Trump hush money payment.......recorded !

texassapper's Avatar
Let's be crystal clear about how the charges even came to be. Clearly there was nothing they could charge him with. Maybe a misdemeanor, but even that was past the statute of limitations. So what to do? They created a "tempprary" law to extend it. It has since expired. In a case of galactic irony - not before a local NY Demonicrat politico fell victim to the extended time frame. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Which is interesting because ex post facto laws are prohibited in the Constitution at least with regards to federal offenses... but isn't the state prosecution alleging that Trump was breaking Federal laws? Seems like some issues with Federalism as well...
VitaMan's Avatar
Translation: I don’t have a clue, it was copy/pasted from Dailykos and they said it’s bad so it must be bad. Originally Posted by CreatedInSpace

This is also incorrect.

For someone who doesn't have enough interest to follow the court case and understand the evidence, you certainly do show interest attempting to bash other posters that don't share your point of view.

You can easily follow the case if you really have interest.
  • Tiny
  • 05-08-2024, 05:43 PM
What's to understand? New York State has laws that enable them to bankrupt and jail any businessman they want to. Charging someone with 34 felonies for covering up payments to a mistress and a porn star is ridiculous. If he or his business deducted the cost of the payoff to Stormy Daniels from his taxable income, I'd say there's basis for a prosecution. But he didn't do that or we'd know it.
This is also incorrect.

For someone who doesn't have enough interest to follow the court case and understand the evidence, you certainly do show interest attempting to bash other posters that don't share your point of view.

You can easily follow the case if you really have interest. Originally Posted by VitaMan
I didn’t bash anyone. I politely asked for an explanation because, as you’ve correctly pointed out, I don’t follow the case very closely. Maybe offering one would be more productive than being defensive about it.
Translation: I don’t have a clue, it was copy/pasted from Dailykos and they said it’s bad so it must be bad. Originally Posted by CreatedInSpace
... Too Right, mate... That was kinda the impression
that I was getting from the lack of responce.

... But no matter - whatever the charges - they will
be overturned on appeal... If even need-be. ...

### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
I didn’t bash anyone. I politely asked for an explanation because, as you’ve correctly pointed out, I don’t follow the case very closely. Maybe offering one would be more productive than being defensive about it. Originally Posted by CreatedInSpace
A translation suggested by whom ?

I suggest you follow the court case.

It is much easier to do that here than say, the Soviet Union. As there is free press in America.
  • Tiny
  • 05-08-2024, 08:38 PM
It looks like a bank statement with some notes. Why is it nefarious? Is there some further explanation? Her receiving money isn’t something anyone is questioning, or is it? Originally Posted by CreatedInSpace
It's a bank statement for Essential Consultants LLC, a Delaware company created by Cohen to pay off Stormy Daniels. It has Allen Weisselberg's handwriting on it. Weisselberg is the CFO of the Trump Organization. I believe he's in prison right now because he wouldn't squeal.

Michael Cohen paid $50,000 to an outfit called Red Finch that tried to rig online CNBC and Drudge polls to favor Trump. So Trump was to reimburse him for that. The $131,000 in the account was to pay off Stormy Daniels. The money went to Keith Davidson, her attorney. And the $60,000 is a little nebulous. It might be to reimburse Cohen for the taxes he'd have to pay on the $180,000 income he'd have from the previous two items. Or maybe it was a bonus or reimbursement for other expenses. Or some combination thereof.

My guess is that Trump initially paid $131,000 to Essential Consultants, and $130,000 of that was wired out to Stormy's attorney the next day. Or maybe the $131,000 on the statement was actually paid to Essential by Cohen from his personal funds, and he was providing documentation to Weisselberg for how much he was owed. The handwritten scribbling shows how Weisselberg was calculating how much Cohen should receive.

So Trump was channeling money through his attorney and fixer, kind of like how Joe Biden passed loans to his brother James through a Delaware attorney. I guess politicians and billionaires do things differently from the rest of us.

I wish someone could tell us how Trump using his own money to pay off Stormy Daniels, channeled through his attorney, is a campaign donation. The guy doesn't do his own accounting or write his own checks, and it's perfectly understandable why he wouldn't want news that he paid off a porn star spreading like wildfire through his organization and family. That shouldn't be a crime. But in New York State, a crime is anything the prosecutor wants it to be.
texassapper's Avatar
"91 indictments, and all I will remember is Trump has golden nail clippers in his toiletry bag and he once fucked a porn star so hard she blacked out.

That's who I want negotiating with Putin." ~Scott Adams
texassapper's Avatar

Stormy Daniels: I am not an attorney and I read this agreement quickly so I signed based on my attorney’s recommendations.

Trump Defense Attny: But you signed this correct?

Stormy: Yes
VitaMan's Avatar
Best that posters that are interested follow the developments of this court case.

With computers, it is quite easy.

Evidence has been introduced, so you don't have to "Just wait", as you have to do with so many floated conspiracy theories.
This entire charade, from this ridiculous show in New York to the calamity in Georgia, is being exposed for exactly what it is.

Simply put, an attempt by the Democrat/Socialist/Progressive/Liberal “Swamp” to hamper Former President Trump’s efforts in winning the November Election.
A translation suggested by whom ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
That actually was snarky. My apologies. If I had time to follow the case, I probably still wouldn’t. It’s political theater at its worst. I was genuinely curious as to what the bank statement and notes meant. Thanks to Tiny for explaining it.
I wish someone could tell us how Trump using his own money to pay off Stormy Daniels, channeled through his attorney, is a campaign donation. The guy doesn't do his own accounting or write his own checks, and it's perfectly understandable why he wouldn't want news that he paid off a porn star spreading like wildfire through his organization and family. That shouldn't be a crime. But in New York State, a crime is anything the prosecutor wants it to be. Originally Posted by Tiny
It’s a crime because the accused is Donald Trump, no other person on earth would be charged. New York doesn’t believe in prosecuting actual criminals, of which there are many.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The above is what is obvious. Actually, in black and white.....even better. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Then you don't understand the notes. They were explained when it was introduced as evidence. Originally Posted by VitaMan

this shows what everyone already knew. Trump paid off Daniels to stop the story. doesn't show anything illegal

I think this case is ridiculous and a waste of tax money. But it does tell me how fucking stupid and greedy Donald Trump is...

Why in the fuck would a billionaire not just use his own money to pay off that trashy skank? She seems to be so annoying and scatter brained that even the judge was trying to have her dial it back during her testimony... I understand using funds from your own company for some personal expenses; but why for side pussy hush money? That's pretty damn stupid.

Anyway, I still think this trial is too politically motivated and rather silly IMO. There are much easier ways to make Trump look bad. All you really have to do is just let him talk and vent on social media. That is much more fiscally responsible than a trial to embarrass Trump when he is dumb enough and more than willing to do so on his own. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

nothing unusual here as Cohen had long been on a floating retainer for the Trump Org. there's no crime for a private org that Trump wholly owns to use company funds in this way. if Trump Org was public and Trump as CEO used company funds it would be illegal.

remember that Bragg's whole case isn't that Trump broke the law by paying Cohen for settling with Daniels with company funds .. his case is his rather unusual claim that Trump had to consider this a campaign expense rather than personal, just because Trump was running for President.

It's a bank statement for Essential Consultants LLC, a Delaware company created by Cohen to pay off Stormy Daniels. It has Allen Weisselberg's handwriting on it. Weisselberg is the CFO of the Trump Organization. I believe he's in prison right now because he wouldn't squeal.

Michael Cohen paid $50,000 to an outfit called Red Finch that tried to rig online CNBC and Drudge polls to favor Trump. So Trump was to reimburse him for that. The $131,000 in the account was to pay off Stormy Daniels. The money went to Keith Davidson, her attorney. And the $60,000 is a little nebulous. It might be to reimburse Cohen for the taxes he'd have to pay on the $180,000 income he'd have from the previous two items. Or maybe it was a bonus or reimbursement for other expenses. Or some combination thereof.

My guess is that Trump initially paid $131,000 to Essential Consultants, and $130,000 of that was wired out to Stormy's attorney the next day. Or maybe the $131,000 on the statement was actually paid to Essential by Cohen from his personal funds, and he was providing documentation to Weisselberg for how much he was owed. The handwritten scribbling shows how Weisselberg was calculating how much Cohen should receive.

So Trump was channeling money through his attorney and fixer, kind of like how Joe Biden passed loans to his brother James through a Delaware attorney. I guess politicians and billionaires do things differently from the rest of us.

I wish someone could tell us how Trump using his own money to pay off Stormy Daniels, channeled through his attorney, is a campaign donation. The guy doesn't do his own accounting or write his own checks, and it's perfectly understandable why he wouldn't want news that he paid off a porn star spreading like wildfire through his organization and family. That shouldn't be a crime. But in New York State, a crime is anything the prosecutor wants it to be. Originally Posted by Tiny

it isn't and the FEC determined that. this is the reason why Cyrus Vance Jr didn't bring the case. Bragg as a state level DA is trying to "tie in" federal election laws when there is no FEC charge.

this tie-in btw is how Bragg can get around the fact that NY State laws on this as a mere misdemeanor have expired the statues of limitations. and how he claims these are now "felonies"

all without a FEDERAL charge to back it up.

oh and under law Federal charges supersede state charges. Bragg has a fiction of a case.
texassapper's Avatar
Looks like it's not just the FBI that is tampering with evidence...

One of Alvin Bragg’s paralegals, Jaden Jarmel-Schneider, admitted on the stand that the prosecutors deleted call records between Michael Cohen and Keith Davidson.

The prosecution submitted the records into evidence, but didn’t mention that they deleted some records. This alone should be grounds for a mistrial!