Hurtful Comments

Gonzo DFW's Avatar
The older you get, the more you have to admit it: there was a day, and it probably wasn't that long ago, you'd have hit that. Ergo, we hobby.
Rcoop361's Avatar
Damn it Introuble!

Does anyone have a neuralizer I can borrow? Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Oh come on Iaintliein, she does have a nice Smile, just make sure you do a review of her skills.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Oh come on Iaintliein, she does have a nice Smile, just make sure you do a review of her skills. Originally Posted by Rcoop361
I know, I'm just too used to the lovelies here. Gave up writing reviews when the old site went away. Hell, the few times I get out it's with ladies who have more reviews than a Chinese phone book has Chins.
Rcoop361's Avatar
I know, I'm just too used to the lovelies here. Gave up writing reviews when the old site went away. Hell, the few times I get out it's with ladies who have more reviews than a Chinese phone book has Chins. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Nice decline, but reviews have to start somewhere, LOL

Ok for those that have no clue how to comment on someone you would prefer not to see without being hurtful, you now have a example to work from.

But then you will always have those due to their upbringing that will always put their foot in their mouths when they speak, due to not thinking first.
berkleigh's Avatar
I've been reading a lot of comments from hobbyists in the Dallas forums about how ugly some providers are. I think its a safe assumption that most of the hobbyists on this site don't look anything close to Brad Pitt. I don't believe in calling a provider a 10 when she's a 3. But the insulting and hurtful comments must stop and stop now!!! If you don't find a provider attractive just don't say anything. Nobody likes to have their feelings hurt, providers included. Everytime a hobbyist posts an uncalled for unkind comment, someone needs to make a reply post calling their hand on it. If a spot light is turned on these rude unkind hobbyists they will stop. Originally Posted by Bannedito
It seems to be that when I voiced my opinion, I was blasted for being an inconsiderate, low class, immature, irate BITCH for doing so.
I wasnt trying to hurt feelings, but I was just honest and maybe too straight forward for some to deal with.

I believe there is a correct way to go about things in expressing your opinion and its doesnt need to be nasty or hurtful. I probably could have used better words that day to express myself, but I let the community get to me, followed by a bad day and I went off in a rant.

Ive said time and time again how this board has become very negative and dramatic. Its a shame that many choose to sit behind a key board and cyber-bully others!

Common Courtesy is something we could all be refreshed on!
Myself Included
Introuble's Avatar
If a spot light is turned on these rude unkind hobbyists they will stop. Originally Posted by Bannedito
I doubt it. I have to say, of all the years I have been doing reviews and reading reviews 99% are within acceptable guidelines. I would suggest to you that it is not the reviews that are the problem since most of that is (intended to be) out of site, but rather the OPEN discussions that display the rude and childlike behavior. I personally believe MOST reviews are not honest enough about the providers looks. To me, if the writer avoids the topic or candy coats it then the review is worthless. Leaving out details such as this is just as dishonest as lying about it. Providers know (or should know) what they are getting into and the ones who are honest to themselves about their looks do fine. Some providers who are not the best looking are the ones who take issue with this and throw the biggest fit about it by crying FOUL. Like I said, life is not fair and just because you have tits and a pussy does not mean you should be a provider. I take it as a personal challenge to gently suggest success or retirement through honest reviews. It is their choice to be in or out of the public's opinion.
Thuck Fat's Avatar

i have feelings.. if my husband says something hurts.. if my kids or family says something mean.. it hurts.. but men on a silly whore board? negative.. Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv

I think I just fell in luv with DeAnna Luv.

Well said baby!!
This is one reason why I am so careful about ALWAYS mentioning that I am on the heavy side. My photographer did an EXCELLENT job with angles (no photoshop, just clever angles).. so I have to be diligent when I explain that YES the pics are me, but I'm on the heavy side. If gents who normally see thin ladies contact me, I am always quick to remind them that I am a bigger girl.

I've never had anyone insult my looks. I'm an attractive female, albeit overweight. The only comments that have been made about me are always in regards to my weight and mommy belly-- and I'm ok with that. I'm not everyones cup-o-tea. I'm fine with that as well.

