Trayvon Martin's Gun and Pot photos

Uncle Han's Avatar
The only shame I feel is for the kids of folks like you. Originally Posted by WTF
Please don't tell me your kids are home-schooled Joe Biden.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-24-2013, 11:24 AM
Please don't tell me your kids are home-schooled Joe Biden. Originally Posted by Uncle Han
Home schooling is so simple for your kind.

First you teach them black and white.

Then you teach them how to tie a noose.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-24-2013, 11:27 AM

Zimmerman called 911 and was on the phone waiting for them to show up. Your typical racist thug doesn't call the cops before he attacks someone. Zimmerman is telling the same story he told from the start and no one can contradict his version.

So, if you believe in reasonable doubt, how can you convict?

BTW, all of the texts and photos become relevant as soon as the DA tries to paint Trayvon as a nice, law-abiding, non-violent kid. It is rebuttal evidence. Originally Posted by ExNYer
The 9/11 tapes contradict his version. Read the link IB provided. Zimmerman lies about following Martin on foot. Why one might ask? Well maybe because self defense is not quite as strong if you are the one doing the chasing!

"This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something," Zimmerman tells the 911 operator. "He's just staring, looking at all the houses. Now he's coming toward me. He's got his hand in his waistband. Something's wrong with him."
Zimmerman described Martin as wearing a hoodie and sweatpants or jeans. He continues: "He's coming to check me out. He's got something in his hands. I don't know what his deal is. Can we get an officer over here?"
"These assholes always get away," he says to the operator. Zimmerman is then heard giving directions to the dispatcher. "Shit, he's running," Zimmerman says.
"Are you following him?" the dispatcher asks.
"Yes," Zimmerman responds.
"We don't need you to do that," the dispatcher says.
Uncle Han's Avatar
Home schooling is so simple for your kind.

First you teach them black and white.

Then you teach them how to tie a noose.

Originally Posted by WTF
I am neither black nor white. If you took an IQ test, they'd tell you the results were negative.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
If Martin did not attack Zimmerman, he would be alive. Originally Posted by Uncle Han
And who instigated the whole scene of events????? Martin, who was simply walking home eating his skittles and drinking Gatorade, or Zimmerman who probably profiled Martin because he was black and wearing a hoodie in a predominantly non-black neighborhood, and followed Martin despite advice from the 911 operator to not do so?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
"Trayvon was kicked out of school in October for graffiti after he was allegedly caught with a 'burglary tool' and a bag full of women's jewelry."

"Trayvon Martin...a more complicated portrait began to emerge of a teenager whose problems at school ranged from getting spotted defacing lockers to getting caught with a marijuana baggie and women’s jewelry....

"Trayvon’s backpack contained 12 pieces of jewelry, in addition to a watch and a large flathead screwdriver, according to the report, which described silver wedding bands and earrings with diamonds."

+1 Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I'm glad to see you are still an idiot. Trayvon Martin had been convicted of NOTHING. And even if he had, it would not be relevant in this case or any other case.
Uncle Han's Avatar
"This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something," Zimmerman tells the 911 operator. "He's just staring, looking at all the houses. Now he's coming toward me. He's got his hand in his waistband. Something's wrong with him."
Zimmerman described Martin as wearing a hoodie and sweatpants or jeans. He continues: "He's coming to check me out. He's got something in his hands. I don't know what his deal is. Can we get an officer over here?"
"These assholes always get away," he says to the operator. Zimmerman is then heard giving directions to the dispatcher. "Shit, he's running," Zimmerman says.
"Are you following him?" the dispatcher asks.
"Yes," Zimmerman responds.
"We don't need you to do that," the dispatcher says.

Then Zimmerman began to return to his car.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-24-2013, 11:35 AM
I am neither black nor white. If you took an IQ test, they'd tell you the results were negative. Originally Posted by Uncle Han
I never said you were either black or white.

I said you have a simple home schooling program.

I thought your kind was smart?
Uncle Han's Avatar
And who instigated the whole scene of events????? Martin, who was simply walking home eating his skittles Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
If his own communications were to be believed, Martin's drug use did not stop with marijuana. In July 2011 Martin began subscribing to the daily video log of a character named Andy Milonakis, whose life seems dedicated to drug use, specifically a concoction known by various street names including "purple lean" or "purple drank." The Urban Dictionary describes purple drank as "a mixture of Promethazine/Codeine cough syrup and Sprite, with a few jolly ranchers and/or skittles thrown in." In May 2012, the Treehouse screen-captured a revealing Facebook exchange from June 2011 between Martin and a character called "Mackenzie DumbRyte Baksh:
MARTIN: unow a connect for codine?
MACKENZIE: why nigga
MARTIN: to make some more
MACKENZIE: u tawkin bout the pill codeine
MARTIN: no the liquid its meds. I had it b4
MACKENZIE: hell naw u could just use some robitussin nd soda to make some fire ass lean
MARTIN: codine is a higher dose of dxm
MACKENZIE: I feel u but need a prescription to get it
Martin obviously had some familiarity with this world. The reader will have noted too that a soft drink like Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail and some Skittles would get the user two-thirds of the way to some "fire ass lean." On the night of the shooting, the Sanford PD incorrectly identified Martin's drink of choice as "Arizona brand name tea." They did not do so on purpose, and the media followed their lead. But the media continued to refer to the drink as tea long after they should have known better. This was due in part to sloppiness, in part to racial sensitivity about the word "watermelon," and in part to the drug implications of a fruity soft drink.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
If that is true, then you have reasonable doubt and must vote not guilty.

