Lola Bunz NC/NS

Thanks Allison. Truth is, nobody appreciates being treated like crap.

Old Dingus
Cheesecake7's Avatar
Just have to post this: I had no problem (see my recent review). Everything absolutely on time. She was nice and relaxed and I had a great time.
Just have to post this: I had no problem (see my recent review). Everything absolutely on time. She was nice and relaxed and I had a great time. Originally Posted by Cheesecake7
If you were attempting to help her out with this, I think you may have accidentally done her a huge disservice by dragging this hot mess out of cold storage.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Please tell me that's not Lola's other handle.

poppy71's Avatar
Why in hell would you bring this back to life. Your good time is good for you but trust me makes no difference. Damage is done, truth is out, and now let the new batch of ncns chime in.
jbravo_123's Avatar
I eagerly await the next wave of drama. Entertain me!
Dorian Gray's Avatar
....Entertain me! Originally Posted by jbravo_123
Please tell me that's not Lola's other handle.

SMMFH Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Well, if the number is:

then it is rude Lola Bunz.

Old Dingus