I carry myself well-- I have confidence in who I am. Random people in the universe aren't capable of bringing me down.
sixxbach's Avatar
I need to find out who some of you gals use for a photographer. I want to get a membership on one of the dating websites and want to use misleading pics too....

Iaintliein's Avatar
I need to find out who some of you gals use for a photographer. I want to get a membership on one of the dating websites and want to use misleading pics too....

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
As a long time shutterbug, I agree with December Love above, very little of the problem is photoshop, most of it is angles and lighting. Unless someone is really good and patient a photoshop fix is easy to spot.

On the other hand, if a certain part of a provider's anatomy is important to you and that part isn't clearly visible in her photo, go to plan B. As stated, photographers try to make their subject look their best, and ladies often dictate what can and can not be included. So, what you see is probably real, it's what you don't see that can be a surprise.

I do apologize for the snide remark about Introuble's post, certainly personality and skills can often make up for physical attributes.
Hardallnight's Avatar
Surely it isn't just me that likes an occasional unattractive woman? My desire changes frequently, I will see 2 or 3 white providers, then 2 or 3 Black, an Asian now and then a hispanic when I can find one. Each one varies in appearance but typically stay on the 7+ side but then there is the rare occasion that I just gotta have a 4 for no apparent reason other than to remind myself that there are women whose appearance is very much on scale with mine.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I've been reading a lot of comments from hobbyists in the Dallas forums about how ugly some providers are. I think its a safe assumption that most of the hobbyists on this site don't look anything close to Brad Pitt. I don't believe in calling a provider a 10 when she's a 3. But the insulting and hurtful comments must stop and stop now!!! If you don't find a provider attractive just don't say anything. Nobody likes to have their feelings hurt, providers included. Everytime a hobbyist posts an uncalled for unkind comment, someone needs to make a reply post calling their hand on it. If a spot light is turned on these rude unkind hobbyists they will stop. Originally Posted by Bannedito
Aren't you the same guy that suggests that all the gents complain about our prices and then you refer to us as "meat" ? I assume you consider this acceptable and possibly a term of endearment? post number 42

So, let me get this feel it's not okay for others to insult us one way, but perfectly okay for you to do it another way? Enlighten me...please.
Rcoop361's Avatar
Aren't you the same guy that suggests that all the gents complain about our prices and then you refer to us as "meat" ? I assume you consider this acceptable and possibly a term of endearment? post number 42

So, let me get this feel it's not okay for others to insult us one way, but perfectly okay for you to do it another way? Enlighten me...please. Originally Posted by M A X
Execellent catch, looks like a trophy winner!!!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Aren't you the same guy that suggests that all the gents complain about our prices and then you refer to us as "meat" ? I assume you consider this acceptable and possibly a term of endearment? post number 42

So, let me get this feel it's not okay for others to insult us one way, but perfectly okay for you to do it another way? Enlighten me...please. Originally Posted by M A X
That's funny. The OP is obviously a charmer with his bullshit; as this charming bastard refers to women as "meat." Are you bipolar? What's the matter with you?? You're definitely a classy guy by referring to women as "meat." Geez, what a load of bullshit by the OP......Yeah, other dudes are insulting but you and everyone else should keep haggling over prices with the "meat" so they keep their prices down???? AS LONG AS YOU DON'T INSULT THEM AND MAKE HURTFUL COMMENTS. You sound like a real fucking prince.

And I am sure these ladies love to be called "hookers." You really are a prince charming, so thanks for the thoughtful thread from the REAL you, it was very enlightening.

As Rcoop361 already stated, good catch Max.
TexRich's Avatar
Aren't you the same guy that suggests that all the gents complain about our prices and then you refer to us as "meat" ? I assume you consider this acceptable and possibly a term of endearment? post number 42

So, let me get this feel it's not okay for others to insult us one way, but perfectly okay for you to do it another way? Enlighten me...please. Originally Posted by M A X
oh snap! you got to love these hypocritical threads lately by mongers trying to tell other mongers what to do but forget to look in the mirror first.