You can only vote guilty if the prosecution can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman was guilty.

If there is a reasonable scenario where Martin was guilty (i.e., he attacked Zimmerman, who shot in self-defense), then you must vote not guilty. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Not at all true at this point in time. I am waiting for the evidence to be presented before I say innocent or guilty. Right now I do have reasonable doubt as to Zimmerman's guilt and the prosecutor must prove his guilt, as you say, beyond a reasonable doubt.
Uncle Han's Avatar
I never said you were either black or white.

I said you have a simple home schooling program.

I thought your kind was smart? Originally Posted by WTF
My kind? WTF you mean Joe Biden? Do you mean the Chinese are smart? Well, yes we are. Your sheet isn't on very straight, you need to fix it.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
As libertard NBC reports:

Still on the phone with non-emergency officials, Zimmerman said he got out of his vehicle to try to find a street address for them. When the dispatcher told Zimmerman that officers didn't need him to follow Martin, Zimmerman allegedly started walking back to his car, where he planned to meet the responding officer.

"When I got to right about here," Zimmerman said on the re-enactment video, pointing to a spot on the sidewalk, "He [Martin] yelled from behind of me, to the side of me, he said, 'Yo, you got a problem?' And I turned around and I said, 'No, I don't have a problem, man.'"

Martin walked toward him, said "Well, you got a problem now," and began the scuffle that preceded the deadly gunshot at that time, Zimmerman said. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
What an idiot!! This is all Zimmerman's statements. Do you not think he will lie through his teeth to protect himself from charges of murder?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-24-2013, 11:45 AM
My kind? WTF you mean Joe Biden? Do you mean the Chinese are smart? Well, yes we are. Your sheet isn't on very straight, you need to fix it. Originally Posted by Uncle Han
You're Chinese? How come ya'll send over all these long tall hot chicks for us to fuck? Insecure with tall chicks?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-24-2013, 11:49 AM
Not at all true at this point in time. I am waiting for the evidence to be presented before I say innocent or guilty. Right now I do have reasonable doubt as to Zimmerman's guilt and the prosecutor must prove his guilt, as you say, beyond a reasonable doubt. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Correct....but they have already cost the dumb SOB a pile of money and a couple years of his life. Maybe Martin's family can sue Zimmerman after this is all over like Nichole's did O J !
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
If his own communications were to be believed, Martin's drug use did not stop with marijuana. In July 2011 Martin began subscribing to the daily video log of a character named Andy Milonakis, whose life seems dedicated to drug use, specifically a concoction known by various street names including "purple lean" or "purple drank." The Urban Dictionary describes purple drank as "a mixture of Promethazine/Codeine cough syrup and Sprite, with a few jolly ranchers and/or skittles thrown in." In May 2012, the Treehouse screen-captured a revealing Facebook exchange from June 2011 between Martin and a character called "Mackenzie DumbRyte Baksh:
MARTIN: unow a connect for codine?
MACKENZIE: why nigga
MARTIN: to make some more
MACKENZIE: u tawkin bout the pill codeine
MARTIN: no the liquid its meds. I had it b4
MACKENZIE: hell naw u could just use some robitussin nd soda to make some fire ass lean
MARTIN: codine is a higher dose of dxm
MACKENZIE: I feel u but need a prescription to get it
Martin obviously had some familiarity with this world. The reader will have noted too that a soft drink like Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail and some Skittles would get the user two-thirds of the way to some "fire ass lean." On the night of the shooting, the Sanford PD incorrectly identified Martin's drink of choice as "Arizona brand name tea." They did not do so on purpose, and the media followed their lead. But the media continued to refer to the drink as tea long after they should have known better. This was due in part to sloppiness, in part to racial sensitivity about the word "watermelon," and in part to the drug implications of a fruity soft drink. Originally Posted by Uncle Han
Do I have to go find the testimony of the sales clerk at the store where Martin bought a pack of skittles and a bottle of gatorade? Your ridiculous statements over what skittles may have been used for does not matter. It is totally irrelevant in the case. I sincerely doubt that the defense will use the hypothesis that Martin was stoned on skittles.