Fox Caught Making Up News Out of Nothing Again - The Real Pirate Story

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-22-2012, 03:14 PM
Wow. Campaigns say things that are made up. Politicians twist the truth. They lie and fling mud that they themselves made up.

I never knew this. I am truly scocked.

And then those caught in the lie imediately try to deflect it with thinks like a photo that has nothing to do with pirates.

Why can't the nutcases that believe everything their party tells them to believe just OCCASIONALLY admit they were duped by their favorite "news" source and talking puppet?

Originally Posted by joe bloe
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-22-2012, 03:15 PM
Significant difference, bigtex. Odumbo fomented regime change in Libya; thus, Odumbo is directly accountable for subsequent events in that country. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Actually we have been doing things in Lybia for decades--across all presidents.
Wow. Campaigns say things that are made up. Politicians twist the truth. They lie and fling mud that they themselves made up.

I never knew this. I am truly scocked.

And then those caught in the lie imediately try to deflect it with thinks like a photo that has nothing to do with pirates.

Why can't the nutcases that believe everything their party tells them to believe just OCCASIONALLY admit they were duped by their favorite "news" source and talking puppet? Originally Posted by Old-T
As usual deny deny deny and if that doesn't work just ignore the fuckers. I see that is working splendid for them.
joe bloe's Avatar
Wow. Campaigns say things that are made up. Politicians twist the truth. They lie and fling mud that they themselves made up.

I never knew this. I am truly scocked.

And then those caught in the lie imediately try to deflect it with thinks like a photo that has nothing to do with pirates.

Why can't the nutcases that believe everything their party tells them to believe just OCCASIONALLY admit they were duped by their favorite "news" source and talking puppet? Originally Posted by Old-T
The New Black Panther photo was posted as a response to TTH's reference to "wing nut racists." It's an example of left wing racism. It's not a deflection.
The picture is irrelevant because New Black Panther Party is neither Republican nor Democrat- they are Syncretic. Gosh don't you guys look any of this shit up because you plaster it on ECCIE.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-22-2012, 03:55 PM
The picture is irrelevant because New Black Panther Party is neither Republican nor Democrat- they are Syncretic. Gosh don't you guys look any of this shit up because you plaster it on ECCIE. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou

Syncretic ..

that'll fuck with their pea brains ..
I B Hankering's Avatar
This story was from before MJ had released the full video tapes how about you try something more current, but then again you probably like to use old material just like fox. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
How about you read the article and then post citing where CBS, ABC and CNN corrected their stories regarding Romney's remarks on Pakistan. When those Kool Aid dispensing MSM networks post retractions on their original stories -- based on the out of context, edited and editorialized snippets Mother Jones originally released -- then it becomes "old news". Regarding the "47%" remark, Mother Jones NEVER released a full video -- they claim they "do not have one" and the missing one to two minute segment was lost "accidentally". Meanwhile, keep your snoot in your Kool Aid and choke on your ignorance.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Actually we have been doing things in Lybia for decades--across all presidents. Originally Posted by Old-T
Since Thomas Jefferson -- the "First Democrat", so what's your point?
How about you read the article and then post citing where CBS, ABC and CNN corrected their stories regarding Romney's remarks on Pakistan. When those Kool Aid dispensing MSM networks post retractions on their original stories -- based on the out of context, edited and editorialized snippets Mother Jones originally released -- then it becomes "old news". Regarding the "47%" remark, Mother Jones NEVER released a full video -- they claim they "do not have one" and the missing one to two minute segment was lost "accidentally". Meanwhile, keep your snoot in your Kool Aid and choke on your ignorance. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Oh one or two minutes of a 60 minute video, imagine all the vital information that was included in those 120 seconds, vital enough to erase all the damning things he said in the other 48 minutes. Nice try.
joe bloe's Avatar
The picture is irrelevant because New Black Panther Party is neither Republican nor Democrat- they are Syncretic. Gosh don't you guys look any of this shit up because you plaster it on ECCIE. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
The New Black Panthers are part of the rogue's gallery of flotsam and jetsam, misfits, miscreants and malcontents that make up the Democratic Party. I'm pretty sure, if I asked either one of these clowns, if they were "syncretic," they'd have no idea what I was talking about. The Democratic Convention always looks like the bar scene from Star Wars.

joe bloe's Avatar
Syncretic ..

that'll fuck with their pea brains .. Originally Posted by CJ7
Yeah, that's all it takes to prove intelligence. Use one big word and you're automatically a rocket scientist.
That's all you have is some Photoshoped photo of bullshit. Next! You are reaching for the sky and grasping nothing but air to say the NBP party is liberal is saying the Westboro Bapist church is the root of the republician party. Ignorance is not flattering Joe.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, that's all it takes to prove intelligence. Use one big word and you're automatically a rocket scientist. Originally Posted by joe bloe

So are you gonna cover BigTex's bet sloe joe? I'm willing to take half of it, or add 250 to it if you've got 750 to drop.

When this is all over and the President is re-elected, are you gonna go the fuck away for awhile, or better yet, write some reviews of your sexual exploits?

I'm guessing you'll just go back to being the spotty bottomed high school junior you were at the beginning of this episode.

Maybe when you get to vote, you'll appreciate what it is to be an American.

chew on that, bubba. Or prove me wrong.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-22-2012, 10:39 PM
Since Thomas Jefferson -- the "First Democrat", so what's your point? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
My point is that you knowingly tried to mislead with your "Odumbo fomented regime change in Libya; thus, Odumbo is directly accountable for subsequent events in that country." As you correctly point out now, it started just a few centuries before Obama. And Obama was certainly not the first to contemplate regeim changes in different places--including Libya.

And now trying to claim a Jeffersonian Democrat is the same as an Obama Democrat is just hysterically stupid. I suspect even you know that--but don't care much.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-22-2012, 10:41 PM
The picture is irrelevant because New Black Panther Party is neither Republican nor Democrat- they are Syncretic. Gosh don't you guys look any of this shit up because you plaster it on ECCIE. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Why would they look it up? Their heroes don't worry about acuracy, why should they?