Should I be worried?

srvfin's Avatar
I had an appointment with a provider tonight. The appointment started off okay. We kissed for about 20 minutes. While kissing for so long we both got really worked up. She spread her legs while we were kissing and I stuck little johnny in uncovered. It all happened in the heat of the moment. I'd never let this sort of thing happen otherwise. I have a problem with delayed ejaculation. So I didn't cum inside her. We were both nervous afterwards. What are my chances she could be pregnant? I'm already paying child support on three kids. What are my chances she will have an abortion? Originally Posted by GrandPoobah
Dude.... So where's the fuggin review???? I'm callin bullshit.....
beat ya to it.
they have the after morning pill, not that it will work for any STD's but at least one of your problems would have been solved
landon's Avatar
I had the same thing happen with a stripper on an air mattress at a trailer I was living in while separated. Unkn to me she used vaginal fluids to lubricate Mr H during foreplay after some covered FS. The condom had come off and it became evident why it felt so good. At that time I suffered from DE caused by Lexapro and remember banging a gal for an hour before I finally got off (got off it and guess what it is much easier for me to cum - I am a 6 min man now). At first I was horrified that I had been exposed to this bareback but then I put it in her bareback (thinking might as well what the heck). She then got on top of me and did me CG and I shot off in her without problem. It was fantastic! "Do you feel it tickling you way up in there" I asked her. She smiled and said "it feels good!"

I worried some about std's but her comment "my clients don't do $30 whores" somehow reassured me. As far as worrying about getting her PG, I never really worried about that but was relieved a coupla weeks later when she got her period. Nothing happened and I did her for about 25 sessions after that as it was very wonderful. I did use condom with her always after that although I am sure some bareback could be had. She told me "I prefer my clients use condoms." She was an awesome fuck who got me off better than anyone else during that period. There are many times I fantacize about how I could have done her bareback but in the end it simply is not worth the risk of HIV, Herpes (plus other STd's), or getting them PG.

If you have DE, it may be caused by an anti-depressant like Lexapro.
texasjohn1965's Avatar're the wind beneath my wings... Originally Posted by Wakeup
more like the wind that emanates from my ass
  • anita
  • 09-23-2010, 04:52 PM
Um....funny the only thing you are worried about is her being did not state std's possibility even once.
I guess best way to find out if she is pregnant;if she will keep the baby is to call her and talk about it.
Killersalt's Avatar
I think the grandpoobah got banned for some devil worship today.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I think the grandpoobah got banned for some devil worship today. Originally Posted by Killersalt
Why did it take so long? A committee of Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, and Ronnie Milsap could see he was a troll, from day one.
pyramider's Avatar
They had to get a quorum in order to ban the turd.
Smarty Marty's Avatar
And Brooke battled the spawn of GP today until he was banned as well.

Now will someone please get Dear John to change his avatar back to the Max Rax photo?

Can some sense of order be restored to the Shire?
I'd like to know the name of the provider that GP speaks of. Good chance he is not the only one she has gone bareback with. I want to make sure I stay clear her.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I'd like to know the name of the provider that GP speaks of. Good chance he is not the only one she has gone bareback with. I want to make sure I stay clear her. Originally Posted by tristan
The poobah is quite a bit of a pot stirer so it is very possible that this post and some others he posted are works of fiction.