Hot chicks and fat neardy men RW

Duthgar1976's Avatar
i still say it is a myth like bigfoot or aliens.
Maybe they were some of the smart ones that had "done" good looking and realized that good-looking doesn't always equate to good (personality, behaviour, bcd, etc.).


Not hobby related but i see this all the time and want to know whats the deal with the smoking hot women and these huge guys like borderline fluffy (the comic) material. Like tonight i was at the Levitt Pavilion in Arlington watch a band and right infront of me was such a case. Then right next to them was another gorgeous girl and her weak looking neardy BF. I just dont get it. Im not all that by any means but im not one of them, myself standing 6' 220lbs. My SO is hot and my side chick is Beautiful. I just dont see what real world women would see in that..
What are yalls thoughts? Originally Posted by mtubbs90
Lucas McCain's Avatar
My job requires me to work with a lot of nerds...I don't have much in common with them because I don't play video games or any of that other shit they like doing, but they're pretty much all really nice guys and easy to work with.
Goose2u's Avatar
I'm in the same boat and some of these nerdy young ladies have a very naughty side
mtubbs90's Avatar
6"2 220lbs
Hot wife
Beautiful side chick

OK buddy! Originally Posted by NubianPrince
Umm im 6' not 6" inchs.
And you made that comment for what purpose?

Thanks for all the replys i still find it strange. I mean more power to them and all i aint haten.

Jewels i think i need to finally meet you.
rexdutchman's Avatar
milfy 2002 is right , and the big guys put up with the BS , halfway good looking guys will leave
Duthgar1976's Avatar
i admit im a bit bitter after 10 years of trying to find a GF and zero luck. i had really bad timing with some women, was leaving the country/state. Thing is i know nerdy guys can get beautiful women that seem out of their league but i have grown to be bitter because 1 im disabled 2 having a very hard time losing weight. 3 having a really bad case of major depressio ndisorder. Yes i have put up with a lot of crap that most guys would have walked out on with gf of the past. Yes if a beautiful woman dropped into my lap right now i might not realize she liked me becasue im so lost now when it comes to all that.

good luck have fun and do what makes ya happy becasue tomorrow is never a given.
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 09-22-2015, 03:12 PM
The thing is, it isn't so common as you think, it's just that you aren't used to seeing it so it sticks out to you. There are a thousand couples that pass by that you never notice because they are natural in your mind. Some stick out and it may seem like there are a bunch of them. Some cases:

-Mixed race couples
-Age Difference couples
-Attractiveness difference couples (works both ways I might add, I've seen some lady Jabba's with some sharp looking dudes.)

Now even with it being uncommon you have to think, there are a reason these things happen. It may be attributed to any hundred thousand of things. Maybe they get treated better, maybe it's real love, maybe he/she has a gun. Who knows. Let people be happy and mind your own business
Alpha fux. Beta bux.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
The "nerd" can probably get a hot woman because he's not boring, annoying, or stupid. The lady the "nerd" was with probably has self-esteem, loves her dude and doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks. It's easy to be cynical, but money and looks aren't everything. It may come as a shock to some, but all women aren't shallow money-grubbing bitches. It is possible to win a woman over by being interesting and fun to be around, even if you're not a male model or rich. Bitter guys bitching about hot women being with nerds is no better than nice guys thinking women only want jerks or "bad boys". Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
This, or maybe he's just really skilled at daty :-)
In this day and age, if a man is too good looking, then he might be gay.

Nonetheless, I'm at the age where I'll pick the ugly man who treats me like a queen before the hot guy who treats me like shit.

Also, a six pack never made me look at a man twice. A gentleman with a genuine heart? I might just pause.
hedster's Avatar

Would your enthusiastic comment apply for George Costanza with a wrinkled old ass ?

Seriously speaking,

Started out as full-time nerd and a bit more wrinkled, maybe worldly now..I suppose, but there are plenty of good women out there that are not about looks and money. A sparkling wit, character and decency goes a long, long way as all of my nerdy friends are living proof of.

This is a Hobby guys and we all know what we are doing here, however, there is no need to drop our humanity, I prefer to keep it light on ego but heavy on the sensuality of the BCD activities.
tortpicker's Avatar
OTE=Laura Lynn;1057228486]This, or maybe he's just really skilled at daty :-)[/QUOTE]

My favorite thing in the world to do! About time for another visit to see you my dear!
tortpicker's Avatar
So how Geek are you..

Happy Medium..
All the way Geek in the Sheets???

I want to find out..

I always find the most shy and awkward to be a beast BCD Originally Posted by melannie_star
All the way geek here!
  • Lahk
  • 10-26-2015, 06:08 PM
I just need to get my barbarian leveled up enough to impress the girls.

I'm currently courting a lass. She could be my Leia. My Arwen.