Get your poppcorn ready!

I don't care who is right or wrong...I will never see Aliona. Originally Posted by steviewinwood
Always gonna have the haters who will bring a positive thread to its knees....
Even without a 3rd party there is no way this could have been handled a good way. Had she the ability to handle him physically to take the phone and break it there would be hobbyists here who would say she was ghetto/unstable/violent/risky all because she stood her ground.
Always gonna have the haters who will bring a positive thread to its knees.... Originally Posted by surfindick
Trust me. The thread isn't on it's knees yet. Don't feed the trolls.
Trust me. The thread isn't on it's knees yet. Don't feed the trolls. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Trust me feeding is not what I do to trolls...
GinaXXX's Avatar
For future reference, should a lady be involved with a situation where she is forced to defend herself, how should she address it so that her defense would be an acceptable one?
I deal with each situation is dealt with on a case by case basis. I can't answer to any situation that might come up in the future, I only do the best I can to determine who is making the most sense, who is the most credible, and what actions are acceptable to me, and which ones aren't.

The reason I'm very against bringing a third party into the room to resolve a dispute, is because frightened people can be extremely dangerous. How is a provider to know if a client is armed or not? If you bring a man into the room to fight with the client, someone (the provider and/or her friend) might get a bullet in the ass, from the terrified client. It HAS happened before.

Or it could easily escalate into a physical altercation, where the client is hurt and the provider goes to jail for a long time. This has also happened before, many times.

Fortunately, this situation had neither ending.... but that doesn't mean that having another man come in to fight your fight is a good idea. It just might not turn out so nicely as this, and I don't want to see ANY provider hurt or in jail over something that really wasn't even worth it to her. I've been there, btw.... I'm speaking from experience.

The best way to handle this specific situation is to be aware and alert AT THE BEGINNING of the session. Collect and count your fee up front, put it away, look around for recording devices and ask that they be put away, etc.

Figuring out he was recording you after the session is over, or shorted you, or whatever... AFTER??? Why not take care of these things at the beginning, so you don't have to have an altercation after?

Defend yourself by using your brain, first and foremost. Intimidation and force should be a last resort only, and only in situations where it would be worth it if things took a turn for the worse, once the third person was brought into the situation.

Mopar71's Avatar
Ole' Matador.....Ole'.............. .

your points may be valid, but the essence of what you are saying is that if a woman takes security seriously and has someone who cares enough about her to back her up in a bad situation, that is grounds to have your account on p411 suspended. In other words, women are expected to walk into appointments with men twice their size completely vulnerable and unprotected.

Call me crazy but I think it should be up the lady how she handles her safety and security. The point of P411 is to be a source of verification, not to tell women how to run their business. Alot of women have someone safe they can call if they run into trouble. The only difference here is that unless a call is made, no one ever has to know.

Lastly, your comment about figuring out he was recording her after the session, and telling her she should have straightened that out beforehand was ridiculous. That was sort of the point of disguising the fact that he was recording her - so that she wouldn't find out.
Texasquest's Avatar
I understand Gina's reasoning..I may not agree with it in its entirety..One solution to the Phone recording is to ask the Gent to put it away in a Drawer,,under a Towel,or whereever so as as to make it BLIND..Ive been asked to this before...IS an easy solution to that issue..
GinaXXX's Avatar
the essence of what you are saying is that if a woman takes security seriously and has someone who cares enough about her to back her up in a bad situation, that is grounds to have your account on p411 suspended.
I actually said that I look at each situation on a case by case basis. Certainly, there could be situations where I would think it was warranted. In this case, definitely not warranted for the $20, and I'm on the fence about the recording, which is why the suspension is only for a couple of weeks.

The point of P411 is... not to tell women how to run their business.
True. You can run your business however you see fit.

However, I can also run my business how I see fit, and that means I can decide what type of behaviors I think are acceptable or not acceptable for the members on P411.

I will never be comfortable with a provider who will bring another man into a room over a relatively minor dispute. Why? The potential for someone to get hurt is just too great.... and the provider is not always right.

There is no question that most providers know to take care of basic things when they enter a room. If you prefer not to do these things (collect your fee, look for recording devices), that's fine.... run you business however you see fit. However, when your boyfriend comes into the room and threatens to beat the shit out of a client because you claim he shorted you $50, don't for one second think I'll be wanting to have anything to do with you.

That was sort of the point of disguising the fact that he was recording her - so that she wouldn't find out.
She realized he was recording her because the camera was propped up on the table, and then he was trying to position her this way and that for a better angle. This could have easily been handled prior to the session start, and with this experience I'm sure she'll be on top of it from here on out.

The bottom line is:
Bringing a third party into the room makes me very concerned for everyone involved.

You might think it's a fantastic idea to call in your bodyguard when things start going south, but I assure you that often this escalates a bad, but minor, situation into a horrible situation that changes your life. Please save such extreme measures for truly serious issues, I hate when I have to say "I told you so"..... and I've had to say that to some of my best friends (unfortunately).

Now that I know that Gina shares information with eccie mods, I will never use P411.
Gina is right.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
She gave some great advice, that is for sure.
GinaXXX's Avatar
Now that I know that Gina shares information with eccie mods, I will never use P411.
I'm sure that the client in this situation wishes we didn't investigate this together, as well.
So don't let the door hit ya as you leave....

Gina essentially is saying "I paid the cost to be the boss"
Aliona you're young and luckily this too shall pass
GinaXXX's Avatar
this too shall pass
^^^^^^^ my mantra