So, let' talk pricing...

Grace Preston's Avatar
Actually, with all due respect, its missing the point that was made earlier altogether.

Only each lady can decide what working smarter or harder is for herself. When a lady chooses (as is her right), like any business, to market services at a higher price point (say $400) she reduces the pool of potential clients that are able and willing to pay that rate, and marketing gets (much?) harder for every client they can attract and keep. Is that working smarter because you're good at marketing and keeping those clients or harder if you're not. Could be added stress levels if that price point dries up a bit. Is setting a lower price point working smarter because you can attract more clients and keep them more easily, even if you have to see more clients. Not for me to say which is right.

Its a balance only each lady can decide for herself.

Personally, I pay the ladies advertized rate. I will admit that I do look for specials, but special to me is a bit more time for the same rate. For my personal balance, its often harder for me to organize free time than the rate I'm willing to pay. So that's my balance. Originally Posted by GoAheadMkMyDay
I understand what you're staying... but I don't think you understand how it really works on our end of the deal. I meant what I said when I said the pool is extremely vast. Eccie is a very very small sliver of the hobby pie.

Dallas is an unusual market--- I say that, because the average girl with a ton of positive reviews could almost double her rate in any other large market (except for Houston-- the phenomenon is really a Texas thing).

I know plenty of ladies at $400 an hour, both in Dallas and out of Dallas, who see more people in a typical week than I do at my average $175-$200/hr rate. Some of these ladies are busy enough to where they make more in a day than I make in a week. There are a lot of players at that end of the pool, they just don't really engage in these message boards or threads. So no.. if they are good at what they do and have priced themselves properly, the marketing at that level isn't any more difficult. The marketing only really becomes a bit more difficult at around the $1000/hr price point.

Yes, there are some different expectations at that level. Of course, appearance is a big one, as is intelligence and the ability to be "arm candy" at a social function. Wardrobe should be elevated, as should their choice in hotel/incall offerings. MOST items, such as looks and intelligence-- you've either got or you don't. The rest isn't difficult.
FunInDFW's Avatar
I find it funny that people are trying to apply standard economic practices/principles to something as complicated as the hobby. There are so many complicated factors that have to be calculated. Some stupidly tedious algorithm would be needed and just isn't worth it. If you're approaching this as looking for 'value' (note - quality != value) you're doing it wrong. Why can't it just be as simple as:

You have what you're willing to pay, so find what you want within that amount.
I find it funny that people are trying to apply standard economic practices/principles to something as complicated as the hobby. There are so many complicated factors that have to be calculated. Some stupidly tedious algorithm would be needed and just isn't worth it. If you're approaching this as looking for 'value' (note - quality != value) you're doing it wrong. Why can't it just be as simple as:

You have what you're willing to pay, so find what you want within that amount. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
I agree.

There is no right or wrong answer of how much a provider SHOULD charge. To question/bitch about the donation price of a provider is not going to make her jump through hoops and come down in price just for a guy who wants to pay less than other hobbyists. In fact, it may even make her stand more firm on the price if not go up on a price haggler, especially if it is the initial contact/first time they see each other BCD.

If you as a hobbyist have a certain amount you will not go over in donation to see a provider, then good for you, but to price haggle is very uncouth. Even if she agrees to lower her donation price for you, her attitude toward you has just swayed to the negative then your session with her is doomed to fail from that point on. Pay what she advertises or move on to someone you can afford.
Chung I guess you didn't pay much for your penis enlargement. Penny said it's on 1.5 inches now. Being so small what a shame
Randall Creed's Avatar
I find it funny that people are trying to apply standard economic practices/principles to something as complicated as the hobby. There are so many complicated factors that have to be calculated. Some stupidly tedious algorithm would be needed and just isn't worth it. If you're approaching this as looking for 'value' (note - quality != value) you're doing it wrong. Why can't it just be as simple as:

You have what you're willing to pay, so find what you want within that amount. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
What's so complicated about it? The 'value' is in direct correlation with the rates AND activities within the time frame, times hotness of the lady. Granted, hotness level and amount of enjoyment for the client is fluid, but I think there's a general medium that most of us guys will agree on.

