Are you going to watch the State of the Union address

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  • 02-12-2013, 03:20 PM
comedy ? what comedy

its an american tragedy Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
chicken little is an american tragedy?
im think im pretty close to his speech without having heard it.....i just heard on the radio that the guest list in michelle's box, although not beyonce (which is a mistake) is fairly close to my parody

a collection of victims and, instead of beyonce, the head of apple
NiceGuy53's Avatar
More than 50% of the people, math major. A lot more. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Yeah, like 50.4% of the popular vote is a lot more than 50%. You truly are the DIPSHIT OF THE YEAR.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
i believe in capitalism and free enterprise and the constitution, (fingers crossed behind back)


we need investment and we have to grow the middle class and we need to restore jobs

and oh yeah gun violence and treyvon could have been my son and the two guys we caught in chicago for gunning down the girl? well they are victims as well of the ready source of guns and lack of we are dealing appropriately with them, they are getting job training

so my plan:

we have to invest some money and we need everything to be fair

and oh yeah something about the infrastructure, we will get back to you on that

we will be addressing the inequities in life very soon

we need to level all playing fields

we are cutting government ( shusssh! the military), we have started a government office and are hiring as we speak to study the cutting of government and where appropriate cost savings may come from

and republicans could work with me if it wasnt for fox news

and oh yeah i have brought here sitting next to michelle, beyonce cuz i dunno what got into me, i just got carried away, and even i got tired of displaying union members and people working for the government that if we dont do something soon they will only make 200 % of the average americans income and also i have here a mexican-american family too who's kids had to endure walking to school but they are now attending harvard for free, we cant continue to discriminate against our next generation like that any more and the republicans hate them

God bless them and God bless America (fingers crossed behind back) Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Dammit, NGIAT! You ruined the speech for me. No surprises there. Guess I'll go to a movie or something.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Anonymous issued something saying they would prevent it from being on the web. In any event, pulling my toenails out one at a time and then dipping the nubs in alcohol sounds more fun.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Why bother? It will be all lies. Like every other speech he's made. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Actually, it won't be. It's political communication devised to set an agenda, lead some to act, and to isolate the opposition in public opinion. Truth isn't really a relevant measuring stick for most of the speech, especially that portion that pertains to the future.
Since I have little patience for sitting through all the applause breaks, I generally just read the transcripts of major presidential speeches later. That wastes a lot less time.

Although I'm always interested in what presidents say in State of the Union addresses, even when it's little more than "feelgood" B.S. (which is almost always the case), I find it far more interesting to read about how politicians and pundits (on both sides) react to it. It's always fascinating to see what people do (or don't do) in response, and how both allies and opponents of the president try to spin things.
As far as his programs go, we have a perfect demographic as to how his policies are helping a very specific group.

Since The President took office over 4 years ago, Black unemployment has stayed at record highs, and shows no indication that things will get better. The pregnancy rate among young blacks out of wedlock is higher than it ever has been. And in Big Cities such as Chicago, young Blacks are slaughterring each other at a record pace.

It makes you wonder what he will say tonight that might change any of that. The truth is, he could give a shit less. He got the only thing that he wanted, their overwhelming support at the polls.

As soon as The Democrats get the Hispanic Community in the same condition by promising them a whole list of freebys, that will be another group that will overwhelmingly support their agenda and get in return exactly what the Black Community has got. Nothing.
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  • 02-12-2013, 06:23 PM
I'm way more concerned with what local politicians say or do. That is where my bread and butter deprives. I'm alwaus shocked that folks put so much effert in national politics and so little in local.
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  • 02-12-2013, 06:24 PM
Anonymous issued something saying they would prevent it from being on the web. In any event, pulling my toenails out one at a time and then dipping the nubs in alcohol sounds more fun. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I'd love to help ya out with that!
Seedy's Avatar
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  • 02-12-2013, 07:11 PM
Dammit, they pulled Levin off the fucking radio, to put that cocksucker oscumbo on. Fuck it, I' ll just drop in some ELP, or Journey in the cd.
Dammit, they pulled Levin off the fucking radio, to put that cocksucker oscumbo on. Fuck it, I' ll just drop in some ELP, or Journey in the cd. Originally Posted by seedman55
Oh yea thats BS pulling Mark. Did you mean ELO?
Actually, it won't be. It's political communication devised to set an agenda, lead some to act, and to isolate the opposition in public opinion. Truth isn't really a relevant measuring stick for most of the speech, especially that portion that pertains to the future. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
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  • 02-12-2013, 07:51 PM
Oh yea thats BS pulling Mark. Did you mean ELO? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
No ELP, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer. My alltime favorites.
Nope, Obama isn't allowed on my TV.