Trump and his crowds are larger than the left wants you to know or will admit!!

lustylad's Avatar
We all know how insightful and witty you are. You are so insightful you support the King Troll DJT.
What a Joke. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by themystic
Easy, mystic. You don't want to break your finger or the exclamation key.
  • oeb11
  • 08-18-2019, 04:50 PM
Particularly on the Left hand
Like Ethiopia - the left hand is used for One thing
themystic's Avatar
Easy, mystic. You don't want to break your finger or the exclamation key. Originally Posted by lustylad
It got stuck. I was laughing so hard at gnad actually calling someone out for their lack of substance in a post. Paradoxical. .Haha!!!!!! oops I need to be careful. Next time I get a day off Ill search one of his 10,000 posts to see I can find anything meaningful
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't waste your time disproving SC, YR, MM and others. They are simply trolling. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Might as well name everybody in this forum who isn’t a FART.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I don't know if you are being purposefully obtuse or if you are just a little slow on the up-take.
I am not making a partisan point. As I said in my initial post, it works both ways. When a candidate is going well their crowds and support increase because of their success. When it goes bad they lose support because they're losing support. The political affiliation is inconsequential.

You asked the question,"Is there any proof at all that the size of the attendees(should be 'crowds') at Trump's rallies has any impact at all on those that do not attend the rallies? "

The answer is yes it does. Just as it does for Biden, or Gillibrand(sp?) or anyone else. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Do you have any proof at all that any voters who do not attend a political rally, whether it be for a Republican or Democrat, has changed his/her vote due to that specific rally?

BTW. I like your arguments. Very well stated.
Is this going to be your comment rally after rally after rally SPEED...this SAME analyzes of your is getting OLD!!
Please show us your LARGE Dem rallies for a change?
I hope you're good at pulling rabbits out of hats...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It got stuck with lack of substance in a post. Next time I get a day off Ill search one of his 10,000 posts to see I can find anything meaningful Originally Posted by themystic
Like your constant NAZI NAZI, FASCIST FASCIST , and your misogynistic rants against a board member. Those are very substantive posting on your sir are a HYPOCRITE!!
Liberalism is a gutless choice...thank you for choosing.

I liked your post on the two ant-Semites that were put in their place...didn't you say why are we so scared of those two?? You're just like your minion YR...why are you worried what congress says or does. If you don't know why then no one can help you understand.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Ignoring Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Good idea!
Do you have any proof at all that any voters who do not attend a political rally, whether it be for a Republican or Democrat, has changed his/her vote due to that specific rally?

BTW. I like your arguments. Very well stated. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I personally have exactly the same "proof" that you have to the reverse.

I do feel enthusiasm does matter and helps make or break a candidate. For all the rally goers maybe a few come out excited enough to volunteer for the campaign and influences a small group of potential voters. The rally itself doesn't show any specific change, but downstream impact of enthusiasm does.

Hillary has been widely panned for not having that enthusiasm nor going after it in what she "thought" were givens for her. You seem to want to pretend Trump's enthusiasm won't matter again??
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Trump did have one in Dallas...forgot about it Up to 20,000 people were expected, but the upper levels of the arena were largely empty. Originally Posted by matchingmole

You do know that those are reserved, i.e. owned, suite boxes right? Mostly owned by corporations. At any rate, they are privately owned or rented - full time, for any event held there. They are not available to the general public.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I personally have exactly the same "proof" that you have to the reverse.

I do feel enthusiasm does matter and helps make or break a candidate. For all the rally goers maybe a few come out excited enough to volunteer for the campaign and influences a small group of potential voters. The rally itself doesn't show any specific change, but downstream impact of enthusiasm does.

Hillary has been widely panned for not having that enthusiasm nor going after it in what she "thought" were givens for her. You seem to want to pretend Trump's enthusiasm won't matter again?? Originally Posted by eccielover
I don't agree with you but I can't say you are wrong.

In 2016 Trump did not have a political record. Now he does and voters will either agree or disagree with him related to that. In 2016, in my opinion, the negatives of Trump's personality had not been fully displayed. Now they have, and many voters who supported him in 2016 seem to have moved away from him.

Trump won in 2016 largely due to suburban voters and women supporting him in large numbers. Indications are that many of those voters are abandoning him. Enough to turn the 2020 election? Too early to tell. Those who choose to can disregard the 2018 midterms results simply because Trump's name was not on the ballot. They may be right but they may also be very wrong.
I don't agree with you but I can't say you are wrong.

In 2016 Trump did not have a political record. Now he does and voters will either agree or disagree with him related to that. In 2016, in my opinion, the negatives of Trump's personality had not been fully displayed. Now they have, and many voters who supported him in 2016 seem to have moved away from him.

Trump won in 2016 largely due to suburban voters and women supporting him in large numbers. Indications are that many of those voters are abandoning him. Enough to turn the 2020 election? Too early to tell. Those who choose to can disregard the 2018 midterms results simply because Trump's name was not on the ballot. They may be right but they may also be very wrong. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Keep your NONSENSE coming on and I with continue to shoot it down.
This is from something you don't want to hear ...

NEW YORK (Sputnik) The overwhelming majority of Americans who voted for President Donald Trump in the 2016 election still support him, a new poll by University of Virginia Center for Politics revealed on Thursday. "Trump voters are extraordinarily loyal and supportive of the guy they voted for last November," stated Glen Bolger, who conducted the poll and focus groups for the university. "All the controversy, all the stuff you read in media about how it’s chaotic, how they don’t have their act together — they don’t see it."
According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating among his supporters is at 93 percent. In the survey, 42 percent said they strongly approve of the job he is doing as president while 51 percent said they somewhat approve.
The online poll surveyed 1,000 Trump supporters between April 17-19, and has a three-point margin of error.
Trump's overall approval rating is currently at 42 percent, according to an aggregate of polls analyzed by the website FiveThirtyEight.

Down goes SPEED...down goes SPEED...down goes SPEED!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Keep your NONSENSE coming on and I with continue to shoot it down.
This is from something you don't want to hear ...

NEW YORK (Sputnik) The overwhelming majority of Americans who voted for President Donald Trump in the 2016 election still support him, a new poll by University of Virginia Center for Politics revealed on Thursday. "Trump voters are extraordinarily loyal and supportive of the guy they voted for last November," stated Glen Bolger, who conducted the poll and focus groups for the university. "All the controversy, all the stuff you read in media about how it’s chaotic, how they don’t have their act together — they don’t see it."
According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating among his supporters is at 93 percent. In the survey, 42 percent said they strongly approve of the job he is doing as president while 51 percent said they somewhat approve.
The online poll surveyed 1,000 Trump supporters between April 17-19, and has a three-point margin of error.
Trump's overall approval rating is currently at 42 percent, according to an aggregate of polls analyzed by the website FiveThirtyEight.

Down goes SPEED...down goes SPEED...down goes SPEED!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Pure stupidity on your part. Haven't I ALWAYS said Trump supporters were extremely supportive of him? This was a poll of Trump supporters and backs up 100% what I've been saying.

Thank you for posting an article that completely supports my often stated opinion.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Do you have any proof at all that any voters who do not attend a political rally, whether it be for a Republican or Democrat, has changed his/her vote due to that specific rally?

BTW. I like your arguments. Very well stated. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Thanks Speed. Kind of you to say.
I do not have anything specific to a particular political rally, sorry. I'm basing my position on discussions in econ classes from college days, micro I believe. And I know I've read about band wagon effect in articles about psychology as well. I actually just Googled it and got a ton of results.
We're a genius species, eh?