German News Weekly mistakenly publishes obituary for George H.W. Bush

They should be allowed to live as long as they can afford to live. If they set up a system where they did not pay enough into it to live well in old age, well then that ain't my fault.

You ever heard of the grasshopper and the ant?

If Granny is some Tea Pot to God damn dumb to want to revamp Medicare because her dumbass is living longer, Fuc her. Somebody should tell that dumb bitch that she is a freeloader. In the old days we would have accused her of Witchcraft and burned her at the stake. So yea Fuc the old dumb ones. Originally Posted by WTF
They paid. For years. You're hilarious. I'm going to make this my new sig line. We've argued about this in other threads. Please go to your nearest Democratic Precinct meeting and voice this opinion. Then proceed to whatever gay bathhouse that you and Munchmasterman hang out at.
They paid. For years. You're hilarious. I'm going to make this my new sig line. We've argued about this in other threads. Please go to your nearest Democratic Precinct meeting and voice this opinion. Then proceed to whatever gay bathhouse that you and Munchmasterman hang out at. Originally Posted by gnadfly
gnad you all right!
LexusLover's Avatar
Old people on the public tit need to start thinking about others. It is one thing to spend all of your own money trying to live a little longer, it is quite another to ask people you do not know to do so. That is WTF Medicare folks are doing right now. We need to quit pandering to them just because they vote in large blocks. Originally Posted by WTF
First, who said that the former President Bush is on the "public tit"?

And secondly,

"YOUNG people on the public tit need to start thinking about others. It is one thing to spend all of your own money trying to live a FUN LIFE, it is quite another to ask people you do not know to do so. That is WTF WELFARE folks are doing right now. We need to quit pandering to them just because they vote in large blocks."

How's that sound to you?
LexusLover's Avatar
Can you really not do any research other than Globe articles?

.... but is likely to receive $161,000 worth of Medicare benefits ... Originally Posted by WTF
... or is likely to receive $ 5,000 worth of Medicare benefits ....

... or is likely to receive $ 15,000 worth of Medicare benefits ....

and secondly ...

... when was the last time you monitored "Medicare benefits" payment disclosures?

"Medicare benefits" does not mean "cash paid out" .. it means BENEFITS ... which is the PRIMARY reason so many physicians are no longer CONTRACTING with the government to provide those patients with MEDICARE coverage any services. The patients are getting the BENEFITS, but the physicians are not getting the CASH.

The DRAIN on what is "classified" as SS and medicare is disability benefits AND medicaid ... because those recipients are not contributing until retirement age and receiving benefits LONGER ... remember the PURPOSE of "Obamacare" was to provide about 15 million people with health coverage that they are unable or unwilling to afford....and when the job market is down, as it has been, the number of claims for disability and medicaid go up ... those BENEFITS don't run out!
He spewed spunk into Barbara, resulting in one of the worst disasters the world has ever seen. That alone should grant him a VIP pass into Hades.

Hero? I don't agree.
He'd be a hero if he'd doused Barb in the face with little Jeb and W.
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  • WTF
  • 12-31-2012, 05:19 PM
Wow you're so deep. You're a regular philosopher. You should write a book or something. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You're two inch's deep in Gnadfly's ass

They paid. For years. You're hilarious.. Originally Posted by gnadfly
They obviously did not pay enough! Or we would not be having this discussion. Pull joe blow's lil dick out of your ass and ponder that.

We've argued about this in other threads. Please go to your nearest Democratic Precinct meeting and voice this opinion. Then proceed to whatever gay bathhouse that you and Munchmasterman hang out at. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You see Gay people don't you? It is your ''Sixth Sense".

He spewed spunk into Barbara, resulting in one of the worst disasters the world has ever seen. That alone should grant him a VIP pass into Hades.

Hero? I don't agree.
He'd be a hero if he'd doused Barb in the face with little Jeb and W. Originally Posted by UB9IB6
Now that was crude but kinda of funny too.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-31-2012, 05:29 PM
First, who said that the former President Bush is on the "public tit"?

? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I sure the fuck didn't say he was. I bet he is though. Past Presidents get a pretty good medical benifit package. Just like former Congressmen do.

the Bush family sure as hell can afford to pay.

And secondly,

"YOUNG people on the public tit need to start thinking about others. It is one thing to spend all of your own money trying to live a FUN LIFE, it is quite another to ask people you do not know to do so. That is WTF WELFARE folks are doing right now. We need to quit pandering to them just because they vote in large blocks."

How's that sound to you? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I agree. I;m not for long term welfare. I am for educating our kids and then letiing them sink or swim on their own. If we had educated these old SOB's when they were young...they would realize that they haven't paid enough into the system they helped create.And you would not be arguing with me, you'd be agreeing!

It sure seems there are a shit pot full of people , young and Old, who have trouble with simple math. they are world beaters at SELFISH math.
LexusLover's Avatar
Past Presidents get a pretty good medical benifit package. Originally Posted by WTF
Yes, they earned every bit of it ... well, Carter didn't.
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  • WTF
  • 12-31-2012, 05:50 PM
Yes, they earned every bit of it ... well, Carter didn't. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Maybe so but that was not your question. You asked who said he was on the government tit.

I said no one , at least not me, though I think but do not know for sure , that he probably is.

Let us recap. Nobody said Bush was on the government tit but he probably is. Did his public service earn his payout, probably so.
LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe so but that was not your question. You asked who said he was on the government tit. Originally Posted by WTF
See, I "assumed" you were posting "on topic" rather than meandering around and changing the subject matter of the thread. So when you started complaining about "benefits" for old people I could "reasonably" assume you were referencing Bush.

See, I always "assume" the best in people; ...

..... that you would remain "on topic"!

I mean you are correct .. never mentioned "Bush"

"Old people on the public tit need to start thinking about others. It is one thing to spend all of your own money trying to live a little longer, it is quite another to ask people you do not know to do so. That is WTF Medicare folks are doing right now. We need to quit pandering to them just because they vote in large blocks."
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I sure the fuck didn't say he was. I bet he is though. Past Presidents get a pretty good medical benifit package. Just like former Congressmen do.

the Bush family sure as hell can afford to pay. Originally Posted by WTF
Just as the Clinton family can afford to pay. I'm sure Hillary is on that same government plan as GHW. I'm sure there is no expense being spared for either of them.
Big deal. He has one foot in the grave as it is. Look at it as reading his obit a little early.
I was not a great fan of George H.W. Bush but I was not a critic either. I appreciate the things he did for his country. He served us in several capacity's and did a commendable job. Over and above that, he was still jumping at 80+ years of age. He certainly has my respect for that. My last jump was in 1973, while I was still in my 20's.

Will I jump again at 80? I doubt it!
Yes, they earned every bit of it ... well, Carter didn't. Originally Posted by LexusLover
What about congress? Did they earn it?
LexusLover's Avatar
What about congress? Did they earn it? Originally Posted by UB9IB6
I have been consistent with the opinion that Congress, and all of the administration elected, appointed, and hired, should have available "Obamacare" for their coverage, and each be allowed to "op-out" for $700 a year, plus the payment of their individual care out of their own pocket (pay check) for themselves and all dependents.

FYI: Existing, retirees ought to be "grandfathered" into their existing coverage.