If, say, provider A has an average hotness scale of 9.6 (out of 10), with services level of 9.3, yet her rates are a 6.0 (slightly above what would be considered average...whatever 'avg' is), her 'value' would be off the charts.

Compare that to provider B, who's hotness scale is, say, 9.7, but services scale is a meager 5.7, combined with a rates scale of 3.9 (meaning too high for what you get). Provider A blows provider B out the water. Provider A's phone will ring more, and not necessarily because she has a lower rate.

In other words, a provider can be FINE AS HELL, but if her rates are sky high and she acts like providing is such a chore and she can't stand being near a man, her 'value' with be perceived as low to a general consensus.

In any society where monetary goods are exchanged for services, this way of thinking is the norm. What can I get best for most of my money.
FunInDFW's Avatar
In any society where monetary goods are exchanged for services, this way of thinking is the norm. What can I get best for most of my money. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
The problem herein lies. The hobby (see: what is happening during a session and ALL that encompasses) cannot be boiled down to this. This is just a simple exchange of something monetary for services.

edit: So I'll state again, the hobby is not 'normal' with regards to economic principles/standards.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Rambro, your "scales" are yours and yours only. Your 9.3 might be another guy's 5.5. And vice-versa. You are grading these girls on YOUR PERCEPTION of their looks, activities, BCD, TCB skills...and what they are worth in terms of their rates.

We are shocked SHOCKED! OMG...when we read about a guy that spent an $1,000 an hour on a Provider... Ever think that the $1,000 to him is like us spending $10? Money is no object to fun for some guys here...they DON'T CARE about the amount of the money it takes to see a young, super hot Provider that could be young enough to be their...younger sister, lol. They're happy as fuck JUST TO BE ABLE TO DO THIS, money be damned.
The problem herein lies. The hobby (see: what is happening during a session and ALL that encompasses) cannot be boiled down to this. This is just a simple exchange of something monetary for services.

edit: So I'll state again, the hobby is not 'normal' with regards to economic principles/standards. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
No, actually it is normal. As humans we attempt to maximize our utility (level of enjoyment) within our budget constraints. If the extra 50 I would pay a provider gives me a declining marginal utility, I am not going to pay the extra 50. The trick (no pun intended) for the provider is to figure out how to maximize their utility (in most cases you can substitute dollars here) given their existing resources basically body and time). For me personally, my budget constraint limits what I will pay and hence the maximum utility I can potentially receive. So the question is, with price being the major factor (I would like to think) how does the provider price their services to entice me to buy?
It's really simple! I know how much the bills I need to pay each month, how much money I want to save each month, how much time I can dedicate to the hobby vs real life, what kind of clientele I like, … I set my rate!
If I set it at $250, I will get more demand that I don't even have the time or need to fulfill. I will be bombarded by emails, requests that I won't even have the time to reply…let alone see. So I set it higher to a point where it reached "Equilibrium"…where I can pay my bills, set some aside, and stay sane and not burned out. DONE!
I do not want to see 10 clients a week. I would only get tired, burnt out, unhappy.
Depends on the relationship- if the sex is really good for both parties a lower rate with more frequent visits makes sense. If I can only stash away xx hobby funds every two weeks vs xx once a month for instance- then the provider is better off seeing the guy more often at the lower rate; ie she nets more out each month- BUT she has to fuck him more- so it is a question of how much she enjoys fucking the guy too...
Smart ones throw a guy they like a fuck every so often knowing he is going to be right back next week paying full rate.. And it keeps him from seeing other girls
It's really simple! I know how much the bills I need to pay each month, how much money I want to save each month, how much time I can dedicate to the hobby vs real life, what kind of clientele I like, … I set my rate!
If I set it at $250, I will get more demand that I don't even have the time or need to fulfill. I will be bombarded by emails, requests that I won't even have the time to reply…let alone see. So I set it higher to a point where it reached "Equilibrium"…where I can pay my bills, set some aside, and stay sane and not burned out. DONE!
I do not want to see 10 clients a week. I would only get tired, burnt out, unhappy. Originally Posted by samantha thom
Above is a response from a thinking, planning, seemingly intelligent individual. She actually has a clear idea of goals, workload, self worth, what the market will bear and sets rates accordingly.

