Is the word Negro derogatory....

Russ38's Avatar
This might make more sense if you said east of Beaumont....ijs. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
I-10 runs right through the middle of Vidor so it still pretty much applies.
The only form of the n word that is offensive is Ni**er, because it has no other meaning.
I thincks someone is hearing but not listening. We are talking about negro. Not popular culture throwing around some word like m&m's.

Zanzibar, count the number of time Tarantino used Negro in Django? Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

I'm listening and hearing. The Negro subject has been addressed. I knew the point you were making when you used it the original thread my point though was two fold. Some blacks may not like your brand of humor while using the word and some whites may look at your use of the word in a humorous context to show inconsistencies of the mods or to be "opportunistic" in their use of the word.
Russ38's Avatar
Santa Fe comes to mind Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
.....and you would definitely be correct in that.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Derived from the word Negroid. One of the three racial classifications of humans. The others being Caucasoid and Mongoloid. Originally Posted by boardman
It starts with N-E-G (short form version of the word negative) so yes ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
So Caucasoid and Caucasian are offensive because the start with cauc and by using it you mean all white people are dicks? But if I'm white I can use it because I KNOW I'm a dick?

^ DED in what context? I listen to some rap music with the slur lyrics and I also watch some movies with it as well. I'm assuming you don't? Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
^ Why do you think that is? If the N-Word is used in music, America is up in arms but if used in movies it's time to hand out Oscars. My official PC answer = Art can imitate life but life can't imitate art. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Yes, music, film, TV are art. Life shouldn't imitate art except to make very specific and well understood points.

"Woman is the Ni**er of the World", John Lennon or "Ni**ers, Jews and Sigma Nus, all they ever do is breed", Kinky Friedman. Both used the offense in the words to make a point against the underlying misogyny, racism and prejudice. Thus the use is acceptable, even laudable, though some will get offended anyway.

Kinda like how the word "whore" is not derogatory on this site .......but words like bitch, slut, cunt, twat, etc different depending on the context that it's used in.... Originally Posted by Russ38
Context is very important and the N-word (not Negro as we are discussing here) because of its history and use seems to carry extra context along with the word in this society and to some extent by extension to every society that is influenced by America. If you used it (or it were used) in Tuvalu or Mongolia or some remote isolated area it would have no context and thus no offense unless used by Western people about Western people. Words themselves are not offensive without context because they don't have meaning without context. The primary context is the language itself and the society that uses that language. Extra context may be added by history, situation or speaker and even by tone, inflection and interpretation. A perfectly innocent word may be made offensive by delivery or even how it is perceived without intention by the speaker.

The only form of the n word that is offensive is Ni**er, because it has no other meaning. Originally Posted by the cute papi
Pretty much true as far as I can tell. Negro on the other hand is outdated, as is Oriental in favor of Asian, and could be considered mildly offensive by some sensitive people but as long as not used in offensive fashion is not generally offensive in itself IMHO. I'm sure some people consider "H***y" and "Cr***er" offensive, but I have asked (mostly in jest) to be called both proudly just to diffuse any power they might have. I'm me and cannot be denigrated by any reference to my pasty pink blotchy not very attractive skin or my Southern background no matter how much someone tries. OTOH my forebears (who came to the midwest in the late 19th century and got to Texas in the mid-20th century) weren't the white people who oppressed other poor white people as well as other poor non-white people so I just don't have any dog in this hunt either.

That said, moderating this board is a tough job and they can decide that any word they want or any language in a certain context is offensive. IMHO the proper approach is if isn't obvious is to warn first and then penalize just for consistency sake unless they can find a transgression of an obvious rule. If the joke context cited it might have been a little heavy handed. Would the offender have been cited if he/she used Black rather than Negro? I don't know, but who really gives a shit anyway?
Let's all try to stay away from posting the all Derogatory racial remarks and stick to the topic of the thread, the word NEGRO...

If I missed any, please feel free to RTM the post
For those of you who are wondering what started this, take a look at this thread.

Member said she had a phone stolen. Another member said it must have been a Negro. Another member took it further. Originally Posted by Pistolero
I'm not saying any of this is right (or wrong).

Note the first member took it further before the second member took it further.

Did the first member receive a warning (or points) for this statement?
Negroes have excellent built-in night time camo
DarthMaul's Avatar
In terms of that form that you posted, "No".

The word "Negro" was never meant to be a derogatory term but a classification for the government or whomever to get a head count.

There have been several terms used on a form like this over the years from "Black" to "African American".

I consider myself "Black". I've never been to Africa, never considered myself African, don't want to live in Africa. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I am American.

Don't use the "N" word and don't like hearing the "N" word. No matter the source.
pyramider's Avatar
Taint knows no race ... ijs.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Don't you tricks in Mod-Ville talk before you let one of them off the chain? So far it seems only one saw it as a violation of some sorts. Another is indifferent. Two UNDERSTAND the value of a well stocked vocabulary.

Isn't that one of the reason for multiple mods. So one of you don't go all Judge Dredd "I am the law"
dex236's Avatar
Many will be offended, most don't care, just like everything else...even my opinion.
Russ38's Avatar
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Don't you tricks in Mod-Ville talk before you let one of them off the chain? So far it seems only one saw it as a violation of some sorts. Another is indifferent. Two UNDERSTAND the value of a well stocked vocabulary.

Isn't that one of the reason for multiple mods. So one of you don't go all Judge Dredd "I am the law" Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Enjoy being the Opressor in the Land of RealPolitik(al correctness), Dorian. In this land the most ignorant among us hold the whip hand, and a Shakespearian vocabulary, even if precisely deployed, might get your ass in deepest feces....
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Yeah. How about we talk about the topic word & not the one for some reason "people" keep pulling out their lack of reading comprehension ass?
Pretty much any noun can become a derogatory term, dependent upon the speaker's venom and the delicacy of audience sensibilities. Anyone who's ever been called MAN by an infuriated bull dagger will know this is true. In that case, though, it's easy to laugh it off because - as far as I know - nobody has figured out how to get paid behind it. Yet. Unlike JELLYBEAN. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak

I have a client that calls me his Negrita. I think its cute.

The first white guy I ever dated, his grandmother was very old and referred to me on day as a "nice colored girl". I did not mind that either.

Context is everything but the N WORD is a no no. It sounds as ugly as the demon who invented it, especially when someone of a different color use it.