LOL - unless your client is a super famous guy like Charlie Sheen, or on the flipside unless your provider is a famous porn star, I doubt most EMTs and medical people will really care who you are at all. Rather, they might just be happy that someone was there to intervene in a situation where a person might not have been able to phone for themselves.You are normally required to give your name if he dies...a police report will be filed with you being "with him" at the time of death. It's not so simple when someone actually "dies." Why do you think in drug cases the "friends" just drop the other friend off at the ER and take off? Because there will likely be an investigation as to what happened.
Does anyone really care? No one knows the situation is anything but ordinary - and in fact, it's not anything but ordinary. I'm sure it's just another day on the job for the paramedics.
It's just wrong to leave someone who is in bad shape to fend for themselves. You don't have to give a press conference when help arrives. Just politely excuse yourself if you know your presence could cause harm to the other person's reputation. Originally Posted by amusemeant
So while cops may NOT be concerned with what you do for a living, they will be concerned with who you are and how you came to be with this person.
This is making me nervous...not thinking about it at all lol.