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This is one for the aged, errr, ages!

You've got him speaking in tongues again, Old-T!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-24-2014, 08:38 AM
The problem is, he makes no sense in whatever language he babbles in. I guess at least he is consistent.
I B Hankering's Avatar
... nonotoriety ... litteracy ... Originally Posted by Old-T
The problem is, he makes no sense in whatever language he babbles in. I guess at least he is consistent. Originally Posted by Old-T

This is one for the aged, errr, ages!

You've got him speaking in tongues again, Old-T!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-24-2014, 02:06 PM
Yep, IB. I will take the hit on typing and spelling as I have admitted may times before. Those are far less grievous flaws than yours of illogic, deceit, and bigotry.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yep, IB. I will take the hit on typing and spelling as I have admitted may times before. Those are far less grievous flaws than yours of illogic, deceit, and bigotry. Originally Posted by Old-T
It's your "flawed logic" -- i.e., stupidity -- that leads you to criticize someone else's literacy while you, Old-THUMPER, stupidly misspell the word "literacy".

It's your "flawed logic" -- i.e., stupidity -- that allows you to imagine that some number, now standing somewhere over one thousand, doesn't invalidate your original, stupid postulate of "less than 600", Old-THUMPER.

Your deceitfulness was again exposed when you claimed that this thread was one thing when your 26 August post, evidently forgotten by your stupid-ass, clearly shows that it was something other than you claimed, Old-THUMPER.

Your bigotry against the religious, southerners, etc., is constant and readily apparent, Old-THUMPER.

So on the whole, Old-THUMPER, that makes you an illogical, stupid, bigoted hypocritical liar.
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  • Old-T
  • 09-24-2014, 03:06 PM
Rant away IBBuffoon.

You lie about what you said. You lie about what others said. You extrapolate out of context. When you are backed into a corner you ignore, you revert to pathetic homoerotic slurs.

Literacy is not spelling. Literacy is comprehending and expressing thoughtful, logical points. You fail across the board on those--and then claim it is others who misspeak. No, it is your lies, your myopia, your refusal to EVER acknowledge that you are not perfect that condemns you. You attack others strictly because they are not you.

Oh, and you can't do simple arithmetic: 14143 - 13178 is not "somewhere over one thousand". Just in case someone hid your calculator. But--as you cannot or will not understand--the number is not the issue. Never was. Screwing you into a state of myopic apoplexy is the point--just because it is an interesting pass time and you make it SO easy. After all, you STILL have never renounced slavery, and what kind of target is easier than a Slave Lord Wanna Be in the 21st century? You play the self destructive imbecile so well, it would be a shame not to give you every set-up line I can.

Rant on! I am sure you will.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Rant away IBBuffoon.

You lie about what you said. You lie about what others said. You extrapolate out of context. When you are backed into a corner you ignore, you revert to pathetic homoerotic slurs.

Literacy is not spelling. Literacy is comprehending and expressing thoughtful, logical points. You fail across the board on those--and then claim it is others who misspeak. No, it is your lies, your myopia, your refusal to EVER acknowledge that you are not perfect that condemns you. You attack others strictly because they are not you.

Oh, and you can't do simple arithmetic: 14143 - 13178 is not "somewhere over one thousand". Just in case someone hid your calculator. But--as you cannot or will not understand--the number is not the issue. Never was. Screwing you into a state of myopic apoplexy is the point--just because it is an interesting pass time and you make it SO easy. After all, you STILL have never renounced slavery, and what kind of target is easier than a Slave Lord Wanna Be in the 21st century? You play the self destructive imbecile so well, it would be a shame not to give you every set-up line I can.

Rant on! I am sure you will.
Originally Posted by Old-T
More hypocrisy from Old-THUMPER. Old-THUMPER starts a flame thread and then preposterously claims someone else is ranting!!!

And here's some simple arithmetic for your dumb-ass, Old-THUMPER:
14143 - 13180 = 963. 963 plus some number between 150 to 200 (i.e., the number of posts since 26 August) equals a number greater than 1000, Old-THUMPER, and that sum also surpasses your stupid and pathetic postulation of "less than 600", Old-THUMPER. So, Old-THUMPER, go screw your stupid self, you dumb and deviantly fixated SOB.
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  • Old-T
  • 09-24-2014, 03:42 PM
The universe--unlike your pea brain--is not static.

When I posted it was 601. Which is all I said.

Then at a later time it was slightly above 1000.

Now it is under 1000, though you seem confused about that.

Not MY problem that you are counting challenged, is it?

PS: Only YOU seem to think a post which acknowledges your wonderful propensity to post a lot is a flame post. On THIS board? Really? Read some of your vomitous filth, your support of slavery, your castigating anyone born north of Mississippi, and then read my posts--I am a rank amateur at sewer mouth flames compared to you.

This question was a simple question until YOU started (and continue) to rant. Poor IB, can't even see when you are being led around by the nose. Too myopic, to stubborn, to enraged that someone would poke fun at you in a forum where my "insults" are far less gross than your most polite posts.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The universe--unlike your pea brain--is not static.

When I posted it was 601. Which is all I said.

Then at a later time it was slightly above 1000.

Now it is under 1000, though you seem confused about that.

Not MY problem that you are counting challenged, is it?

PS: Only YOU seem to think a post which acknowledges your wonderful propensity to post a lot is a flame post. On THIS board? Really? Read some of your vomitous filth, your support of slavery, your castigating anyone born north of Mississippi, and then read my posts--I am a rank amateur at sewer mouth flames compared to you.