Alas, many here are incapable of doing that...and in many cases, their donations are simply founded on nothing.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I think you need to be more specific on what aspect of pricing you want to talk about. I find price discussions fascinating, but I was an economics major with a concentration in micro, so I'm not typical. Seems like haggling or negotiating is the topic of the day, so far. I wouldn't engage in that absent a very unusual circumstance (e.g. "I see your daily rate is $____, but if we went to Paris for a week, dined only in Micheline three star restaurants, and stayed in the Presidential Suite at the Plaza Athenee, would you consider a reduction?").

The last thing I want is an unhappy provider. Seems penny wise and pound foolish, and what little you might save would be more than offset by the decrease in enthusiasm and quality of service, even if unintentional. I think you can respectfully ask for a discount (e.g. "Ma'am, I'm a disabled veteran and on a fixed income. Would love to see you, but can't afford your normal rate. If I were to schedule at a time or day where you otherwise have very little demand, would you consider a reduction?"), but I've been blessed economically and have never found myself in a position where I could do that in good faith. I don't mind paying the going rate for quality services. And if the rate is more than I perceive the quality to be, I move along to another provider where the price/value calculation appears to be more equatable.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Let's try it this way.

Provider rate is $250 an hour, and that rate she feels like she's giving a 100% effort at that rate. She, at some point, feels she's getting 'too many calls' (somebody still needs to explain to me why TURNING OFF YOUR 'WORK' PHONE after you've met your quota for the day is so hard to do). To quell the call volume, she raises her rates.

Her service output DOES NOT elevate. She only raises her rates to deter the number of calls. I don't understand this business model. I'd rather providers just admit that they want more money. Somehow too many of them can't survive off making $250 an hour. Oh, wait. That's because they only work 2-3 hours a week, and in the meantime, the times of days when they're not working, they're free to do whatever, which possibly could mean spending money...because bored people tend to spend money more recklessly. So, that $750 she made from 3 hours work isn't enough. Now she wants to raise that rate to...$400 an hour. But doing so could possibly mean losing a percentage of her client base. 3 a week now becomes 2 a week.

Well, she did increase her earnings by $50, while working one less hour. However, that also creates more 'free time'...and we know what happens with free time (yes, more reckless spending).

That's one way of looking at it.

What if she was getting 10 appointments a week at $250, that's a really nice payday. Sure, you have to deal with more 'work', but it's hard to complain about $2,500 a week.


If you got tired of the phone ringing 'too much', WHY...NOT...TURN...IT...OFF, after say, 7 appointments? Instead of turning off a thick medium of potential clients by raising up to $400, why not keep them interested in a rate that is 'reachable' to them...all while still being in control of the number of people you see?

250x7 is much better than 400x3. I don't give a shit who you are. But you all want to work less. So do I.

Lemme see if my boss will give me a $100 raise for doing less work.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 04-22-2015, 09:57 PM
This business isn't like a brick n mortar. We don't flip on an "open" sign and work the day then flip it to "closed"... We don't have the security of passersby being tempted by our wares and just walking in. We often have countless emails, phone calls, texts, postings... at nearly all times of the night. We court our clients, even in the most simple of ways. It takes some back and forth. Normal 9-5 this job will never be.

While there are MANY similarities between this and any general business you can NOT apply the standard models here.

And Rambro, until you even seriously help or manage ONE girl you will never "get" it. Even then.. you won't understand what other ladies have mentioned about wear and tear or mental anguish. Just stop.