What's up GeniusMan/ Do you have a scam that lets you get discounts you don't reflect in your reviews?

mypinkcock's Avatar
You tell em Karma......

Sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
You rang fucktard? THIS is ONE of my new handles...

I'd never be so bland as to use anything with "TX" in it.

It's good to see you're back to not thincking about what you post before you type it!


I'll be watching! ~K
snoopdogg's Avatar
wow...never thought i'd agree with you on anything....
but first rule is...question everything.....
i never thought to question GM's Reviews....but Whispers has a point...

and on the other hand..i dont think discounts are all that uncommon
if you see a girl enough...u can eventually ask for a different rate..it just happens naturally i think.....or it has in my case.....

enough of the ladies here are vouching for him though...so i dont think there's anything to this ..but it doesnt hurt to question it....

we need more and less around here

That's how we learn.

As well as how others learn.

For the longest time a lot of issues were never discussed....

Now we discuss just about everything and controversial issues tend to bring out extremists.

But even in the hottest most controversial threads information makes it's way to the community and people learn.....

My posts TEND to be rather long as I try to put a lot of thought as well as view an issue from both sides while trying to get my point across....

I love posts like yours that stimulate a response\counterpoint as you say.

This stuff doesn't HAVE to get ugly..... It's usually made ugly by those that WON'T contribute logically and start whining about negativity.....

if there is something here it is worth discussing......

I've only been in Austin a few years and most of my ASPD years were in Houston, but someone else just PMd me and mentioned this isn't the first time this has come up, although a search of the archives didn't turn it up.

It won't be the first discussion regarding a member trading positive reviews for getting a nut. Although the concept of a member manipulating or scamming a new provider is a bit more distasteful if there is anything to that. Originally Posted by Whispers
Whispers's Avatar
You rang fucktard? THIS is ONE of my new handles...
Originally Posted by mypinkcock

Easy Pickings MODS.. A self admission of multiple Handles!
  • Vyt
  • 02-10-2011, 07:48 PM
Checking "his" post history, it's a charming account regardless.
Whispers's Avatar
"Crazy Bitch" was an appropriate song choice for the poster most likely
sixxbach's Avatar
You rang fucktard? THIS is ONE of my new handles...

I'd never be so bland as to use anything with "TX" in it.

It's good to see you're back to not thincking about what you post before you type it!


I'll be watching! ~K Originally Posted by mypinkcock
It's great to know that I can essentially snap my fingers and I can make you rise from the virtual ashes! Honey its no secret you never left the boards. Come on now its sixx you're talking to.

Thanks for calling me a fucktard you hooktard!

Guest031411-2's Avatar
Ironically I used to get lambasted on the old board for calling out GeniusMan on the reviews that he *chose* to post pictures. All the ladies kept telling me to go easy on the guy as he was [Reference to forbidden subject removed. M], but there was such a weird irony to the reviews that would get bumped with the sudden appearance of a GeniusMan picture post. Now, I could care less if regulars get a reduced rate for being frequent fuckers but to get a reduced rate because all the hooktards give him pictures to post and get shitty reviews, well that just means that any gal that GeniusMan reviewed should be automatically suspect as to any validity. And any gal's review that he posts a picture in, Austin based of course since the odds of him getting a bus to another city are slim, should be considered suspect depending on the reviewer or oddity to the appearance of a picture as that just means he was trying to promote their business.

Oh MY GOD, GeniusMan, [Reference to forbidden subject removed. M], is A PIMP!

You have mail, sir. M
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
GM never asked me for a discount and there are lots of other ladies who will step up and say the same thing. I'm not defending what he allegedly did to Maxeen. I'm just stating that to imply that he was pressuring ladies for discounted sessions doesn't really seem true to me, based on what I've experienced.

He posts pictures of any lady who asks him to, from all across the country. I believe he views it as a service to the entire community as many of the guys have thanked him for making it easy to see who is being reviewed without having to click to another site. There was a thread about this very issue on ASPD and as I recall a lot of guys chimed in and said they wanted him to post pictures because it allowed them to quickly look through reviews and decide if the girl was worth an extra look. I view his posting pix as a similar service to what Ferdburf was doing when he was posting links to every lady's showcase in the comment section of reviews. It's a time-saver for lazy hobbyists. Pretty harmless really. If they said he wasn't allowed to do it anymore, it would be no skin off my back as my pix are still available, but I know it saves the guys some work.
He's never ever asked me for a discount either
Guest031411-2's Avatar
But you never argued when he'd bump a review by posting the pic you provided him, would you? That's my point - selective review bumping by pic posting
If you give him your pic, he will post it for you as he does for the entire board. I am sure he is not sitting in the session with said hobbyist waiting for him to finish, and write a review so he can insantaly post a pic... So I am sure it goes up when HE has time and out of work or whatever he does with his personal life. It's not like we sit around waiting for a review and PM'n him to hurry and post a pic to bump are review. At least not me. Hell all my reviews are under my damn avatar, they follow me on here. Anyone can look at them.

Also the reason not all have pics because, if you do not tell him its OK then he does not post your pic.
Guest092815's Avatar
But you never argued when he'd bump a review by posting the pic you provided him, would you? That's my point - selective review bumping by pic posting Originally Posted by kittyloveratx
A lady goes about her business every day and doesn't worry and much later notices that GM may or may not have added a pic. I have never, ever asked him to post my pics or bump a thread. nor have I given him a discount. Oh, and I am pretty sure he posted pics from a gal's showcase and uploaded and inserted those.

So, I fail to see how he fits the definition of pimp. he doesn't get a percentage, he doesn't make bookings, he has nothing whatsoever to do with how we do our hobby life. he doesn't get any freebies that I know of, and he offers no protection.

I believe there are others here who are happy to fit the pimp description, but so what? Aren't we all adults here? At least in age??

We are all free to think for ourselves.

I really love my atxkittylover, and I hope we can happily agree to disagree. That's one of the finest things left in this country, I believe.

Guest031411-2's Avatar
oh, I don't blame the ladies for sure. I actually blame the site for allowing the oddity to occur.

Like I said, it just seemed odd - if no harm than no foul!
sixxbach's Avatar
oh, I don't blame the ladies for sure. I actually blame the site for allowing the oddity to occur.

Like I said, it just seemed odd - if no harm than no foul! Originally Posted by kittyloveratx
How is the site to blame? I didn't notice that he bumped a review that was older than 30 days. Let's not backtrack because the ladies called you out. Yeah, blame the site

Guest031411-2's Avatar
no, no, no....lets not get side-tracked here. I do believe that some ladies manipulate him to bump reviews with pictures. I also believe that the site is to blame to a degree as they continued to allow one member that sole descretion to post pics or not. It could have been handled in a better manner. So, you are saying I could start asking the ladies to send me pics and at my discretion I could decide which lady's reviews I would bump by posting a pic? Or any other of 1000's of members could do the same?