This question was a simple question until YOU started (and continue) to rant. Poor IB, can't even see when you are being led around by the nose. Too myopic, to stubborn, to enraged that someone would poke fun at you in a forum where my "insults" are far less gross than your most polite posts.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Your deflection is complete and utter BS, Old-THUMPER. The statements in your posts show you are a lying SOB and that this thread was and has been about post count since you started it, jackass. Your lies now only underscore and show you to be the deceitful, lying jackass you are, Old-THUMPER.

Plus, you're one of the bigoted, hypocritical jackasses that keeps introducing the issue of slavery -- as you damn well just did -- for the sole purpose of demeaning all southerners, Old-THUMPER. Meanwhile, you hypocritical jackass, you deceitfully and hypocritically try to avoid the reality of how northerners were complicit in perpetuating that "peculiar institution", Old-THUMPER. Hence, exposing you for the deceitful, stupid and lying SOB you are, Old-THUMPER, does not in any manner equate to "supporting slavery" as you so disingenuously claim. BTW, Old-THUMPER, the number, as it relates to your pathetic count on 26 August, is now over 1,000, and it will never, ever be below 1,000, jackass.
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  • Old-T
  • 09-24-2014, 04:05 PM
I do not demean all southerners. Not even close. I demean stupid, pompous, bigoted, Thumper southerners who would love to drag the US back into a second world state. A you head that list, so yes, I demean YOU, individually.

And you make it so easy.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I do not demean all southerners. Not even close. I demean stupid, pompous, bigoted, Thumper southerners who would love to drag the US back into a second world state. A you head that list, so yes, I demean YOU, individually.

And you make it so easy.
Originally Posted by Old-T
But you're the fuckin' moralistic THUMPER, Old-THUMPER. Every time you get on that subject you sound like a damn 19th century evangelistic preacher, Old-THUMPER, as you hypocritically try to universally demean others for the actions and beliefs of people long dead and gone, Old-THUMPER. But while you hypocritically do so, Old-THUMPER, you stupidly and willfully insist on ignoring how 19th century Yankees were every bit as racists as southerners, Old-THUMPER ... and every bit as complicit in perpetuating the institution of slavery:

Exposing you for the deceitful, stupid and lying SOB you are, Old-THUMPER, does not in any manner equate to "supporting slavery" as you so disingenuously claim.
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  • Old-T
  • 09-24-2014, 05:17 PM
Nope. Show me where I have supported slave traders--north or south or foreign. I never have. But little facts like that get in the way of your daydreams. And how is it "evangelical preaching" to point out that you REFUSE to condemn southern slave owners? It is nothing more than restating the position YOU have defended as "moral" on numerous occasions. So long as you claim 19th century slave plantations were morally acceptable, then I will keep throwing that inconvenient truth back in your face.
Nope. Show me where I have supported slave traders--north or south or foreign. I never have. But little facts like that get in the way of your daydreams. And how is it "evangelical preaching" to point out that you REFUSE to condemn southern slave owners? It is nothing more than restating the position YOU have defended as "moral" on numerous occasions. So long as you claim 19th century slave plantations were morally acceptable, then I will keep throwing that inconvenient truth back in your face. Originally Posted by Old-T
BOY, you ain't never going to learn... you just keep coming back for more... LOL!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
BOY, you ain't never going to learn... you just keep coming back for more... LOL! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Remind you of anybody you are, Slobbrin?

And how about IBIdiot? Your Buttman, Slobbrin?

The two of you take more severe beatings more often than a speed bag in Floyd Mayweather's camp.


I B Hankering's Avatar
Nope. Show me where I have supported slave traders--north or south or foreign. I never have. But little facts like that get in the way of your daydreams. And how is it "evangelical preaching" to point out that you REFUSE to condemn southern slave owners? It is nothing more than restating the position YOU have defended as "moral" on numerous occasions. So long as you claim 19th century slave plantations were morally acceptable, then I will keep throwing that inconvenient truth back in your face. Originally Posted by Old-T
Aren't you an equivocating SOB, Old-THUMPER. It's been your modus operandi to impeach and demean by association; yet, here you are demanding individual examples, Old-THUMPER. Time and again you have tried to pass judgement -- by superciliously implying some sort of guilt by ancestral association -- on anyone today living south of the Mason Dixon line, Old-THUMPER.

The "inconvenient truth" is that it is your lying, hypocritical ass, more often than not that starts these exchanges (as in this instance), Old-THUMPER. It is obvious that your primary and supercilious reason for repeatedly introducing this subject is because you apparently imagine that you can somehow inflate your own pathetic little ego by declaiming people who lived and died almost two centuries ago, Old-THUMPER. Hence, it is YOUR lying, hypocritical ass that is being factual refuted with evidence of Yankee complicity, Old-THUMPER. And that, Old-THUMPER, is the "inconvenient truth" that's hitting YOU in the face.

Remind you of anybody you are, Slobbrin?

And how about IBIdiot? Your Buttman, Slobbrin?

The two of you take more severe beatings more often than a speed bag in Floyd Mayweather's camp.


: Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You know all about having a "buttman", don't you, you Hitler worshiping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM. That's evident in your vociferous support for the L-B-G-Transgendered agenda and candidate: "Bathhouse Barry", and that's why you choose to fly your LBGT banner emblazoned with Hitler's swastika, you Hitler worshiping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM!!!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider