Crypto craze

Ronin3's Avatar
The government and corporate American have explicitly shown their desire to completely control and manipulate the population. What better way than digital currency? It will be a reality if for no other reason. Not to mention blockchain is a safer and more efficient method of digital transfers. That being said, I’m taking a fucking pounding right now…and buying more
Ronin3's Avatar
Simply put BTC has value peer to peer. Fiat has value because it is issued by a monetary authority, namely our government. Who do you think is more trustworthy and responsible? The only difference between a drunken sailor and our government is that a drunken sailor stops spending money when he runs out.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Simply put BTC has value peer to peer. Fiat has value because it is issued by a monetary authority, namely our government. Who do you think is more trustworthy and responsible? The only difference between a drunken sailor and our government is that a drunken sailor stops spending money when he runs out. Originally Posted by Ronin3

I accept the peer to peer value. But the Dollar has the same peer to peer value, Fiat be damned. The World trades in Dollars. A crisp new $100 bill will get you an immediate $108 in Việt Nam. Oil is traded in Dollars.

The Bitcoin value argument is conceptual. The Dollar is quantifiable, with hundreds of years of history.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 05-09-2022, 04:41 PM
Continue to rise?

It is in free fall as I type. All crypto is faltering. Why is Bitcoin unraveling again, after collapsing to near zero in 2018?

Could it be because it never had any economic reason to go higher? How does one value bitcoin? Nobody can tell me. All I ever hear is ''it will go up LATER, when people figure out that Bitcoin is becoming a new currency''. even if it does, why would it be an investment that goes up in value? How long are we supposed to wait until crypto returns yield? Why does it go down in concert with the NASDAQ stocks that were similarly bid up in price, despite a zero history of earnings?

I'm still waiting on a convincing argument. Just because the technology is relatively new, doesn't make it a worthy investment. Look ar Space Travel companies, for example. New, exciting technology.. Virgin Galactic is down 500% in a year. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I hear you. Like I said, I don't consider it an investment like investing in a company that you expect to "use your money" to profit. It's just another way to gamble. You'll win some and lose some. Same as if you put your money in VIX, or, well, any index fund, or currency, or, well, just about anything traded on an exchange.

Bitcoin was the first successful cryptocoin, but I suspect that its success is waning. Lots of people don't like the amount of energy required to complete transactions. There are lots of other options, and I think one of them (or a future cryptocurrency) is going to topple BTC in just a few years, but which one that will be is anyone's guess.

In the meantime, like many other stocks, it's just a rollercoaster for traders to use to gamble. Compare March 2020 ($6k) to April 2021 ($63k) to July 2021 ($32k) to November 2021 ($69k) to today (back to $32k). It's crazy and I think it's the big traders with automated algorithms that are profiting off slow individuals who are making bad decisions.

I would not consider BTC to be a sound investment with long term (holding it for a decade) value.
Chung Tran's Avatar

I would not consider BTC to be a sound investment with long term (holding it for a decade) value. Originally Posted by Crock
Don't say that to the President of El Salvador, he might get violent!
slap's Avatar
  • slap
  • 05-13-2022, 01:03 AM
LUNA will be worth $10k in the next decade, Do Kwon is one of the smartest people on the planet. The tokenomics of Terra Luna is the best in crypto, as UST gets minted as the number 1 stablecoin LUNA will sky rocket like we have never seen before.

Buy Luna and stake it and forget about it, you will be rich beyond your wildest dreams in 10 years. Originally Posted by cagebanks
If you followed this advice you would’ve lost your ass

Shit just went belly up lol
I can't say much about Dogecoin because I work with other cryptocurrencies. I have a lot of projects related to NFT earnings. And the whole OpenSea platform only works with Ethereum. Besides, people often trust those who try to transfer money to their Bitcoin wallet and don't want to hear anything about some lesser-known cryptocurrencies. I wish I had gotten into DOGE sooner. Your story with those thousands of dollars sounds fun and inspiring. I think I might move a few crypto projects from Staff Edit - Biomed1 - SPAM to Elrond and start working with Dogecoins. I want to be the person who wakes up in the morning with 100 points of some cryptocurrency that was worth pennies the day before and became a fortune in the morning.
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Replying to an old comment here, but yeah, BTC’s peer-to-peer value still makes a lot of sense today. Fiat's tied to the government, and with the way they print money, it can feel a bit unstable at times. I’ve been trading BTC for a while now and recently used - Crypto Exchange to swap it for other cryptos. It was quick and smooth, and it just reinforces why I trust crypto more these days. It’s nice to have control over your money without depending on a central authority.