
carkido45's Avatar
ferdburf, call carkiddo "manpussy"........that is how I got mine...........I can't remember what I called horsefly.........whatever it was, it was true. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Hah you got points for that DH.
I didn't know that. TFF
I got my points for calling VN and sofia a bad name that rhymes with "stunts"... This is apparantly extra-bad, because my points don't expire for a year.

Seriously, hope to see ya around, auknowho! Thanks for everything!
ferdburf's Avatar
ferdburf, call carkiddo "manpussy"........that is how I got mine...........I can't remember what I called horsefly.........whatever it was, it was true. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Can't I just call myself a manpussy, so as not to offend someone? And in retaliation, my manpussy self can call myself . . . Oh, never mind, I'm getting all confused, I've forgotten now why I even wanted points. Hope I don't get so confused I forget what I'm searching for here.
ratboy jam's Avatar
Personally, I wouldn't give a ratboyjam's ass.. Originally Posted by TexasGator
Not YOURS to give...unless...
Ratboyfuck. You will give that ass to who daddy says for you to give that ass to.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Once points are assessed they will always remain. Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE

Points will always remain? Like a stain for all of time?

Surely, you are you speaking in jest, SMI!

Don't you believe in redemption?

. . . Don't you have any soul?
ratboy jam's Avatar
Ratboyfuck. You will give that ass to who daddy says for you to give that ass to. Originally Posted by Big Jake

I love you guys....I really do.

Points DO expire. In 6 months. In other words, if you can behave for 6'll have 0 points.

If you can't behave, your points will likely begin to add up. 25 is the magic number.

Now, if ya think about it, someone's gotta really be pressing the right buttons or pushing the envelope to rack up 25 points in a 6-month timeframe.

Well, yes it happens. What next? 3-month suspension.

3 months is a long time, my friends. It really is. We don't want any of you to be gone for 3 months. Would become a boring place around here. There's not a single one of you I would wish that on......I dig the dynamics of our Houston forums.

One other thing worthy of mention,......these point policies may be slightly different than what some of you had dealt with or become used to on ASPD.

On ASPD, points expired in 12 months and 25 points got you a year away from the board.

Not so on ECCIE. We initially set ours up similarly, but decided on a different structure for penalty and expiration. Why did we change?

Keyword: Membership participation. That's what we're about. We're NOT about member exclusion. That's just the way it is. That said, if there's a chronic problem child or someone that's a danger to others, we have other ways of handling them, it won't be with the point system........which is more of a corrective guidance tool for normal contributing members.....not a method to jack people up with points and throw them off the board. Just FYI.

St. C

PS. Farewell auknowho! Best of luck to ya, my friend. Originally Posted by St.Christopher

It was good to have some clarity on the

Don't you know by now, STC can't answer anything in less that 3 paragraphs. I think he's an engineer, you ask him for the time and he'll tell you how to build a watch...

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-12-2010, 03:21 AM
Ratboyfuck. You will give that ass to who daddy says for you to give that ass to. Originally Posted by Big Jake
Daddy i have these pretty new shoes
dearhunter's Avatar
You fucktards crack me up.

carkiddo, I got the points because I refused to apologize and take it back............I'm just saying.

St. C has some pretty tough skin. I already called him worse than manpussy...........and he let it go.

I would not sully the name "manpussy' by calling St. C the same..........Where is that fucking chihuahua............I'm just saying.
Htowner's Avatar
"25 is the magic number"

It is magic alright. It makes you disappear.
dearhunter's Avatar
I know auknowho won't mind if I use his "ambassador" thread to clarify what "manpussy" means to me................

manpussy (n) meaning; 1. Someone (guy) who repeatedly follows a cat around in threads admonishing him for his stated view of hooktard drama, with the purpose of correcting the cats thincking and behaviour; 2. Someone who thincks he is the hooktard boards thought police and feels the need to repeatedly correct someones opinions in hooktard threads.

manposse (n) (pl) meaning; A collection of manpussy for one particular cat.

Now, when I say welcome to my will know what I mean............I'm just saying.
WTF?? Originally Posted by ratboy jam
I'm your pimp and you are my bitch. Now dress up like Shirley from Whats Happening and get ready for a party tonight.
Heavy handed moderation tactics have proven ineffective in controlling the flow of information in our Houston forums.

In light of this, these days we issue a T-shirt to all new Houston mod additions as a valuable reminder.

St. C