert them into robots that will take over America so they won't have to shed a drop of blood when they mount a land invasion. Thank you Joe Biden, for protecting us from the Godless Chinese Communist Hordes! Originally Posted by Tiny

For educational purposes:

"The House Homeland Security Committee has discovered a pattern of suspicious device installations on the Chinese-built STS cranes that are at almost every American container port. The committee's inquiry into Chinese threats to American maritime security claims to have uncovered dozens of cranes with previously-unidentified cellular modems attached to their electronic systems, reports The Wall Street Journal. While there are legitimate reasons for industrial systems like cranes to be fitted with their own telecom access points - for example, remote diagnostics data for aftersales support - the purpose of these particular devices is unknown, and they were not documented in any sales contract. The modems appear to have been installed in China, before the cranes' delivery."
VitaMan's Avatar
Do you VM? If so please explain it to those people on the border trying to make a living while being overrun by those illegal foreign exchange students as I refer to them. Originally Posted by golferguy55

What is the point of this post ? Have you seen officials advocating illegal immigration ?

Are you claiming to understand the complexity of border security ?
What is the point of this post ? Have you seen officials advocating illegal immigration ?

Are you claiming to understand the complexity of border security ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

You stated that border security is complex and asked if the the other person understood it. I simply asked if you understood it and you chose to divert and tap dance around my question. I seem to recall in another thread that you said that you had never been to that area. I for one have spent countless times there as my siblings and I own quite a bit of property there. I have numerous friends that farm and ranch in the area that have been literally been overrun with illegals breaking into outlying buildings and such on their property all because your hero Biden has allowed this to happen. So I can promise you I have a much better grasp on the border issue over someone that has never even been to the area. How about you tell us how your hero Biden has helped with border security. And please don't use the same old leftist BS that most are programmed to use.
I will also add that my primary residence is San Antonio and they opened a migrant resource center for these illegals in what used to be an older decent neighborhood. I use the words "used to be" simply for the fact that the crime rate has spiked immensely and always have an arrest being made of one of them. So yes I attribute this to your hero Biden and his open border policy. Now please VM do feel free to clue us in on your expertise of the border issue. I will anxiously await your response.
VitaMan's Avatar
I never said I am an expert on border security. You seem to be. I also never said Biden was my hero, or that I support him. Please do not try to turn these discussions into personal attacks...as you seem wont to do.

What I did say is border security is a complex issue. And then the right leaning wingers on this site start attacking. They immediately focus on illegal immigration, and forget the complexity of the entire issue. I don't support illegal immigration. Who does ?