Hey LLIdiot! The Austin American-Statesman gets it WRONG? Or did YOU??? LMAO!

LexusLover's Avatar
If you want to believe Nau's is not in Clarksville, so be it. Minority opinion. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Please direct my attention to the "poll" of Austinites, but ....

in the meantime, I'll go with the official historical map of the City of Austin.

I suppose when the City of Austin decides to "incorporate" and/or "annex" additional portions of the city into "Clarksville" then those businesses newly "incorporated" and/or "annexed" with THEN be able to legitimately claim they are "in Clarksville."

Until then I prefer to stick with the LEGAL documents, not opinions.

Well, since you moved "to Austin in 1992" then you didn't experience Austin during the segregation days and "ON DESEGREGATION DAY."

Have you ever lived IN Austin?

So, call me a "wannabe" all you want.... it really doesn't concern me.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Please direct my attention to the "poll" of Austinites, but ....

in the meantime, I'll go with the official historical map of the City of Austin.

I suppose when the City of Austin decides to "incorporate" and/or "annex" additional portions of the city into "Clarksville" then those businesses newly "incorporated" and/or "annexed" with THEN be able to legitimately claim they are "in Clarksville."

Until then I prefer to stick with the LEGAL documents, not opinions.

Well, since you moved "to Austin in 1992" then you didn't experience Austin during the segregation days and "ON DESEGREGATION DAY."

Have you ever lived IN Austin?

So, call me a "wannabe" all you want.... it really doesn't concern me. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I lived in the city of Austin from 1992 until 2005. At one point in time the area I lived in in NW Austin was NOT within the city of Austin. At one point in time my home in Avery Ranch was NOT within the city of Austin. Prior to my moving to both homes they were annexed and became part of the city of Austin. Maps change over time.

My wife grew up with segregation but I did not.

You can stick with your LEGAL documents. In post #24 I cited 4 websites with no skin in the game as to whether or not Nau's was in Clarksville or not, and all 4 were of the opinion that Nau's was indeed in an area of Austin called Clarksville. Obviously you would rather rely on your documents rather than the statements of people who live in Austin. Fine by me.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You remember the old story of the monkey and the coconut?

Unless LLIdiot acknowledges reality, he is TRAPPED!
LexusLover's Avatar
I Obviously you would rather rely on your documents rather than the statements of people who live in Austin. Fine by me. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
#1. I don't rely on my documents .... I have been relying on the City's documents..... but, as is customary with you and your ilk .. you have to modify the facts to prove your "point" ... .and

#2. I live in Austin when Clarksville was Clarksville and not some marketing strategy to increase property values ... and customer loyalty .. and i walked through Clarksville frequently when it was inhabited with poor, Black folks most who could work were hired to be maids or yardmen..... and when I got out of the downtown side of Clarksville it was a couple of more blocks or so to the drug store on West Lynn.

So you and your "wannabes" can pretend all you want. Those who want to profit from the plight of the poor Black folks who lived there in run down shacks go ahead. That's what liberals do. Keep 'em down and make money on them.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
#1. I don't rely on my documents .... I have been relying on the City's documents..... but, as is customary with you and your ilk .. you have to modify the facts to prove your "point" ... .and

#2. I live in Austin when Clarksville was Clarksville and not some marketing strategy to increase property values ... and customer loyalty .. and i walked through Clarksville frequently when it was inhabited with poor, Black folks most who could work were hired to be maids or yardmen..... and when I got out of the downtown side of Clarksville it was a couple of more blocks or so to the drug store on West Lynn.

So you and your "wannabes" can pretend all you want. Those who want to profit from the plight of the poor Black folks who lived there in run down shacks go ahead. That's what liberals do. Keep 'em down and make money on them. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Let's see... That would make you about 95 years old, right? Did you hang out at the downtown YMCA with Jackie Robinson? Did you jam with Pinetop Perkins?

And you're not on Medicare?

Something doesn't add up here. I spoze it's YOU, LLIdiot!

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
#1. I don't rely on my documents .... I have been relying on the City's documents..... but, as is customary with you and your ilk .. you have to modify the facts to prove your "point" ... .and
. Originally Posted by LexusLover
My "ilk" is just about everyone who lives in Austin right now. YOU are the outsider who obviously does not comprehend the Austin of today. So use your city documents as toilet paper because you're full of s**t and will need it.
My "ilk" is just about everyone who lives in Austin right now. YOU are the outsider who obviously does not comprehend the Austin of today. So use your city documents as toilet paper because you're full of s**t and will need it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yssup Rider's Avatar
My "ilk" is just about everyone who lives in Austin right now. YOU are the outsider who obviously does not comprehend the Austin of today. So use your city documents as toilet paper because you're full of s**t and will need it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Fuckin' A!
Fuckin' A! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So now you are going to start posting "Fuckin' A!" and still bitch about other peoples post counts... huh... Shit Eater?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So now you are going to start posting "Fuckin' A!" and still bitch about other peoples post counts... huh... Shit Eater? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
No, Iffy. AssupLiar was just describing what he is planning to do with BigAssSux this weekend.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So now you are going to start posting "Fuckin' A!" and still bitch about other peoples post counts... huh... Shit Eater? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I don't give a red rodents rectum how many posts you or anyone else has. it's the lengthy "I know you are but what am I" shit posted by IBIdiot when I'va Biggen rips him a new asshole that I find annoying.

That and YOUR brilliant Posts, SLOBBRIN.

But keep them coming. Somewhere there's a YouBoob video you haven't yet cut and paste.

Fuckin' A!
LexusLover's Avatar
My "ilk" is just about everyone who lives in Austin right now. YOU are the outsider .... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Do you live in Austin? Do you live in Travis County?


I realize you don't like government documents, but you do live in Cedar Park, right?
Do you live in Austin? Do you live in Travis County? Originally Posted by LexusLover
As a matter of fact, I do live in Austin, Travis County, Texas.

Where do you live?
LexusLover's Avatar
As a matter of fact, I do live in Austin, Travis County, Texas. Originally Posted by bigtex
Since when? Or do you "live" there occasionally?
Since when? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Since I moved there! Duh!

You failed to answer where you live.